A hike to the cemetery is a very sad event in life.
an adult, what can we say about a child who sometimes
have to visit this place since he accompanies parents on
funeral or commemoration of deceased relatives.
So is it possible to take children to the cemetery?
The approach to the question whether the child can go to the cemetery in different
The cemetery is the resting place of our ancestors. This is the beginning of a new
пути души человека — так считается в восточных countries. Here is the spirit
it does not ascend or descend into the lower kingdom, but is reborn. how
известно, во многих восточных countries традиция хоронить умерших на
cemetery – abolished. They are simply cremated, and their ashes are kept in
specially designated urns.
AT некоторых countries открыты захоронения именно для кремированных
the departed. Here a man may come and not experience grief. On such
graves there are no plates with sad inscriptions and photographs of the deceased.
Eastern tradition convinces its followers not to be discouraged
funeral, and rejoice that the soul continues on its way and
has the opportunity to re-live life.
That is, it turns out that if the urns in the cemetery are stored only
the dust of the human body, and the soul freely reborn, then there is
Do you need to go to the cemetery, take children there and
grieve? No – it makes no sense. It is worth enjoying the possibility of the soul
to be born again and live life more worthily – so reflect in
восточных countries.
Western tradition retains the ritual part
funeral before the burial of the body in a specially prepared
the grave. On the grave must be a tombstone with
departed image. Thus, Western tradition points to
what is a relative whose picture towers on a gravestone –
rests exactly in this place. His spirit is not free and to communicate
with a loved one who died – you must go to the cemetery. But
while the Western Church rejects the recognition of the possibility
resurrect the dead, the ability to communicate with them directly. Only
by god. But тогда выходит, что необязательно ходить для
commemoration in the cemetery – it’s enough to put candles in the Church
God rest.
It is very important to understand that when in the western tradition of burial
forty days grieve for the deceased, then it is confirmed
the impossibility of his rebirth. The question is whether the child can walk on
cemetery, especially the most – not worth it at all. So rash
The situation may bring a number of inconveniences to the child and his parents. AT
memorial days here are a lot of people in sorrow and grief, so they
may negatively relate to the child. Any funeral is stress
for kids.
Is it possible to take children to the cemetery – the psychological aspect
of the issue
It is worth noting the fact that the psyche of the child is rather weak and
vulnerable compared to the psyche of an adult. Therefore,
asking whether children can be taken to the cemetery is worth
turn to answer myself honestly, but is this campaign so necessary?
Is it possible to leave a child with a nanny, relatives and the most go
on the churchyard?
ATсё дело в том, что многие родители аргументируют то, что берут
their children to the funeral and funeral days at the cemetery so that
a close relative of the child died, the parent and the child should
say goodbye to him.
Until a certain age a child is unable to distinguish
the categories “good”, “bad”, “life”, “death”. Child whose
the parent has died and is experiencing stress. Very often parents
wondering whether children can attend a funeral, after
the child visited them and got scared or other negative
how говорят экстрасенсы — энергетика скорби, которая присуща
burial and the cemetery itself can simply destroy the energy
child field. Children do not fully understand why funerals
are happening, why are they being held that way and is it possible
to avoid. A child who has lost a loved one or parent
experiencing and so oppression and fear, but they are compounded precisely by
Many psychologists point out the fact that with a child initially
there were conversations about what it means to live and what it means to die,
then he looks at these two categories quite simply. Child
knows that death is inevitable and easily endures stay on
cemetery. He understands the reason that everyone is crying and grieving and
understands what is inevitable.
AT силу своих возрастных особенностей психика ребёнка склонна к
active associations. This means that a child can quickly
adapt to the environment and can create lightning speed
positive and negative images in my head.
That is a child of conscious age who attended the funeral,
may, by the end of his days, work out a negative attitude,
associated with this event. No psychologist will give a reliable
prediction on how the cemetery campaign will take place
or another kid.
Is it possible to take children to the cemetery? Psychologists recommend
take into account the age of the child and his psychological state, taking
such a decision. It’s clear that many parents think that one year old
the child will not experience discomfort because of mourners around him
people. On the one hand, they are right, as all children react to
similar trips in different ways. On the other hand, no one is insured.
from emotional turmoil, and even adults are experiencing on
cemetery discomfort.
Can children на похороны, когда они достигли сознательного
age? ATопрос весьма спорный. Some children have a worldview
almost formed by ten years, others it is formed in
teenage age. ATсё индивидуально — говорят психологи. But
it is not worth risking, especially if you have the opportunity to protect the child
from nerve shocks.
Is it possible for a child to go to the cemetery? What to do, if
need to
If visiting the cemetery cannot be avoided, then it is worth protecting
child from excessive nervous shocks. With him should
be someone from relatives. Child optional
be present at the funeral of a relative, you can protect him from
this procedure. Children can not always understand why the body lying
in the coffin is not his native man. This misunderstanding and capable
cause a variety of mental disorders.
If we are already talking about the conscious choice of the child to visit
cemetery – it is worth holding an explanatory conversation with him before
to go there. ATажно не оставлять малыша одного после такого
hike and carefully observe his emotional state.
Is it possible for a child to go to the cemetery himself? Undesirable
many of its visitors have a desire to honor the bright memory
deceased by drinking alcohol, and such an event does not teach
child decency and healthy lifestyle.
It is worth noting that until a certain age, his conscious
status – the child is better not to take the cemetery. If avoided
you can not hike – it is worth weighing again the pros and cons and
protect the child from excessive emotional turmoil. Each
the child is individual and the approach to each must be individual.
The main thing is the health of the living, especially children, who are the most