Is ginger possible for children: at what age to giveginger and in what form. How to treat children ginger: recipes,contraindications

Вс, 30 июл 2017 Автор: Татьяна Шеравнер

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of ginger
the disease was not discussed – among the recommended means of traditional medicine
Ginger is mentioned necessarily. Miracle root
Lauds as an immunity booster and as the best remedy for
cough The question is whether ginger is possible for children – it also arises.
often. If he is so good, why frequent colds
poison the lives of kids and their parents?


Healing properties of “horned root”

Traditional medicine has many supporters, but many opponents.
However, none of them said that ginger is harmful. And if so, then
Why can he harm a child? Most likely, this is just about
that the baby does not like his burning taste. Because of this, he can
cause irritation of the stomach and intestines – after all it is a spice, and not
a vegetable, such as, for example, a carrot – you will not nibble just like that.

The taste of ginger does not like all adults, what can we say about children
but it is unlikely that anyone will say that he can harm.
The properties of the bovine root studied serious
researchers, ginger contains:

• vitamin B1, strengthens the nervous system;

• Vitamin B6 – when it is deficient, babies become moody,

• vitamin B12 – increases appetite, improves immunity,
controls the growth of the child, improves mood.

Here is such a storehouse of useful vitamins in unsightly
spine. It has the necessary for the child’s body mineral
substances, essential oils. It is often used in the treatment of cough,
catarrhal diseases.

The whole bunch of useful properties will only benefit the child. And then
that these are not bitter pills or powders that are unpleasant to drink,
makes it possible to use ginger as a component of such
drinks that disguise its peculiar taste. Sweet Honey,
lemon is often accompanied by ginger, thanks to which teas and teas
become pleasant to the taste.

Important! All of these components are useful.
home remedies are allergens, therefore initially
it is necessary to determine the absence of a child’s negative reaction to them.
Check with your doctor before giving them to your baby.

When you can, and when you can not ginger children

If we talk about cases where ginger has a beneficial
действие на детский организм, то рекомендуют его
use in the following cases:

• for colds;

• from a cold;

• to enhance immunity;

• from motion sickness in transport;

• for ailments of the digestive system.

But despite the beneficial properties, before giving drinks or
other dishes with ginger children, you need to check the possible
allergic reactions in a child – about individual intolerance
they will say rash, intestinal upset,
soreness in the tummy. Originally worth giving a very small
dose – if the baby’s organism did not show any negative reaction,
You can give the child ginger in the drink.

Общими contraindicationsми к приему уникального корня

• chronic diseases of the stomach, gall bladder

• cardiovascular pathology;

• недостаток железа в организме child;

• increased bleeding – thrombocytopenia.

So is ginger possible for children? Indian
doctors say that you can give a little baby ginger in a couple
months after the introduction of complementary foods. Ginger juice they recommend giving
for the prevention of intestinal problems in nursing babies. For
so that they do not have constipation, colic in the tummy, which deliver
kids, and moms too, a lot of unpleasant moments, you need a quarter
a teaspoon of ginger juice mixed with any other sweet
a drink.

But can children give ginger at such a young age?
The pronounced irritant effect to which the presence of
“horned root” alkaloid capsaicin, can cause in infants
severe irritation of the mucous membranes and, lead to increased
salivation. Our pediatricians, without diminishing his benefit,
advise giving ginger to children for immunity not earlier than 1.5-2 years old

Delicious tea: ginger children for immunity

Folk healers know many recipes where they are used.
ginger properties. Many will only benefit children.

Ginger tea with the addition of not sugar, but honey will warm, will help
man recover from a long illness when weak
child’s body after suffering ailment or surgery.
Kids will love this drink – it is easy to prepare, and
sweet aroma, spicy-honey taste will kill the burning sensation of ginger.

To make this tea, take a thin piece of the root,
pour boiling water, add a drop of lemon juice (or put in
a cup of citrus) and add honey. Unusual Ginger Citrus
aroma, spicy taste like not only the child. Do not drink tea
hot and warm. So you can get rid of in a few days.
from a cold.

Ginger tea:

• relieve weakness;

• will relieve headaches;

• eliminate cold symptoms – nasal congestion, soreness in

Important! For small children, tea can be
add some honey – the healing product itself will make
sweet drink pleasant for the crumbs, and recovery will come

Green tea with ginger root is prepared as follows: in
заваренный обычным образом и процеженный напиток нужно add
a small piece of the root, let it brew for about 20 minutes. You can taste it
add мед, мяту. Для детей постарше попробуйте add щепотку
cinnamon Such spiced tea will quickly warm in a winter frosty day.
Nice to enjoy after skiing or sledding

Important! Green tea is not recommended
children up to 10-11 years old.

Ginger decoction for children

Ginger children cough give in the form of a decoction. Cook it
not difficult:

• take a piece of root up to 5 centimeters long;

• peel it off;

• Grate (you can skip through the garlic press);

• pour the spine with 1 liter of boiling water;

• cook for 10 minutes, strain.

Add honey or lemon to the decoction, give the child half to drink
A glass is not hot, but a warm drink. It is used three times in

Breathe deeper: how ginger cough helps children

In addition to ingested drinks, children will help get rid of
colds and the accompanying annoying cough inhalation.

In this case, natural essential oil of ginger is used. It
will help soften dry cough, and when wet – will quickly release
baby’s airway from sputum. Beneficial effect upon
inhalation is on the mucous membranes of the nose, trachea, bronchi. All this
is due to the fact that ginger oil has
antibacterial properties.

For inhalation it is recommended to use steam inhalers –
they are convenient to use, and they are allowed for kids from three
years old.

Процедура проста: в дозатор нужно add 2
drops of ginger essential oil diluted in 2 ml of physiological
solution. The procedure can last from 5 to 7 minutes.

Important! Steam inhalation can not
to carry out to children about one year and in the presence of the increased temperature.

In the absence of an inhaler, it is easy to replace it with a kettle,
which is wearing a paper nozzle in the form of a cone. 2 drops of essential
oils are added to heated (not boiling water) water. Let baby
breathes healing vapors. The duration of the procedure is no more than five.
minutes It is important to stay close to the child for safety.

To noses breathe …

Antibacterial properties of ginger will help not only when
diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Coping with a runny nose
baby ginger will help too. To do this, add 1 teaspoon
ginger juice, a little sugar and water. Bury your nose with this solution
ребенку по 1 капельке до 4 раз в day.

Useful drinks and decoctions based on ginger and in order to
baby’s stomach worked better, there were no problems with bloating
tummy, increased gas production.

Does your baby have a throat? Irritated oral mucosa?
Moms recommend freshly squeezed ginger juice mixed with honey and
lemon juice. Three times a day you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon
this home remedy.

Если вашего малыша укачивает в транспорте,
there is a so-called “seasickness”, you can give it
suck on a small piece of ginger root. The pain in the head will go away
nausea will not deliver discomfort.

Teach your child to drink tea with ginger regularly, make therapeutic
tea traditional in the family. At the same time increased immunity
ability to withstand a variety of colds and sores, children
and adults will only benefit. No pills and tablets – only
magic wonder root, natural supplements – honey and lemon – this is what
that will make the day full of activities without fatigue, and winter – without

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