Kalanchoe – species, cultivation, care, transplanting andbreeding

Wed, Feb 24, 2016

Каланхоэ относится к комнатным растениям
family of craving In nature, the place of its growth is
tropical and South Africa, South and South – East Asia, tropics
South America. We grow this flower only in indoor
conditions. Flower growers love it for its relative simplicity and
long flowering that starts in winter and lasts until
July The genus Kalanchoe unites about 200 species. Most popular
of which are:

Каланхоэ Блоссфельда – представляет собой
small shrub growing to 45 cm. It has
dark green, smooth leaves, slightly wavy at the edges.
The decoration of the plant are numerous tubular flowers,
collected in umbrellas inflorescences. Flowers in this species may be white,
yellow, orange, pink, red. This is one of the most beautiful.
decorative flowering representatives of the genus Kalanchoe.

Каланхоэ Каландива – выведен из Каланхоэ
Blossfeld, but it has smaller sizes, shorter peduncles
and a greater number of flowers with the most diverse colors.
Kalanchoe Kalandiva has a long flowering period, which can
continue until six months.

Каланхоэ Мангина – отличается более мелкими
leaves and flowers, shaped like bluebells, reaching in
about 2 cm long

Каланхоэ Дегремона – относится к
ornamental foliage varieties of the flower. This is a plant that has
a straight stem with triangular leaves on it,
reaching up to 10 cm in length. On the leaves are children
plants that are small leaves with roots.
These leaves fall away from the child list and independently
rooted in the ground.

Kalanchoe pinnate is one of the most hardy and viable
species that grows up to 1 m in height. This plant has dense
light green leaves and blooms large greenish-white-pink
flowers. On the edge of the leaf, it also has daughter plants
rooting subsequently in the ground. This type is used when
making Kalanchoe juice, which is medicinal
means and sold in pharmacies.


Kalanchoe – growing and care

Those who decide to grow this plant will not have to overcome
special difficulties. First of all, this requires a close pot.
with poor soil mixed with sand. The optimal mode for
its cultivation will be a temperature of 15 ° C to 20 ° C. This flower
loves heat, but its directional flows can harm the plant,
therefore, it must be kept away from the central battery
heating or heaters.

This flower очень светолюбив, поэтому нужно обеспечить ему яркое
lighting. This is necessary for more intense color of flowers and
leaves. Some amount of direct sunlight is allowed.
however, in summer it should not be set in the open sun.
avoid burns

During growth and flowering plants need to provide abundant
watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers once a week. It is very
Feels good in conditions of high humidity. For
maintain this mode using a wet pot wrap

Каланхоэ – пересадка и breeding

Repot the flower as needed (if it is too
grows). The best time for a transplant is spring.
However, it is necessary to produce it only after flowering, and only in
if the root system has filled the entire space of the pot.
For пересадки нужно взять нейтральную или слабокислую почву. To
prepare the mixture for transplanting, take one part of the sod,
leaf, peat ground, one part of brick dust and one part
sand. You can add pieces of birch coal, and instead of peat
take coniferous land. If there is no possibility to prepare such a mixture,
It is best to buy a land mixture for succulent plants.
The plant that is being transplanted needs to be pulled out from the root.
land, trying not to damage the root system, and transfer it to
new pot having a larger volume.

Kalanchoe seeds are propagated by seeds and cuttings. Seeds should
sow in February and April in the ground for succulents, in which
added fine sand. Until shoots appear, the containers contain
unlit place, maintaining a temperature of about 21 ° C. After
emergence of seedlings are transplanted into a special cassette with soil
mixture for succulents, and then in pots having a diameter of 6-8 cm.
The cutting is carried out using shoots that appear on
peduncles with faded flowers, cutting them off in May and June and placing them in
торфопесчаную почву или в земляную смесь для суккулентов и sand.
While they are not rooted, they are shaved and kept at a temperature of
about 22 ° C.

Kalanchoe – diseases and pests

Problems with the maintenance of plants that lead to the loss of them
decorative properties occur, as a rule, from errors in

So, over-watering, especially in winter, can lead to
загниванию leaves. If this happens, they should be deleted.

Lack of light can also negatively affect the flower. it
leads to stretching the stems and dropping the lower leaves, or
loss of color by them.

If after abundant flowering the plant does not grow or loses
leaves, so it needs nutrition, so it should
transplant or begin feeding.

Keeping in a very warm room can lead to death.
leaves. In this case, conditions should be optimized.
flower, providing him with a more suitable temperature.

If he looks healthy, you are happy with large juicy green
leaves but does not bloom, it means that he was overfed

Most often, this plant is affected by the shield;
mite and mealybugs. With shield and spider mite
struggling by spraying the plant with insecticide solutions;
the mealybug is removed with a brush or rag dipped in

So in order to grow this beautiful and
a useful flower, you just need a little patience and attention,
in return for which you will get a lot of positive emotions and
unforgettable atmosphere of beauty and comfort in your home.


Denis 03/21/2016 Already repeatedly bought new Kalanchoe plants with
large leaves. But after a while the leaves became
always small with an abundance of shoots … Nowhere I find information
about the reason …

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