June nineteen: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthdays on June nineteenth.

Sat, 04 Jun 2016


Holidays June nineteen

AT СШBUT отмечают День эмансипации

American Women’s Day of Emancipation is celebrated on June nineteenth, while
around the world – May 30th. May 30, 1431 the Frenchwoman was executed
Жанна Д’BUTрк, которая отличалась смелостью, отвагой, бесстрашием. AT
such male occupations as diplomacy, military strategy, conducting
fighting, she surpassed many of the stronger sex.
Жанна Д’BUTрк показала, что не только мужчинам под силу быть сильными
and brave warriors, women, on occasion, can protect themselves.
Жители BUTмерики решили отталкиваться не от мировой, а от своей
stories. It was June nineteen, 1865. in Texas was freed from slavery
the entire black population of the state. It so happened that the women
Texas began to celebrate its independence on this day,
which in this state is the official state
holiday since 1890 AT настоящее время День эмансипации отмечают
almost throughout the US state – in 41 states.
Emancipation for American women means the opportunity along with
men to participate in the national, social, labor
life, elect, be elected to various authorities,
get an education, decent wages, the opportunity to work on
any, including senior management positions.

June nineteen in the national calendar

Larion Propolnik

At Larion, the peasants went to the weeding of the harvest. Cost only
gape like weed filled rye, flax or
millet fields, so much so that it was possible to stay without a crop. So
that old and young labored in the fields in order to have time to remove more
weeds. As the peasants themselves sentenced – they planted cereals, and
Mow have thunder and poppies. Particularly successful was Larionov
day, if he fell on the waning moon. If the moon was
full, then getting rid of weeds was considered meaningless, because they
grew up in the old place with a new force. Therefore weeding
set aside for another time until the moon shone

Historical events of June nineteen

nineteen июня nineteen56 г. первая красавица планеты
Мэрилин Монро сочеталась законным браком с драматургом BUTртуром
Miller Miller did not differ brutal appearance, and was not considered
handsome, but, as the actress later confessed, he conquered her
with your mind. BUT также тем, что хорошо пtheyмал внутренний мир Мэрилин.
To marry his lover, Miller had to divorce from
wife But даже полное взаимопtheyмание не помогло надолго сохранить
брак, и не принесло счастья ни Мэрилин, ни BUTртуру, и через 4,5 года
they официально развелись. Of all the marriages that were in sexy
actress, marriage with Miller lasted the longest. nineteen
июня nineteen91 г.
территорию ATенгрии покинул последний
советский военный эшелонAT марте nineteen90г. между СССР и ATенгрией был
A plan for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Hungarian territory was agreed. Already
a few days later the first echelons left the homeland from the military
equipment and motorized infantry battalion. BUT уже через год, nineteen июня,
the Hungarian border in the area of ​​the station Zakhony crossed the last
military train. ATенгерское правительство решило это
an event to perpetuate, and set up the last Saturday of June to mark as
Hungarian Freedom Day. Hungarian too
railway company that transported military
equipment for its territory. Her treasury has increased by a billion
forint. nineteen июня 2002 г. Стив Фоссет,
American extreme, went to the nonstop circumnavigation
travel in a balloonSteve Fosset is not only extreme, but also
businessman millionaire. The rich, as you know, have their quirks. Were
they и у Фоссета. He loved to tickle his nerves and constantly
participated in risky sports events. Steve has long been
cherished the dream alone fly around the globe. He even took in
nineteen96г. first try. But по техническим причинам пришлось полет
interrupt and land a balloon on the territory of Russia. AT 2002году
The attempt was successful. nineteen июня Стив отправился в путешествие, а
July 3, circling the globe, successfully landed. In his life he
set more than 100 world records in the field of flights to
airplanes, hot air balloons, driving sails. He rose twice
on Everest, swam the English Channel, piloted the airship, flew around on
plane nonstop around the globe. AT сентябре 2007 года
Steve Fossett died in a plane crash, making another flight.

nineteen июня родились

BUTхмед Салман Рушди (род. nineteen47г.), британский
writer Salman was born in India to a Muslim family. The young man received
decent education. AT 14 лет его отправили на учебу в BUTнглию,
where he graduated from Cambridge University, and later received and
citizenship. He worked as a journalist, tried himself in the literature. Him
жизнь резко изменилась в nineteen88г., когда вышли его «Сатанинские
poems”. AT этом романе Салман осветил свое видение сур Корана. But
his point of view did not coincide with the opinion of the majority of Muslims,
who considered themselves offended. BUTятолла Хомейни announced
Salman Rushdie death sentence. Between Iran and the UK
a scandal arose. British diplomats even had to leave
Iranian country, and Rushdie was forced to hide. Death sentence
not canceled so far. The writer himself continues the literary
activity, released several novels, wrote fairy tales for children.
In 2007 The Queen of England granted him a knight title. But
Rushdie’s merit is unlikely to be saved by religious fanatics, therefore
The writer is currently leading a hidden, reclusive life.
Наталья Селезнева (род. nineteen45г.), советская
actress Natalia was born in a creative family. Her mother was
artist, and father famous Moscow photographer. maybe
so the girl from childhood decided to link her life with creativity and
become an actress. Natalia Selezneva started acting in films from
childhood. She was given the role of Katie in “The Girl and the Crocodile” and
Sasha in the film “Alesha Ptitsyn develops character.” And small
Natasha coped with them perfectly. But известность к ней пришла чуть
later, after the Haidai “Operation Y”, where she starred while still
student drama school. Then there were “Ivan Vasilyevich”
�”Tavern 13 chairs”, performances of the Moscow Theater of Satire, in
which Natalya Selezneva still serves. Paul’s
(род. nineteen62г.), американская певица, танцовщица,
актрисаPaul’s родилась в Калифорнии, в семье пианистки и мелкого
an entrepreneur. From the age of seven she began to dance with enthusiasm.
She not only danced herself well, but also enjoyed
dancing for others. Her choreographic abilities noticed
Jacksons and invited to work in their show. Со временем Paul’s
wanted not only to dance, but also to sing. She started taking lessons
vocals, and nineteen88. released debut album. To reach the top
lines of the main American charts, had to wait more
of the year. Зато Paul’s получила признание и стала знаменитой. Second
The album was released in nineteen91. and sold seven million copies. BUT
the single from this album “Rush Rush” (with a cartoon cat) was kept on
the top line of five weeks in a row. After a grand
успеха, Paul’s решила взять передышку, и ушла с головой в семейную
a life. In nineteen95 she returned to show business. AT настоящее время Paul’s
BUTбдул снимается в кино, занимается сольной карьерой.

Name Day June nineteen

Efim, Safron, Elisha, Vissarion, Hilarion, GeorgiyFekla,

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