Is it possible to wash the blanket in a washing machine? howcorrectly wash different types of blankets: practical advice onwash

Ср, 18 май 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

If you use a duvet cover and do a regular shift
bed linen, then often wash the blanket is not necessary.

However, if the blanket will remain without washing for a long time,
it will start to smell bad, so it will need to be refreshed.

Depending on which filler you use for
their own blanket, each type has its own distinctive features.

Невзирая на это, существуют 2 простых правила,
которые следует соблюдать при wash во всех случаях:

  • before you load the blanket in the washing machine, wrap it in
    tubule. This is necessary in order to facilitate the task itself
    getting the blanket clean from the drum;

  • erasing any kind of blanket, you need to put a gentle mode and
    double rinse. This mode will allow you to completely wash with
    blanket detergent, and the filler itself will not be damaged during
    the time of the washing process.


Is it possible to wash a wool blanket in a washing machine

Woolen blankets continue to this day.
popular, but when it comes time to wash it, inexperienced
hostesses often wonder how to do it right. If a
the automatic machine allows you to load 5 kg of laundry into yourself, then no
there will be no problems. To wash this product you need to set the mode
easy washing and a minimum of turns during the spin cycle. The best option –
wool product is not pressed at all. Just letting some water drain, and
spread it on a flat surface.

For wool products, it is best to use liquid detergent.
means. It is recommended to dry in a place where they do not fall.
direct sunlight. If a же речь идет о крупном двуспальном
to wash such a voluminous and weighty thing just like that
It turns out, you have to do it manually or use
laundry service. To remove unpleasant smell from wool
products, use concentrated fabric softeners.
However, too zealous is also not necessary, because because of too
A sharp smell will be hard to fall asleep.

Is it possible to wash the padding blanket in a washing machine

Synthetic products are different from all the others
practicality. Before you start washing such a product (as
however, and any other), examine its surface on the subject
large pollution. After you soak them, you can
переходить к wash в автомате. In the process of washing the sintepon has
property to stray in one coal blanket, so in order to avoid this
You can put a few tennis balls or special stones
in the machine.

If a в таком одеяле нет стежек, его нужно пристегнуть самому —
Large stitches and material will not lump together. Drying
Synthepone things do not require any special requirements, this
can be done both on the street and on the dryer.

If a у вас дома нет стиральной машинки, выстирать такое одеяло
can be manually. Так как при wash оно наберется воды и станет
heavy enough, better to be done by male hands. Stirku
can be done in a bathroom with a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. We breed in
water detergent and you can start washing.

how правильно стирать одеяло из бамбукового наполнителя

This type of blanket is worn out without problems, both in manual mode,
so in the automatic. Bamboo fibers are enough
resistant to wear and able to withstand up to 500 washes! The only thing
condition, do not use bleach and other aggressive
its composition means. Also, make sure the water temperature is
not higher than 30 ° C. With the spin of bamboo products too zealous not
It is worth, as the moistened bamboo fibers are very brittle. therefore
when scrolling the product in the drum, set the soft spin mode
(up to 600 turns). For complete drying it will be quite simple.
flatten it smooth surface.

Is it possible to wash a silk blanket in a washing machine

It is not safe to wipe this kind of filler! Fiber can be very
it’s easy to lose your structure and clump up. Delete
contaminated areas are better with careful surface treatment. On
most of the silk products have a zipper on the side seam. With her
using it, you can turn the blanket inside out and remove the fibers. So
way to wash the surface of the silk blanket will be where

how правильно выстирать ватное одеяло

A blanket made of cotton is a thing familiar to us since childhood, many people and
today they are used in everyday life, as they are very warm, and in winter under
they will not freeze. But to wash such items in the machine –
not an easy task.

Vata has a very serious drawback – it absorbs everything.
third-party odors, and after some time you can always
face the prettier and stale in the blanket. how и прочие виды,
a blanket of cotton can be washed no more often than once every 3-4 months.
Ватные изделия очень проблематичны при wash. The fact is that if
wet it completely, it will dry out for a very long time, and
often there is an unpleasant smell. Better to use
dry wash and to pollute contaminated areas. Best
option for a huge double option – laundry.

Some practical recommendations for washing blankets

1) before rinsing (if washed manually) add to
water a couple drops of wine vinegar;

2) if the thing has somewhat lost its former brightness, add to
water lemon slice, it will give the opportunity to improve a little

3) for washing particularly contaminated areas must be carefully
dry and rub with a “rough” brush;

4) squeeze the blankets very carefully: expose in the machine
the lowest possible speed, in manual mode – leave it to drain and
dry naturally. Do not use a clothesline, she
may severely deform the product;

5) you can store a blanket in a package with oxygen access or
special vacuum bag.

Remember that not all blankets can be washed in
typewriter, follow the instructions for each individual
type of product, because each of them has its own characteristics.

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