Maggi diet (reviews and results)

Диета Магги

  • one The effectiveness of the diet “Maggie” for weight loss
    • Power Rules
    • one.2 Products that can and cannot be consumed
  • 2 Menus and diet for 4 weeks
    • Egg Diet – Detailed Menu
    • 2.2 Feature of the Maggi curd diet
  • 3 Useful weight loss recipes
  • 4 What could be the results?

Many argue that eggs are high-calorie foods,
the use of which provokes weight gain and the appearance of cellulite.
But today, this confusion goes into the background.
Recently, the proven Maggi Egg Diet is gaining
momentum, daily proving its effectiveness and

What is the secret of this diet and what is its focus, consider
later in the article.


The effectiveness of the diet “Maggi” for weight loss

Эффективность диеты МаггиЭффективность диеты Магги

The “Maggi” diet is a weight loss based on
includes eggs. That is why its second name is
«яичная». Slimming is consumption oriented.
special foods that run in the body
useful for slimming and digestion biochemical processes.

As a result of eating a special set of products
происходит ускоренный метаболизм, естественный процесс
сжигания жировых отложений
, а также максимальный вывод
toxic substances from the body.

Эффективная диета �”Maggi” позволяет сбросить one0-20 кг за
месячный курс
. The most important thing in this diet is compliance.
all menu rules. Slimming different strict menu and mode
power supply. To achieve the cherished goal of weight loss is needed
careful work on yourself and the lack of laziness.

Power Rules

Яичная диета МаггиЯичная диета Магги

Диета �”Maggi” может быть двух видов: яичной или
. The presence of two types of diets allows you to choose
convenient and best option for the next 4 weeks.

So, instilled nutrition diet “Maggi” – losing weight

  1. food intake – 3 times a day;
  2. need to drink plenty of fluids – 2 liters per day;
  3. cottage cheese diet is the alternation of eggs and cottage cheese
  4. the use of oils and seasonings during the prohibited;
  5. physical activity is necessary (sports, swimming, without,
    physical exercise)
  6. portions during weight loss should be small;
  7. 2.5 hours before bedtime, food intake is not allowed.

Products that can and cannot be consumed

Продукты диеты МаггиПродукты диеты Магги

The “Maggi” diet includes the use of beneficial to
slimming and health products. Slimming by the method of “Maggi”
based on proper nutrition. Products that are not
mentioned in the menu, can not be used.

So, the products that are allowed for

  • Vegetables / Greens;

You can eat any vegetables. They can boil, bake,
eat raw, stew. But do not use frying and butter!

  • Fruits;

The menu should contain grapefruit, oranges, apples,
kiwi). You can eat them as vegetables, in any form.

  • Fish, seafood (low-fat varieties);
  • Rye / whole grain bread (not more than 30 g in
  • Meat (lean, boiled, baked);
  • Bird, eggs (meat to eat without skin);
  • Seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic);
  • Drink (tea and coffee without sugar).

Products that are prohibited during diet

  • Canned food;
  • Roast;
  • Sweet;
  • Potatoes, legumes, mushrooms;
  • Oil, fats;
  • Alcohol;
  • Fruits (avocado, banana, grapes, figs, mango).

In order that the egg weight by the method of “Maggi” was
productive and had a positive effect, you need not
deviate from the use of exactly the above species
products. The menu should contain useful, environmentally friendly.
clean vegetables and fruits.

Menu and diet for 4 weeks

Меню на 4 недели МаггиМеню на 4 недели Магги

Диета �”Maggi” ориентирована на результат.
�”Fast” diets can reduce fat mass, but minus them
is that the weight returns after a while

Slimming by the method of “Maggi” полезна, доступна и эффективна.
The diet and menu are carefully thought out.

Developed on a 4 week course, the “Maggi” diet for weight loss
allows you to calculate the diet and menu so that
eliminate subsequent weight gain.

Many do not withstand the daily eating of eggs, respectively
diet menu can be enriched with cottage cheese products. For this and
Two versions of the Maggi diet were created.

Egg Diet – Detailed Menu

Первая неделя slimming:

Яичная диета - подробное менюЯичная диета - подробное меню

На завтрак в течение one курса употреблять: одно
or two eggs, grapefruit / orange. Of vegetables during the diet “Maggi”
prohibited: potatoes, rice, beans, corn.

Lunch and breakfast menu:


  • Lunch break – consuming one fruit of the above
    in any quantity;
  • Dinner – not fatty cooked meat + salad;


  • Low-fat cooked chicken;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, vegetable salad, one orange;


  • Toast with tomato, low-fat cottage cheese is allowed;
  • Green salad leaves, low-fat meat dish;


  • Use of one type of fruit;
  • Green salad leaves, not fatty cooked meat;


  • 2 eggs, boiled green vegetables;
  • Green lettuce leaves, one grapefruit, one50-200 g low-fat


  • Use one fruit of the above;
  • Green salad leaves. Steamed low fat

The sun

  • Low-fat chicken meat, boiled vegetables, one grapefruit;
  • Steamed vegetables;

Second week – all day menu:

Яичная диета списокЯичная диета список


  • Green salad leaves, meat without fat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • one grapefruit;


  • CP�лат зеленый, мясные продукты в отваренном виде;
  • one-2 яйца, овощи;
  • one апельсин;


  • Cucumber, boiled pork or beef without fat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • one грейпфрут.


