Kiwi Cultivation: Home Care byseed germination before fruiting. The secrets of growing kiwihouses

Пт, 15 апр 2016 Автор: Ирина Унжакова

Kiwi or Chinese actinidia – is a tree
vine growing in the subtropics.

A plant that looks like a tree has excellent taste
the qualities of the fruit collected in clusters and ripening on top

Also, Kiwi is also called Chinese gooseberry, ripe fruit
which has a thin skin and incomparable taste.

Kiwi flesh, sweet-sour having tiny black seeds and
from the inside is represented in emerald green.

Kiwi loves the warmth and sunlight, so for proper
growing this plant needs a room corresponding to
habitat of its growth.

Fruit weight is approximately 80-90 grams. Kiwi fruit literally
enriched with vitamins “C” and “B”, as well as its constituent –
potassium, phosphorus, iodine. Fruit can be consumed as fresh,
so use for cooking a variety of dishes.

Вырастить этот тропический плод в housesшних условиях особого
there will be no labor, the main thing is to follow all the rules of this process and
know the features of growth and activity of this plant.


Features of growing kiwi

Вырастить киви houses вполне реально, нужно лишь изъять семена из
ripe fruit and begin the process of germination.

• The soil for seed growth should consist of at least
the following components mixed with each other – chernozem, peat
and sand.

• Put small pieces on the bottom of small pots.
expanded clay, and on top of the available soil.

• It is advisable to mix the surface layer of the soil with sand and
seeds, and then sprinkle the ground with warm water.

• Pots with seeds need to be removed under the film for better

• When the first shoots appear, they must be taught to fresh
air, slightly lifting the film for airing.

• Kiwi is a sun-loving plant, therefore contain
you need a plant on the windowsill, whose window overlooks the southern
the side.

• The place chosen for the life of the kiwi should be
warm, bright and without any possible drafts.

• During growth, the potted plant must be turned.
round on 5-10 cm every half a month for uniform receiving

• For good fruiting kiwi must be provided
regular watering and fertilizing, which consists of organic

Выращивание киви: уход в housesшних условиях — выбор посадочного
of the material

Selection of the fetus should be given special attention. The fruit must be
ripened and without any flaws. The best time to disembark
посадочного of the material в виде семян — это весенний период.

Well washed fruit should be cut into several slices and with
Great care to knead the pulp, which contains seeds.
Then you need to put all the pulp in a cup and pour some water on it. Further
the existing consistency needs to be stirred and do not forget to change the water,
constantly adding fresh fluid.

During the washing process with fingers
gently separate the pulp from the seeds. As a result, on the surface of the water
must only swim the seeds of kiwi.

Further, семена для просушки нужно выложить на сухое полотенце.
Then, when the seeds reach the flowing state they need
put it on a cloth in a saucer and cover it with a cloth.
Next on the matter, under which the seeds are necessary to pour water to
completely wetting it and close the sieve on top of the polyethylene

Kiwi seeds will germinate in 10-14 days. Now the seeds will remain
only land in the ground, but before this process is necessary to hold
its disinfection by sterilization using the so-called
water bath.

In order to properly seedlings need to use
any shallow pot with a layer of drainage pre-filled into it,
which may consist, for example, of expanded clay.

When the seeds germinate they need to be planted in the fossa 5 mm deep.
no more. After sowing the seeds need to shed some water and cover
film, setting the pot in a warm place. In a few days
after the appearance of the first shoots, the soil must be shed with water again,
removing all weak bores.

When sprouts reach 10 centimeters height they need
will be seated in individual pots.

Saplings and cuttings – reproduction of kiwi

Saplings of seeds are germinated in the same way as described above, unless
with the difference that seeds are sown in winter in January.

In a couple of years, any chosen one can be planted on a strong seedling.
kiwi variety.

Inoculation methods:

• In the split hardened handle.

• Splitting green cuttings.

• Evaluation.

В housesшних условиях для киви необходимо подобрать большую тару
in order for the root system to grow freely and

You can also grow seedlings from rooted
cuttings. This is especially suitable for hardened or green
cuttings of this plant. Sapling or stem well adapted to
frost and cold, so they can be planted right in the open

Matured kiwi – mighty liana perfectly growing. About
this must be remembered when selecting a place for a pot with a plant.
After some time, the kiwi will have to be removed from the window sill and
set in a larger place. And for kiwi will need
make a strong backup.

