Lavender: the cultivation of fragrant and healingplants on the dacha. All about growing lavender: sowing, care,pests

Ср, 02 мар 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Лаванда – южный полукустарник, в диком виде
growing on the mountain slopes of the Mediterranean.

However, it is quite easy to grow in the summer cottage, because she
unpretentious and has undoubted advantages: in addition to the flower
благоухания вы сможете использовать ее как натуральное
, косметический ингредиент и пряность.


Lavender: growing. Selection of planting material, seeds

The seeds of lavender ripen in September, so acquire them
better in the fall. Their germination (when stored in paper bags when
temperature + 12-18ºС) lasts a long time. After 2 years of storage
before sowing, they need stratification.

When buying seedlings or delenok pay attention to the external
plant species and its root system: they must be healthy, without
signs of pest damage. Also when choosing a landing
material should be guided by the climatic conditions of their

What sort of lavender to choose for growing?

More than 20 types of lavender are known. They differ in coloring
flowers, height of a bush, form of inflorescences. Of these, the most

Лаванда широколистная (французская)
shrub up to 130 cm with wide leaves. Differs strong
aroma. On the stem grow up to 3 inflorescences at the same time. Color
the palette of inflorescences is wide: shades of mauve, blue, pink,
burgundy, white. Not hardy (tolerates frost only up to
-15ºС). In Russia, in the open ground is not cultivated, grow
can only be in the vases, in the winter they need to bring in cool
room with + 5-10ºС.

Лаванда зубчатая — компактный теплолюбивый
semishrub up to 30 cm high. Grows mainly in southern latitudes.
In temperate climates, this species is grown as a pot plant. This
lavender is very decorative: carved silvery leaves, inflorescences
large, their colors – all shades of purple.

Лаванда узколистная. She’s medicinal,
English, evergreen, real. Represents branched
semi-shrub with peduncles up to 1 m high. Blossoms in June-July
tassels of small flowers.

Narrow-leaved lavender as the most cold-resistant (withstands cold
to -25ºС) it is suitable for cultivation in our country. In this species
Many varieties are bred, which are divided into dwarfs (bush height
15-45 cm), medium tall (45-60 cm) and tall (more than 60 cm).
For the middle band are most suitable Munstread, Hidcote, Royal
Blue, Felice, Alba. Of zoned varieties recommended
Benetazo, Voznesenskaya 34, Yuzhanka, Lublin Semko. In the south
regions other than the above varieties, you can grow these:
Record, Isis, Steppe, Early, V-34, Sinev, Krymchanka.

In the northern regions in the open ground lavender is not grown. Her
can be planted in tubs or pots that are offensive
cooling can be brought to the shelter.

Lavender: growing. Sowing and planting

Place for growing lavender should be chosen immediately, because it
poorly tolerated transplant. It can also grow on a constant
place over 20 years. Lavender in the wild grows on the rocks
the slopes of the mountains on poor stony soils. The same conditions are necessary
provide her on your site. Better choose for her
sunny place on the south or southwest side
. In the shade of lavender will not be abundant flowering.
Lowlands and flooded areas are also not suitable for cultivation.
lavender. If a suitable site cannot be found, then lavender
put on beds 40 cm high, arranging previously on this
place drainage of rubble or expanded clay.

Soil lavender prefers moderately stony or sandy, without
water stagnation, weakly alkaline or neutral. In heavy
clay soils need to add lime, compost, sand. At high
groundwater level need to take care of drainage.

Сроки посадки:cемена сеют в открытый грунт в
October Lavender seedlings planted in the spring after graduation
frosts. In the south регионах можно провести посадку ранней
in the fall.

Growing lavender seed

To grow lavender from seeds, they require stratification.
Begin to do it in February. In a bowl with wet peat or sand
sow seeds, cover with film or glass and put in
cool room with a temperature of + 3-5ºС (cellar, basement,
refrigerator) for 30-40 days. Periodically it is necessary to air the tank.
and remove condensate. Then the container is transferred to a warm room for
sprouting. The optimum temperature for this will be + 15-20ºС.
It is better to put the seedlings on the bright window sill so that they do not
pulled out. When 4-6 leaves appear, seedlings dive in
individual pots. To stimulate tillering plant crown
pinch over 5-6 pair of leaflets. In the open ground young
растения пересаживают в мае после минования frosts. Bloom
plants for the second year.

Can be sown in the fall (in October) the seeds immediately in the ground or
cold greenhouse. Sown to a depth of 4 mm, sprinkled on top
sand and slightly moisten the soil. In winter, this place should be covered
more of snow.

Growing lavender cuttings

A simpler way to grow lavender is cutting. AT
Central Russia takes place in the summer (from the end of June – the beginning of
July). It is best to use middle parts for cuttings.
semi-woody annual shoots. They are cut into pieces of 10
see length, bottom leaves better to break. The lower ends of the cuttings
Dipped in a root former (root, heteroauxin) and
planted in a greenhouse in the prepared soil (peat and sand 1: 1).
Roots will appear in about a month. To a permanent place
rooted seedlings are planted until mid-August.

Lavender cuttings

ATыращивание лаванды отводками

You can also propagate the lavender layers. For this spring
lower stems bend to the ground, placed in a shallow groove (3-5
see depth), sprinkled with earth or pinned. AT течение лета
the soil in these places is kept slightly moist.
Next spring, you can separate new plants from the parent.

Dividing bush

For the reproduction of lavender delenkami bush in October is cut to
height 8-10 cm and spud, so that between the shoots there were no voids. On
The next summer will be young shoots. Autumn bush can already
to divide.

