Holidays May 13
Day of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia
The holiday – the Day of the Black Sea Fleet – is celebrated annually in Russia
May 13 in memory of the creation of the Black Sea Fleet. Holiday established in
1996 It was on this day in 1783 several ships of the Azov
flotilla entered the Black Sea Akhtiar Bay. Event this
occurred two months after the annexation of the Crimea to Russia.
Soon on the shores of the bay began the construction of the city, which
subsequently became the main base of the Russian fleet, the name
The newly minted city was given Sevastopol. History of the Black Sea
The fleet contains many memorable pages in its “baggage”.
For example, in the middle of the nineteenth century by the efforts of admirals
Lazarev, Greig, Kornilov and Nakhimov, the Black Sea Fleet became
the best sailing fleet of all of Europe. During the Crimean War
naval squadron defeated the Turkish troops. Battle
this happened in the Bay of Sinop. As a result of it all the ships
the enemy were crushed. This battle was perhaps the most
major in the history of the sailing fleet. And during the years of the Great Patriotic
War, the Black Sea Fleet was assigned the responsibility of
cover and maintain the Primorsky Army Front. On
Today, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is
operational and strategic alliance on the Black Sea. is he
exercises military security of the Russian Federation in the south, having
in its composition surface ships, submarines, sea
rocket-carrying and fighter aircraft. In the ship composition
Black Sea Fleet enters about three thousand different ships
(linear, sailing, large rocket, small rocket, amphibious,
guard and many others), as well as boats, underwater,
gunboats, rescue and hydrographic boats.
May 13 in the national calendar
Jacob Warm
On May 13, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Most Holy James
Zebedee, which, according to the Holy Scripture (New Testament),
He was one of the apostles and was the brother of John the Theologian. Brothers
considered one of the closest disciples of the Savior Christ. Only them
and the apostle peter jesus witnessed his resurrection and
преображения.On Руси с Якова дня было принято прекращать всякое
matchmaking – the coming weeks were considered extremely unfavorable for
creating love relationships and marriage. Until now, the old can
to hear the old saying: “To marry in May is a sin to take, yes
all life toil. ” However, the proposal coming from the suitors
this period was not just sin, but unforgivable
an insult to the potential bride and her
parents. Also on this day, it was forbidden to go to distant and
dangerous road, not swimming before the start of the way to Voditsa from
March snow – this was specially reserved in March for
of a similar case. The peasants deeply believed that from Yakov’s day
all kinds of sores and diseases were awakening, to help protect them
only March water. She just washed for prevention.
Today closely watched the sunrise: if the sky with him
remained clean, so summer was foreseen clear, sunny. But
starry sky on the eve night or southern warm winds in the morning
testified to the unstable, but abundant summer harvest.
Historical events May 13
13 мая 1770 год — Произошла одна из самых
extreme for the country the marriage ceremony between the heir
of the French throne by Louis XVI and 14 years old Maria
Antoinette. The wedding ceremony would have gone as planned
if it were not clouded by two terrible incidents: in the midst
weddings courtiers, rushing to the wedding altar, knocked down and crushed
насмерть более ста швейцарских гвардейцев.13 мая 1871
год — Включение итальянским парламентом Ватикана в
The Italian kingdom and the deprivation of the pope of secular power
the publication of the relevant law at the disposal of the Vatican was
several papal states that had by the nineteenth century
about 16,000 square kilometers of land with the number of people in
four million people. Parliament passed a law
in spite of the Pope’s hostility towards him. This law
was called the guarantee and recognized the primacy of the Pope over
the universal church. The rules also provided for a complete
inviolability of his personality. As a residence, the Pope were
Palaces of Lateran, Vatican and Gandolfo Castle are set aside, and as a sign
compensation for the maintenance of curia he was offered three million
lire Pope rejected the newly introduced law, because not
recognized the Italian state. From the material compensation he
also refused, for, having accepted him, he would in fact legitimize his
new position. The head of the church made a statement that is
a prisoner of the Vatican. As a result, there was a split in the state,
because most Italians preached Catholicism.
13 мая 1836 год — Onчались строительные работы по
tab of the first railway route in the direction
Petersburg – Tsarskoye Selo – PavlovskIn April 1836 Nikolai
The first issued a decree on the construction of the first railway, and on May 13
the same year, construction work began on its foundation. These ways
became the country’s first public road.
Its construction took place under the strict gaze of an Austrian engineer.
F. Gerstner. The project was planned to be completed in five months,
however, the designers did not guess a bit with the deadlines (officially
Tsarskoye Selo railway was opened on November 11, 1837),
although more than three thousand people worked on it. In 1837 by
the railroad was launched the first train, which was itself
the emperor, as well as the engineer Gerstner. is he прошел заданный путь почти
in forty minutes.
Born on May 13
Лариса Рейснер (1895 — 1926 гг.) – участница
civil war, international revolutionary, Commissioner of the Red
fleet, an outstanding Soviet writer. Together with father Larissa
Mikhailovna was engaged in publishing the magazine “Rudin”, in which
The caustic truth of life and aesthetic poetry was examined and printed.
Having adopted the October Revolution, Reisner joined the party. Woman
died at the age of thirty from typhoid fever. She killed one
a glass of milk. After death, many recalled Reisner rather as
яркую личность, нежные как хорошую писательницу.Фридрих
Ermler (1898 — 1967 гг.) — Onродный артист СССР
of Latvian origin, four times awarded the Stalin Prize.
Member of the First World War, and then civil. Ermler
was a communist, a chekist, and also one of the best
filmmakers of the time. Even in the terrible war years he did not
ceased to cherish the dream of cinema. Вскоре Ermler стал его
a bright propaganda representative, putting the films “Counter”,
«Обломок империи», «Крестьяне», «Великий перелом» и «is heа защищает
родину».Стиви Уандер (родился в 1950 году) —
American composer, singer and producer. Wander was born blind,
but his mother always taught him that the boy did not despair and strove for
interesting and diverse life. Her efforts were not in vain, in
1963, Wander released his first album. Fame began with him
singer Today, Wander is also a fighter for black rights.
Name Day May 13
Name Day May 13 отмечают: Юта, Сергей, Максим,
Ignat, Yakov, Vasily, Peter, Nikita, Donat, Robert, Irina.
Alibek 02.08.2016 Alibek Gogichaev’s Birthday