Lilies – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Mon, Mar 07, 2016

Род Лилий (Lilium) из семейства Лилейные
has more than 110 species that are distributed mainly
in Europe and Asia. Adorable flower lily owes its name
the ancient Greek word “li-li”, which translates literally as
“white-white”. It is a perennial bulbous plant with
flowers, having the most diverse shape and color, which
may be white, yellow, orange, pink, red, etc. Many
Lilies have a very pleasant aroma.

The beauty of these colors, their grace and perfection of forms, as well as
resistance to various diseases and a large growing season
determined their immense popularity among gardeners. Today
There are up to 30 types of lilies that can be grown in gardens. AT
mostly they require careful shelter for the winter for example
Japanese lily (Lilium lancifolium) or golden lily (Lilium
auratum), which hails from Japan and Korea; Nepalese
giant lily (lilium giganteum) is even more
sensitive. Therefore, in our climatic conditions are grown
mainly ordinary white lily (Lilium candidum),
lukovitsenosnuyu (Lilium bulbiferum), tiger (Lilium tigrinum) and


Lilies – growing and care

Lilies grow well on light, slightly sandy ground.
Since they are perennial plants and grow on one
place up to 5 years, the land for planting bulbs should be prepared
early. AT тяжелую почву следует внести торф, перегной и
sand. However, it must be remembered that with an excess of organic
fertilizer begins to grow heavily aboveground part of the damage
formation of strong healthy bulbs, winter hardiness decreases and
resistance to disease, reduced flowering.

Soil fertilizer usually coincides with the main
preplant treatment. Under plowing or digging are made
organic and mineral fertilizers. Average nutritional
Soils need to make about 100 grams of mixture per 1 square. m

The soil for planting should have good air permeability.
as these flowers do not tolerate stagnant water. However,
prolonged drought can also destroy them, so in dry weather
lilies need to be watered. This should be done not often, but plentifully, and when
make sure that the water gets only at the root.

Lilies need sunlight, but from direct gusts of wind
they should be kept to thin stalks of adult lilies that reach
meters tall, not broken. When they finish flowering, their
stems should be cut at a height of approximately 10 cm from the ground.
In the fall, when cold weather sets in, flowers should be prepared for
hibernation, piling on the place of their growth more dry

Лилии – пересадка и breeding

Usually lilies can grow in one place without replanting for up to 5 years,
forming nests of bulbs of different ages and sizes.
Transplanting lilies to a new place should occur after a period
vegetation, when the bulbs are already strong after flowering, then
there, from about mid-September to early October.

The most common breeding method for lilies is
vegetative. Usually for breeding lilies use kids
bulbs, which are formed inside the old bulbs. AT августе их
separated from the parent plant during transplantation and planted on

Также лилию могут размножать делениеm For this after the end
flowering, when the stem is already yellow, cut off one by one
scaly leaves forming the bulb, so that when
each scales remained a piece of onion Donets. This scale is planted
in the ground and provide constant moisture, then it is inflated
buds (small onions), suitable for reproduction.

Another lily can be propagated by seed, however, this method is very
complex and mainly used in professional
horticulture, for breeding new varieties.

Lilies – diseases and pests

When growing lilies, you can make some mistakes that
can cause plant disease.

For example, if there is an excess of moisture, bulbs may rot, and
the plant may even die, so when planting should be avoided
lowland sites or take care of good drainage.

When the soil overheats, especially in open spaces,
the bulb can disrupt the flow of biological processes,
therefore, soil mulching with light materials should be carried out.
(sawdust, straw, etc.).

Overfeeding a plant with fertilizer can inhibit their growth and
development, therefore, they can only be made in established

Lilies can also become sick with gray rot, which affects their
stained the whole plant. To combat it, the lily must be sprayed.
special solutions of fungicides.

The plant may be affected by fusarial basal bulb rot,
which can be recognized by continuous yellowing of the leaves below. AT этом
If damaged, the bulbs should be destroyed and
to carry out the treatment of healthy bulbs suspension of fundozol.

Of the pests most dangerous for lilies are bulbous root
tick that becomes cause bulbs rotting. To
to prevent its occurrence, it is also necessary to pickle when planting
bulbs with a solution of fungicide (acrex or Celtan).

Also lily can be damaged by aphids, which affects the external
view of the tops of the shoots and young leaves and slows the growth of the plant. AT
In order to prevent, the plant should be sprayed with karbofos solution.
or actelica.

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