Holidays March 2
Victory Day in the battle of Adua
March 2 Ethiopia at the state level marks the annual
holiday – the day of victory in the battle of Adua. In history
of colonial slavery, Ethiopia was never able to break, although
it was repeatedly attacked by many states. So in 1872
Volitional Ethiopia attracted Italy. Capturing the port of Assab, the Italians
rushed to the city of Massawa, and in 1885 they managed to get it to
hands Four years later between the two countries was signed
the treaty under which Ethiopia was the protector of Italy.
However, in 1895, the Ethiopians joined forces and decided to give
repulse invaders who have suffered a crushing defeat. AT
1896, March 2, Ethiopia was officially recognized as independent
country. In addition, after the victory over the Italians was formed
anti-colonial movement.
Beginning of the Baha’i Fast
The Bahá’ís are one of the religions of revelation, having their own
Holy Bible. The origin of the Bahá’í faith occurred in the 19th century,
thanks to the founder Bahá’u’lláh, and now she unites
over five million followers. The meaning of the teaching is
unity with God, unity of religions and humanity. Scripture says,
that there is only one religion on earth – this is faith in God.
Religions are like pyramids, have many sides, but one
apex, a single point from which all parties originate, and this point
– there is a god. No matter which side of the pyramid climbs
mankind, because in any case it will reach its cherished goal – that
most single top.
Like all deeply religious people, followers of Bahá’í
observe the fast coming into effect on March 2 and lasting until 20
Martha. It consists in abstinence from food from sunrise
before sunset It is also forbidden to drink and smoke. On
the composition of the food is no prohibition imposed – after sunset
You can eat anything, but in moderation. purpose
the post of the Bahá’í – purification of the spirit, mind and body, meditation on life and
its true values. Pregnant women, weak old people and children
from the post are exempt.
March 2 in the national calendar
Tyrone da Maremyana Day
On March 2, the people commemorate two saints – the righteous Maremyana and
Theodore of Tyrone.
According to legend, Saint Theodore did not immediately justify his title,
first, it was dominated by such traits as cruelty and
penchant for tyranny (after all, it was not without reason that he was called Theodore Tyrone).
But, having changed his mind in time, the young man changed his views and began to defend
weak and weak people. What drove him to dramatic changes
– it is not known for sure, there are several versions to this effect. On
Russian people believed that the holy martyr Theodore helps to find
stolen things thanks to prayers and a special rite that
carried out on March 2 to find out the name of the thief.
Righteous old Maremyana entrenched in the imagination of the people as
skinny old lady of short stature. Some considered her a wife
Leshey or Domov, however, it was Saint Maremyan who was treated with
request to protect the house from the misfortune of Kikimora and other evil spirits.
According to her ancestors, Kikimora harmed needlewomen most of all,
weavers and pryakham, entangling them with rags and unwinding balls. 2nd of March
women read a spell that scares Kikimora.
Maremyanin day was also considered very successful for the divination.
Unmarried girls gathered and wondered for the future marriage.
Looking at the falling star in the sky was extremely undesirable,
since it foreshadowed a serious illness for the ripening. On Феодора да
Maremyan watched the weather, making conclusions about the coming summer.
WITHчиталось, если погода 2nd of March стоит ясная, значит и лето будет
the same – clear and fruitful.
Исторические события 2nd of March
2nd of March 1791 год — внедрение новой системы
communication in france
Semaphore – so called a new kind of communication. He represented
device for giving permissive and prohibitive signals to trains
(recall that the first trains were designed at the turn of 17 and 18
2nd of March 1779 год — создание прообраза
An important invention was reported by the newspaper “St. Petersburg
statements. Also in the source it was stated that the useful creation
belongs to the Nizhny Novgorod self-taught mechanic named Ivan Kulibin,
which on the eve demonstrated its miracle device “in the whole
beauty. ” Later, mirror-image lights began to be used.
for domestic and military purposes.
2nd of March 1824 год — публикация первой главы
�”Eugene Onegin”
The book, with a circulation of 2,500 copies, was printed by one of
Petersburg printing houses. AT первые же недели, несмотря на довольно
decent price, scattered over 700 copies. Pushkin
loved, respected, his name sounded on everyone’s lips. Full publication
романа �”Eugene Onegin” осуществилась через девять лет после выхода
first chapter. By the way, on the same day of 1831 the wedding took place
Александра WITHергеевича с Onтальей Гончаровой.
2nd of March 1949 год — завершение первого
nonstop flight around the earth
WITHамолет «Лаки Лэйди» (AT-50 Superfortress) облетел весь terrestrial
ball for 94 hours. The crew of thirteen people adequately coped with
difficult test, and the tanker plane had to try
doubly – during the entire flight he had to refuel “Lucky
Ladyy as much as four times.
2nd of March 1983 год — демонстрация первого
компакт-диска в ATеликобритании
The first discs resembled music boxes in principle.
AT них использовался цилиндр, а после — и сам диск. ATращаясь вокруг
devices, the disc reproduced the sound
information. However, such a device could not transmit to the listener
the most important thing is the human voice. The solution to this difficult
The tasks were taken by the American Thomas Edison, who gave the world
phonograph. The principle of operation of the phonograph was to transmit sound
human voice vibrations.
2nd of March родились
Евгений Баратынский (1800-1844 гг.) —
outstanding Russian poet of the first half of the 19th century. His last
The Twilight collection of poems, released in 1842, was dedicated to
князю ATяземскому. However, critics of the time perceived publication
as an insult to science and enlightenment. Thin and sensitive soul
Poet suffered a serious blow from the public, from
whom he could not recover until the end of his life.
ATячеслав Зайцев (родился в 1938 г.) — известный
Russian artist-designer, graphic artist and painter, laureate
state award. Since 2007 is a full member
Константин Ушинский (1824-1871 гг.) —
outstanding teacher, founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia. WITH
graduated from law school. It is a brilliant lecture
philosopher Redkin urged Ushinsky to make the final choice in
side of pedagogy.
ATасилий Зверев (1878-1929 гг.) — епископ
Russian church. Services Zvereva collected a huge amount
believers. For them, the bishop became a real authority, to which the authorities
could not just close their eyes. За «народную любовь» ATасилий Зверев
paid off in full – he was repeatedly arrested and
to the court.
Ия WITHаввина (1936-2011 гг.) — актриса театра и
кино, лауреат Государственной премии, народная артистка WITHWITHWITHР.
Именины 2nd of March
Именинниками 2nd of March являются обладатели следующих имен: Карл,
Mary, Marianne, Mina, Nikolay, Mikhail, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor,
Theodore, Agnes, Paul, Pulcheria.