March 28: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthdays of March 28th.

Mon, Mar 21, 2016


Holidays March 28

Foundation of the Bolshoi Theater

March 28, 1776 Empress Catherine the Great expressed
the permission of prince Peter Ursov to become the organizer of the theater
performances, masquerades and other concerts. The prince got actors
and set about building a building for performances. The first
the troupe’s team consisted of dancers, musicians, artists,
choreographer, only forty three people. Separate theater building
at that time there was no, so the performances were given in the extension of the house
Vorontsov. More than one will be held before the opening of this theater
a dozen years, but it was from this project that the birth occurred
The Bolshoi Theater, as our contemporaries know it.

Day of duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

March 28, Russia marks the day of the formation of the duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Employees on duty do not sit in ambush, do not participate in
chase and special operations to arrest criminals. But it is from their
correct and quick action, high professionalism, depends
speed of crime detection, timely detention
offenders, the health of the victims, and sometimes their lives. Each
a citizen, being in a difficult situation knows that it is always possible
contact the police by phone “02”. Getting anxious
message, which can be more than a dozen per day, on duty
should respond with lightning speed to the signal, and send the closest
outfit to the crime scene. Duty part in any department
Police is the hottest spot, or the number one post.

March 28 in the national calendar

March 28, the Orthodox Church commemorates the holy martyrs
Agapia, Alexandra, Nikandra.Agapii, and with him seven more
Christians were sentenced to martyrdom for being
holiday time refused to offer sacrifice to pagan idols.
The action took place in Caesarea of ​​Palestine in the year 300 during the
reign of emperor diocletian. Thekla and Agapia are thrown on
being torn apart by beasts, the rest of the Christians were burned alive. Nikandr
He was martyred in Egypt, also under the emperor
Diocletians in the year 302. He was a doctor during the persecution of Christians
visited them in dungeons, brought food, provided medical assistance
after suffering torture, he secretly buried the dead. This has become
known to Diocletian. Nikandrа схватили, подвергли истязаниям.
Then he was skinned and skinned and beheaded. In folk
The calendar March 28 is marked as Alexandrov day.

If seagulls flew at Alexander, it promised an offensive
heat and the beginning of ice drift. If on this day the seagulls bathed in water,
soon expecting inclement weather.

Livestock began to molt. He was taken out to the courtyard,
cleaned the wool and spoke from damage and the evil eye. March 28 to
the national calendar was revered as the day of “forest trekking”. Forest was
for peasants breadwinner: provided berries, mushrooms, medicinal
herbs, game. Therefore, on this day spoke about the forest with a special
respect, for the gifts they thanked the Forest Brownie, and also read
conspiracy not to lie in the woods, and always find the right one
the road.

Historical events of March 28

March 28 37года Калигула стал императором
Rome. The years of rule of this emperor are marked by a policy of terror,
the destruction of the established traditions of the dynasties and the state. Sought to
to unlimited power, distinguished by rigidity, vanity. Him
favorite expression was: “Let them hate, if only they were afraid.” So
he was not always. Atrocities he began to create after an illness
which knocked him down at the end of ’37. He was on the verge
death but survived. The disease struck his brain, which left an imprint
on his further behavior. Killed by conspirators January 24, 41 years old.
March 28, 1797 in the United States was patented first
washing machine. The patent for the invention was received by an American
Nathaniel Briggs. Although his washing machine was strikingly different
from modern, and more like an ordinary washboard, but
even she made the work of the housewives of that time much easier.
Only almost fifty years later, an improved version was invented.
washing machine that was the prototype of the modern
mechanism. She had a drum that was set in motion.
manually. March 28, 1837 city ​​education
Chicago. It was the third city by population, after
Los Angeles and New York, which was officially registered in
США March 28, 1837 In 1840 it has been about four
thousand people (against 350 inhabitants in 1933). Today it is
multi-million metropolis, one of the largest transport in the US
узлов, центров торговли и промышленности.March 28
there appeared the first female in Russia
gymnasium. Mariinsky female gymnasium, opened in 1857 in
Petersburg, allowed to get a good education girls of different
estates. The best students were invited to teach
teachers. Tuition was low, because mostly
funding was provided from the Empress Maria Foundation. After
the opening of the women’s gymnasium in St. Petersburg, educational institutions for
girls began to appear in other cities of the country. March 28
1930 г.
Константинополь переименован в Istanbul.March 28
1930 Turkey’s first president, Ataturk, issued a decree, according to
whose city of Constantinople was given the Turkish name –
Istanbul. Other cities having
Greek roots: Angora became Ankara, Smyrna – Izmir,
Adrianople – Edirne. Letters and other mail from
name “Constantinople”, sent back, with a note,
that there is no such city.

March 28 родились:

Рафаэль (28/03/1483 — 06/04/1520), итальянский
painter. Brilliant Italian painter, architect,
the schedule, Rafaelo Santi, lived and worked in the Renaissance. He was
student of the famous Pietro Perugino, but for later work
Raphael left an imprint on the influence of creative artists such as
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, from whom he adopted the technique
pattern. Brushes of Raphael belong such famous works as
�”Sistine Madonna”, “Three Graces”, “Holy Family”, “Triumph
Галатеи», «Коронование Марии» и многие другие.Максим
(28/03/1868 — 18/06/1936), русский писатель,
dramatist. Maxim Gorky (nee Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov),
being a “proletarian” writer, in his works he described
the lives of ordinary people, their struggle for independence, the desire for
the triumph of justice, freedom, equality. Gorky’s Peru
many essays, short stories, novels belong – “The Old Woman Izergil”,
�“Mother”, “At the bottom”, “Song of the Petrel”, “Makar Chudra” and
другие.Леди Гага (род.1986г.), популярная
American singer. Talented girl from Italian family
emigrants in four years played the piano. The makings of
voiced singer showed up with Stephanie (real name) very
early in childhood her favorite pastime was to tape
hits of the time in their own performance. Lady Gaga – singer
very versatile: performing disco, pop,
танцевальной музыки, глэм-рока, R&B, электро. In addition to singing
and dancing, showed herself as a talented fashion designer, she herself
designs stage costumes. Outrageous singer for her
short career has received many awards and won many

Именины March 28:

Thekla.Alexander, Agapiy, Alexey, Dionisy (Denis), Michael,

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