March 25: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthdays on March 25th.

Mon, Mar 21, 2016


Holidays March 25

Day of cultural workers

Since 2008, every year on March 25, Russia celebrates the Day of Workers
culture. A similar holiday existed before, only
the celebration was frantic in different regions was
selected its date. In addition, separately existed
professional holidays – Museum Day, Theater Day, Printing Day and
dr. With the initiative of establishing a single professional holiday
for cultural workers throughout the country, delivered a speech in 2007
Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Sokolov, and
He offered to celebrate the celebration of March 25th. Under category
workers celebrating this date fall professionals working
in the field of art, culture, cinema, tourism, sports,
employees of museums, libraries, printing houses.

Day of Security Service in Ukraine

Since March 25, 2001 Ukraine celebrates a professional holiday
Security Service employees who are very involved
responsible business. The most important activities
intelligence workers are considered not only intelligence or
counterintelligence, but also the fight against terrorism, illegal emigration,
drug business. For successful operations, has been established
work with Interpol and foreign colleagues, in particular,
Russian law enforcement agencies. Service Specialists
security counteract the plundering on a large scale
state property, unlawful use
budget funds carry out counter-intelligence activities
in the external economic, banking system, privatization.

March 25 in the national calendar

The Orthodox Church on March 25 honors the memory of Saints Theophanes and
Gregory. The Monk Theophanes the Confessor founded his life
several monasteries, spent all his time in works and prayers.
In his youth, Theophanes received a good education and made a successful
career official. After meeting Elder Gregory the Stragism,
took the monastic dignity. St. Gregory Dvoeslov, which means
interlocutor, came from an old family. On the proceeds
from the inheritance, built several monasteries. By accepting
monastic dignity, was engaged in the translation of the holy books. In honor of the saints,
March 25 was called the people Gregory or Feofanov day. Noticed
if this day is foggy in the morning – to a rich harvest of flax and
cannabis. On Theophanes especially took care of horses, because was considered if 25
March, the horse gets sick, it will be sick all summer. This meant that
I don’t have to wait for help from her. Grigory started planting seeds
radish. Hearing the singing of the swallows on Theophan, it was necessary to wash
milk, then the skin promised to be clean and white.

Historical events of March 25

March 25, 421g. founded the city of venice.

March 25th celebrates its next Italian birthday
Venice. According to legend, in 421g., Fleeing from foreign invaders,
residents of the neighboring shores, found salvation in multiple sites
sushi shallow lagoon. Venice is one of the few modern
cities, which retained its medieval appearance. It is located on
118 small islands that are connected by 160 water channels.
March 25, 1841 in Greece began anti-Turkish
Uprising. It was on this day, in 1841. addressed to fellow citizens
Metropolitan Herman Patra. He called on the Greeks to unite in the struggle
against the Ottoman yoke and raised the banner of the revolution. March 25
1841 coincided with the Annunciation that the metropolitan considered it a good
sign. It took eight years to Turkey, after
long and bloody wars, recognized independence
Greece In this fight, the Greeks won, losing in battles around
50 thousand of his soldiers. Since 1838 и по сей день March 25 отмечается в
Greece as a national holiday – its Independence Day
страны.March 25 1961г. Launched in the USSR
The fifth ship of the satellite. It was a dress rehearsal.
before sending the first man into space. On board the satellite
there was a dog Asterisk, the place of the astronaut was occupied by a human
dummy. The flight was successful, after performing the installed
programs, the ship with an asterisk returned to Earth, dummy
safely catapulted. On the occasion of the launch
ship conference, all the laurels of glory gathered asterisk. On
Gagarin, who was sitting in the first row, no one paid attention.
March 25 1986г. off the coast of Alaska flew on the reefs
Exxon Valdez tanker.

The tragedy occurred at night, in the bay of Prince William, when in
pitch darkness, the oil tanker flew at speed on the reefs near
Alaska’s southern coast. Through huge holes in the sea poured out
a significant amount of oil, turning in a flash crystal
clean water in a dirty oily mash. It was the largest
environmental catastrophe in the history of the United States caused the environment
colossal damage. Fully restore the environment
did not help even the impressive monetary compensation received from
oil company.

March 25 родились:

Элтон Джон (род. 1947г.), английский singer,
composer, pianist. John Elton first sat down at the piano at four
at the age of five, he began studying at the Royal Conservatory, and
eleven won a scholarship there. Elton John’s popularity grew
swiftly. He performed both soulful ballads and fatal
compositions where the elements of church chants were masterfully intertwined.
His work left an imprint on the formation of the world
popular music. During his solo career he sold about 250
millions of records. Known as a generous philanthropist who donated
total, about a billion dollars to charity.
Борис Бурда (род. 1950г.), российский и украинский
popular TV host, erudite, bard, cook, showman. Burdu can
called lucky: when God gave people talents, Boris
Oskarovich fell under the generous distribution. For whatever he took, everywhere
achieved success. At school he was a gold medalist, at the institute –
Krasnodar diplomat, the transfer of “What? Where? When? ”- the best player. BUT
from each of his culinary show, thanks to the sparkling feeling
humor, personal charm and charisma, Boris Burde manages to make
exciting spectacle. This man is naughty and young.
на расстоянии способен зарядить людей своим оптимизмом.Ефим
(род. 1956г.), советский, российский юморист,
actor. Efim Shifrin – a popular actor of a colloquial genre of the Russian
pop, master of humorous monologues. Since 1990 leads active
creative activity: plays in drama performances,
performs romances, writes books, is the head of “Shifrin
theater. ” Владимир Кличко (род. March 25 1976г.),
украинский боксер-профессионал.March 25 отмечает день рождения
famous heavyweight boxer Vladimir Klitschko. For a sporting career
He received many titles and awards. One of the most memorable –
Olympic gold medal, which Klitschko won in 1996,
after winning the finals of a boxer from Tongo Paea Wolfgramm. Thus, becoming
the first light-skinned boxer in the Games to win this title in
heavyweight champion. После Олимпиады в BUTтланте, Владимир перешел в
professional sport. Of the 59 battles won by him, which took place in
professional fights, 51 he managed to complete the knockout.

Именины March 25:

BUTлександр, Иван, Владимир, Дмитрий, Сергей, Григорий, Семен,

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