Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine:depends on the type of fabric. Machine Wash Tipscoat

Пт, 27 май 2016 Автор: Римма Сергеева

Over time, any outerwear gets dirty and requires cleaning.

Многие владельцы coat считают, что изделие не перенесет
machine wash and decide to take it to dry cleaning.

Those who are professionals can not afford,
decide to wash outerwear by hand.

Сегодня мы разберемся, можно ли стирать coat в стиральной
car at home.


Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine: подготовка к

Before proceeding with the cleaning of outer clothing, regardless of
the method you choose, it is very important to read the recommendations
about the care of the product. Their manufacturer usually indicates
tag or label. If machine wash is prohibited, then do not
рисковать внешним видом coat, а все-таки отнести его в химчистку.
There, thanks to special facilities and equipment, your top
clothes will be brought back to life.

Главным моментом в выборе способа очистки coat является ткань,
from which it is made. You should also consider the quality of sewing
clothes. Pay attention to the seams. They should be perfectly smooth.
The thicker the thread, the better the quality of sewing. As for the quality
окрашивания coat, то его определить довольно просто. Small
Soak a piece of the product in warm water for one hour. If after
this water is painted, and the color of things will fade, it is better to give up
from the idea to independently wash the product.

Если же запрета на стирку coat в машинке нет, то желательно
Immediately before cleaning, unscrew the massive decorations, fur
trim and buttons. After the procedure, these accessories you can
Sew back.

Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine: тип ткани и

Шерстяное coat

Outerwear can be washed both by hand, there and on delicate
mode in the washing machine. It is recommended to use special
gels designed specifically for this type of fabric.

On the machine, select the mode of washing for wool and do not forget
disable spinning После положите coat на горизонтальную
surface to drain water from it. Now hang the product on
hangers. If the material is washed after washing, it can be on the
low temperature iron. The product must be undersized. For
ironing should use gauze.

Polyester Coat

The thing from this type of fabric will easily transfer not only manual, but also
machine washable. The product can be washed in the “Delicate” mode.
washing» при температуре воды не более 30°C, без отжима.
Полиэстеровое coat следует поместить в специальный мешок,
turning out the seamy side. Instead of a washing bag you can
Use the old zippered pillowcase. For стирки рекомендуется
apply liquid products.

Synthetic material does not change the appearance after washing. Dry thing
need on hangers.

Cashmere coat

We are talking about elegant material, prone to the formation of pellets.
As a result of scrolling cashmere in a typewriter it
likely to sit down. Загрязнения на таком coat нужно очищать либо
только вручную, либо в химчистке: машинная washing на нем скажется

Drape Coat

Драповое coat также, как и кашемировое, не терпит агрессивного
impact. Wash it only manually. Only careful
purification will keep the outer garment flawless appearance,
avoid its deformation. Products made from this material should be washed
in cool water using liquid means adapted for
delicate fabrics. Things can not be rubbed and twisted.

Leather coat

Although leather is considered one of the most unpretentious materials,
но coat лучше в машине-автомат не стирать. To clear
the product is wiped with soapy water. Grease stains on leather
coat можно попытаться удалить при помощи талька или бензина.
Get rid of the ink on things will help alcohol or vinegar. Drying products
should be carried out vertically, on hangers.

Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine: советы

1. Перед стиркой coat в машинке-автомат следует обязательно
fasten all the zippers and buttons on it. The very thing you need
turn inside out.

2. Высокий процент в материале coat натуральных волокон
obliges the owner of the thing to be more vigilant. Such a product after
washing is more likely than others to be covered
pelt or deform.

3. Means for washing should be selected based on the type of fabric and
its colors.

4. Outerwear made of thick fabric. She like
usually dries quite long. You can avoid unpleasant smell
if you put the thing in the room, which is good

5. If during rinsing in the washing machine tray add
hair conditioner, it will soften the natural fabric and provide
her additional protection from possible pollution in the future.

6. Улучшить внешний вид шерстяного coat можно, если во время
Rinse in the tray to add a little glycerin. It will not give things in
further pile up. A small amount will help to keep the color
added to water acetic essences.

7. Если coat утеплено с помощью синтепона или пуха, то нужно
take care that the insulation is not lost. Avoid appearance
lumps allow special balls that level

Теперь вы знаете, можно ли стирать coat в стиральной машине.
If the thing is very expensive to you, then it is better not to experiment immediately.
take it to dry cleaning. Производители coat в состав некоторых
fabrics include substandard dyes and additives that
machine wash time may behave unpredictably.

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