Closer to winter, the vine will begin to drop the leaves. Wintering
the plant should be in a bright room where the temperature is
air reaches at least + 10 degrees. Water the plant in it
time less than ever. With the onset of spring, the plant begins again
overgrown with leaves. At this time you need to start circumcision.
creepers and remove from it the sick and weak shoots.

It is better to replant the liana every spring.

Liana needs to provide constant watering, fertilizer in
warm and bright room.

Выращивание киви: уход в housesшних условиях — почва, освещение,
flowering conditions

The soil

The soil для фрукта под названием киви должна состоять из торфа,
чернозёма and sand. And peat should be present here in
fewer. The soil должна быть увлажнённой, пересыхания для
Kiwi is simply unacceptable and loose.

In addition, after disinfecting the soil with boiling water, and maybe
bleach, as well as putting soil to the pot is recommended in
primer add a spoon of eggshell and wood resin.


Kiwi is a southern and tropical plant due to which it
The plant is demanding for good and necessary lighting.
Installing a pot of kiwi is recommended on the southern part of the balcony
or window sill.

You can also use additional lighting with
лампочек искусственного Sveta. You can arrange for vines special
vertical lighting.

For kiwi, it is important not to let the direct rays of the sun, so
how the plant can get burned. The light should fall on the plant
from the side or out of the window with curtained gauze or some other

Conditions for flowering

Bloom, and after fruiting kiwi starts on the third or even
fourth year of life. Flowering in vines begins in maturity. Flowers
must be large with 5-6 petals starting from white
colors and gradually turning yellow.

Male plants in the flower have many stamens, female
Kiwi representatives have both a pistil and stamens. And in connection with
the fact that the pistil in the flower of the female plant is located above
stamens, it can be cross-pollinated with pollen
another plant. Here insects come to the rescue, which
carry pollen from one flower to another.

In order to continue to receive fruit from this tree kiwi
you need to learn how to pollinate yourself, as in natural
conditions this process involved bees and bumblebees.

If more male plants have grown, then they are easily
you can plant kidneys with female species for normal flowering and

Выращивание киви: уход в housesшних условиях — подкормки и

Top dressing

In the spring during the cultivation of kiwi, you can begin to feed.
To carry out this process should be as follows – dressing
applied twice a month from spring to autumn.

The top dressing itself consists of alternating mineral fertilizers and

At least three fertilizers are needed.

• During the growing season in March.

• After frosts – in May.

• At the end of the formation of the fruit.

It is best to use a top dressing consisting of biohumus or
compost, but not more often than once a year. Can also do around
plant a small trench and lay fertilizer there. При wateringе,
gradually, the substances necessary for feeding kiwi will reach
plant root system.


Wateringать киви нужно обильно. And in order for the root system
did not rot the extra water from the pallet must be poured in time.

В очень жаркие дни в летний период лиану кроме wateringа необходимо
spray regularly. In summer, the temperature of water should
reach 25 degree mark, and in winter you can allow a decrease
температурного режима до + 10 градусов, в связи, с чем wateringы в это
time of year needs to be reduced.

В период роста растение нужно wateringать чаще не менее 2-3 раз в
a week

Выращивание киви: уход в housesшних условиях — почему оно

The leaves on the plant must be viewed from time to time on
the presence of fungus or on the subject of possible occurrence of pests.

The plant may die:

• If you do not find the fungus in time and do not engage
cleansing the leaves.

• Kiwi can, catching from other plants to catch
insect pests. In connection with what is considered more appropriate
keep the vine far from other indoor plants and flowers.

• In the fall, it is necessary to remove old shoots from the plant –
if the sprigs of the vines already bear fruit, then it will be better to remove them. Such
the method will allow the vine to overgrow with new branches and abundantly
bear fruit for many years.

• Если киви не обеспечивать достаточным wateringом, необходимой
feeding, as well as poor lighting, it will die.

If the kiwi grows on a balcony or veranda, the plant is better.
wrap, and thus protect it from cold and frost.

Important! Homemade pets, namely cats, by
many observations like the leaves and twigs of this plant. therefore
in order for the kiwi plant and fruits not to die for all the time from
broken branches and eaten leaves, it must be fenced
for example mesh.

But by and large, kiwis rarely get sick and become infected with pests,
даже в housesшних условиях. But regular inspections of plants still
need to hold. For faithful and good care, the plant will thank
to their households and give them tasty and juicy fruits,
grown independently.

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