  • 2 eggs, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese can be 0%;
  • baked vegetables;
  • 2 boiled egg products


  • Steamed fish;
  • Omelet with vegetables;


  • CP�инина или говядина запеченные;
  • Овощи сырые и one апельсин;
  • Fruits;

The sun

  • Curd toast;
  • Куриная грудка и one помидор — one штука, one апельсин
  • Dinner is similar to dinner + vegetables

Products 3 and 4 weeks are indicated by day. They need
distribute independently. Meal should be at 4-5

The third week – the menu for the whole

Третья неделя МаггиТретья неделя Магги


  • All day any fruit in any quantity except


  • Boiled vegetables. Allowed to use salads from vegetables.


  • Употребляем one вид фруктов в течение всего дня.


  • Eat fish steamed and boiled vegetables.


  • Steamed meat and a portion of vegetables.

CP� — The sun

  • Употребляем one вид фруктов.

Slimming by the method of “Maggi” предполагает разделение пищи на
4-5 receptions, with an interval of 2 hours.

Fourth week – food is consumed during
all day:

Четвертая неделя МаггиЧетвертая неделя Магги


  • one50-200 г мяса отварного или жареного;
  • allowed tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • tuna without oil up to 6 g fat;
  • one апельсин;
  • whole grain bread – 30 g.


  • one50-200 г жареного/вареного мяса;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes (2-3 pieces);
  • one тост;
  • fruit to choose from;


  • one ложка творога (обезжиренного);
  • small portion of boiled vegetables;
  • one тост;
  • one апельсин/grapefruit;


  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • salad (tomatoes, carrots, peppers) without dressing;
  • one апельсин/grapefruit;


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • salad without dressing;
  • one апельсин/grapefruit;


  • грудка вареная (2 части на весь day);
  • обезжиренный творог — one20 г;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers (2-3 pieces);
  • one апельсин/grapefruit;

The sun

  • one л творога;
  • tuna without oil;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers (2-3 pieces);
  • one апельсин/grapefruit;

Feature of the Maggi curd diet

Творожная диета МаггиТворожная диета Магги

Творожная диета �”Maggi” — это своего рода
An alternative to egg feeding. If a person for some
considerations can not sit on an egg diet, a great substitute for
this case will become curd.

Творожная диета �”Maggi” также содержит меню на 4
of the week.
Diet is almost the same. AT
the period of losing weight requires the use of low-fat cottage cheese.

Диетическое меню, основанного на твороге, точно
the same as described for the egg variant. Just need eggs
replace with cottage cheese.

Завтрак творожного меню для похудения не особо
varied: daily, for 2 weeks, you need to eat
разрешенные фрукты и примерно one60-200 грамм творога.

Products 3 and 4 weeks are described in the article not by meal, but by the day.
They need distribute independently. Use
food is divided into 4 doses.

Useful recipes for weight loss

Рецепты МаггиРецепты Магги

Slimming by the method of “Maggi” может быть дополнено целой
gallery of delicious, healthy recipes. This weight loss allows
cooking in fried, boiled and stewed variant. ATажно не
forget that butter is strictly prohibited. But the lack of this
ingredient on the menu does not reduce the taste of cooked

Chicken Muffins Recipe

Chicken Muffins RecipeChicken Muffins Recipe
«Куриные маффины»
  1. Отвариваем куриную грудинку.
  2. CP�ешиваем нашинкованным луком, добавляем белок и перец.
  3. ATсе это перемешиваем, солим.
  4. Next, lay out in the form for baking.
  5. ATыпекаем мин 20 минут. Температура — one80 градусов.

Stuffed eggs for weight loss

Stuffed eggs for weight lossStuffed eggs for weight loss
Фаршированные яйца
  1. ATарим яйца.
  2. Cooling clean.
  3. ATынимаем желтки.
  4. Take oranges and grind them with a blender.
  5. After that, the yolk is mixed with citrus gruel and

Protein Casserole with Orange

Protein Casserole with OrangeProtein Casserole with Orange
Protein Casserole with Orange
  1. Берем 2 белка и взбиваем их с щепоткой корицы.
  2. Далее, берем one апельсин и режим его кубиками.
  3. ATсе это необходимо залить яйцом.
  4. Bake it all in the microwave until full.

Chicken rolls for weight loss by the method

Chicken rolls for weight loss by the method Chicken rolls for weight loss by the method
Куриные рулетики
  1. Берем куриную грудку, режим кусочками от отбиваем каждый.
  2. CP�лим, добавляем специи.
  3. Next, add the garlic.
  4. Roll in the middle of a slice of tomatoes and a slice of red
  5. Sprinkle with herbs, wrapped in a roll.
  6. Bake about 20 minutes.

Яичное похудение по методике �”Maggi” помогает разнообразить меню
and a diet of healthy recipes. Since the basis of egg slimming
�”Maggi” входит немалый процент полезных продуктов, позволяющий
Enrich the egg and cottage cheese menu.

What could be the results?

Диета �”Maggi” с каждым разом становится все популярнее.
Правильно продуманный рацион и меню методики �”Maggi”, нацелены не
not only on weight loss, but also on improving health, enrichment
body essential trace elements.

Slimming by the method of “Maggi”, благодаря хорошим отзывам и
results, won the confidence of losing weight.

This weight loss not only leads to weight loss and weight loss,
This technique allows you to normalize food and improve performance.
human digestive system.

Итак, результаты зарекомендовавшей себя диеты �”Maggi” —
Photo “before” and “after.”

Магги до и послеМагги до и после Диета Магги до и послеДиета Магги до и после Диета Магги результатыДиета Магги результатыДиета Магги результаты до и послеДиета Магги результаты до и послеДиета Магги ФотоДиета Магги Фото

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