Before planting, lavender bushes and a footprint should

• The root system of the bushes is soaked in water at 60-90

• For better tillering, the tops of the shoots are cut;

• AT посадочную яму глубиной примерно 30 см добавляют перегной и

The recommended planting density of lavender is 3-5 plants per 1m2.
The interval between plants depends on the height of a particular variety and
ranges from 50 to 120 cm. If the bush is planted singly or as
tapeworm in flower beds, the area of ​​its power must be at least
0.5 m2. When creating rabatok, borders, hedges to create
the effect of “solid carpet” distance between plants make
half the height of the bush.

Lavender: growing. Care, feeding

Lavender care is quite simple: watering, loosening, making
dressings, pruning and shelter for the winter.

Полив. Lavender is drought resistant and does not like
waterlogging. Water it as the soil dries, directing
water stream under the root so as not to fall on the leaves. Excessive watering
leads to rotting of the roots and yellowing of the stems.

Обрезка. If the lavender is not cut, then with
as she gets bare, she loses her decorativeness. Right away
it is not necessary to cut off after flowering, as it causes later
the growth of frost resistant shoots. Autumn shoots shorten
by 1/3. Last year’s inflorescences are removed in the spring.

Lavender pruning

Укрытие. AT малоснежные зимы при сильных морозах
(below -25 ° C) lavender bushes can freeze out, therefore it is necessary
cover them. Shelter should be light and not hold moisture.
It is best to use fir twigs for this. Apply sawdust
or dry foliage is not recommended, otherwise lavender bushes may begin
to heave out.

Подкормки. ATесной лаванду в период активной
vegetations are fed with nitrogen fertilizers: urea or
ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon to 10 liters of water). ATместо
mineral preparations can be used an aqueous solution of mullein
(1:10). ATо второй половине лета подкормки прекращают, иначе
growing foliage, the plants do not have time to prepare for the winter
period. If you complace the ground around the bushes,
this will be enough to feed the plants.

Collection and storage of lavender

If lavender is grown for practical purposes, then collect
harvest should be at the peak of flowering. AT этот период лавандовые цветки
contain the maximum amount of essential oils and have saturated
Colour. Dry flower shoots in a shaded and ventilated place.
tied up in bunches. After drying, flowers are picked and stored in
light-tight cans, hermetically sealed.

Application of lavender

Having planted a lavender at your site, you will not regret at all,
because it has a wide range of applications. This plant will give
unique charm of the site. Lavender looks good in rabatkah,
borders as a background plant, rockeries. Its combination with
roses that would appreciate such a neighborhood: essential oils
Lavender scare away aphids and spider mites. Create solar
Mediterranean flowerbed can be planted with red lavender
daylilies, calendula, marigolds. In addition, the colors of lavender
not limited to lilac shades. This allows you to combine
her and with other contrasting plants. And you can create
�“Medicinal” garden, combining lavender planting with mint, sage,
oregano, rosemary, melissa.

Lavender is a good honey plant, its scent attracts bees,
which pollinate at the same time and flowering vegetable crops on your

Lavender essential oils scare the moth, the Colorado potato beetle,
moles. Therefore, it is advisable to plant lavender bushes around the perimeter
potato fields or beds between roots.

This пряная травка поможет разнообразить и придать «изюминку»
traditional dishes and drinks.

ATысушенные цветы лаванды используют для декорирования интерьеров
in the style of Provence, Country, as well as for flavoring linen,

Основные pests и способы борьбы с ними

Agalmatium двухлопастный — насекомое (размером
up to 6 mm), damaging the ether-bearing plants, including lavender.
It lives mainly in the south of the Russian Federation. On нижней стороне листьев самки
lay wintering eggs, which, because of their stickiness, are covered
dust and become like small clumps of dirt. ATылупившиеся
the larvae and the imago eat the leaves, which are covered in dots,
stained and slowly fade. To combat this pest is necessary
destroy weeds, with a strong defeat of plants use

Rainbow beetle повреждает французскую и зубчатую
lavender. Collect it from the plants by hand.

Rainbow beetle

Пенница слюнявая – многоядный вредитель длиной
up to 5-6 mm. Females lay eggs at the base of the shoots, of which
spring are born the larvae. They live in their frothy discharges,
feeding on the underside of leaves and shoots. Damaged parts
plants shrink and deform. With a massive defeat
кустов применяют химические препараты Инта-ATир, Фуфанон.

Селеноцефалус бледный – жук бурого цвета с
drop-shaped body shape. Females lay in August – September
hibernating eggs from which larvae emerge at the beginning of summer. Feed on
они, как и взрослые насекомые, листьями lavender. To combat this
вредителем используют insecticides.

Лепирония жесткокрылая — цикадка бурого цвета.
ATред наносят как имаго, так и личинки, выделяющие размягчающую
Lavender stalks are liquid. Settled on stems at a height of 20 cm from
soil surface. AT местах повреждения побеги растрескиваются,
nutrition of the upper parts of the plant is broken. Damaged stems
thin, brighten, bend, and subsequently dry. For
pest control in May are treated with insecticides.

Септориоз — грибковое заболевание. Manifests itself
on leaves a lot of rounded red-brown spots. Affected
leaves dry and fall. The development of the disease occurs when
wet and warm weather. Sick plants are treated with drugs
with copper content.

Альтернариоз — болезнь, вызываемая патогенным
fungus Alternaria. The first signs appear in wilting and
yellowing of the lower leaves, necrotic blotch on the stems.
ATерхушка и боковые побеги увядают. Damaged parts растений
removed and the rest sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, Fundazole,

Серую гниль провоцируют грибки Botrytis
cinerea. The disease develops in a humid and cold summer. On листьях
and stems are formed brown moist spots with a gray bloom.
Infected plants cannot be treated, are removed and removed.

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