Irish Rose (Eustoma): Tropical Beautyin the garden and on the windowsill. Care for eustoma in the flower garden and homeconditions

Вт, 14 ноя 2017 Автор: Юрий Федоренков

Each grower wants to grow at home or in
the garden is something special. Eustoma, also known as Lisianthus –
quite capricious, charming beauty of flowers and rarely
a plant found in Russian culture is perfect
for this task.

Herbaceous one- or biennial hails from Central America:
Mexico, southern United States, found in the Caribbean. Height up to 15-90
centimeters, with bluish-green or gray-blue, slightly juicy,
lanceolate leaves and large, up to 5-6 centimeters in diameter,
funnel-shaped colors. Calyx of the flower is deep, large, similar
on poppy.

They grow on long straight, elegant, like a carnation, sometimes
single and sometimes branching stems. Flowers are found
a variety of colors, mostly white, cream,
cyan, blue, purple or violet. Also, depending on the variety,
They are terry and multi-colored.

On one stalk you can count dozens of flowers and buds.
Complex and whimsical plant, requires some care.
Grows slowly, reluctantly.

Cut flowers can stand in a vase for two weeks. Irish
A rose is called because the plant was discovered and described by an Irish doctor
and nerd Patrick Brown. In Mexico is associated with the arrival of spring.


Eustoma Growth Conditions

Grown in open ground or in pots in the apartment. Pots
can be carried out in the garden or on the balcony.

Prefers bright, diffused light. In a sunny place eustoma
reveals all its beauty. Adapts to low humidity
of air. The content is desirable at low temperatures, 15-20

Soil use breathable, well-drained. If a
the original soil is too dense, baking powder should be added:
perlite or peat with sand. This formula fits: 1 part
chernozem, 1 part of sand or perlite, peat, leaf earth.
Acidity should be neutral or slightly alkaline (pH 6.5-7.0).
In the pot should be a hole to drain the excess water and drainage
a layer of expanded clay or small pebbles. At the same time, eustoma is good
growing in open chernozem.

In the apartment in the summer you can not spray, but you need to air
plant. It takes several hours for normal flowering
direct sunlight per day. From the hot, midday sun
need to pritenyat.

Planting and reproduction of eustoma

Reproduced eustoma seeds. You can get them from small
boxes, which are formed on the site of flowers, or buy in
the store. Fresh, high-quality seeds give good, friendly shoots.
Sow them from late December to February. Optimally do it before
how to turn off the heating, as the temperature of the soil is required
в 22-25 �WITH. At the same time, overheating to 30 ° C is unacceptable.

For sowing should take a small wooden box from under
fruit or pots. Prepared substrate poured into the box
a layer of 5-7 centimeters. Do not compact the soil, it can be slightly
moisten out of the sprayer. Seeds are distributed on the surface.
a little snug, deepen or drift them in no case
not necessary. They are small, can scatter, so be careful.
On top of the container is covered with plastic film or package.
Put it in a sunny place, on the windowsill, near the radiator
heating. Periodically, the tank must be ventilated. Seeds should
be wet but not wet: it can lead to development
fungal diseases. In the dark, they do not germinate. Shoots
appear in 10-20 days, on average in two weeks.

A week after the emergence of shoots, the greenhouse should be regularly
open. So sprouts will get used to the open air. At first
day, open the greenhouse for 10 minutes, every day add another
10. After 15 days the film can be removed completely. Seedlings should
periodically process from the sprayer with light solutions
fungicides for the prevention of disease and rot. maybe
the use of growth regulators.

Transplanted sprouts when they reach a height of 5 centimeters.
You can take bundles of 3-5 plants and plant them in peat pots.
Sprouts tolerate transplant quite well, which can not be said about
adult plants. After transplantation, hold eustoma for 5-7 days.
pritenennom place to sprouts caught on a new place. Try hard
Do not allow direct sunlight. Ideal if at this time
отключат отопление, температура желательна в 17-18 �WITH.

Eustoma seedlings grow slowly. After two months will develop
four sheets. Lighting should be bright, scattered, so that shoots
did not stretch, but grew compact. When the stem is long
about 10 centimeters, eustome rolled over to a permanent place
residence. Try hard не разрушить земляной ком, так как корневая
the plant is fragile and does not tolerate injuries.

In the open ground eustoma is planted when the air temperature
на улице в тёмное время суток будет держаться у отметки 18 �WITH.
After transplanting, it immediately starts to grow. Plant out
preferably in the evening with each plant at feather time
cover with a plastic bottle. So the moisture from the leaves will be less
evaporate and eustoma will take root faster. Eustoma will bloom through
five months after sowing.

Выращивают эустому обычно как однолетнее plant. Don’t bother with
transfer from open ground back to pots due to weak
root system of eustoma, as well as the ability to bring a bouquet into the house
various pests and diseases. It’s easier to collect seeds and
вырастить молодое plant. Reproduction by cuttings is also possible.
укореняются они при температуре 20-25 �WITH.

It is not recommended to buy eustoma seedlings from hands, as it is easy
you can make a mistake and you will be sold phlox or something else that
by itself is not so bad, but no one wants to be deceived.

Eustoma care

It is necessary to monitor the watering of the plant. Between watering soil
must dry for 2 centimeters. Eustoma is sensitive to
drought and excess moisture. Blooms better in cool content.
The optimum temperature will be 20-25 ° С during the day and 15-18 ° С at night. For
extension of flowering cut off flowering inflorescences that continue
pull nutrients from the plant. It will stimulate
the formation of new flowers.

Feed the eustoma after full rooting of the seedlings. During the period
flowering and since the appearance of buds every two weeks, liquid
fertilizer with a high content of potassium.

It blooms from about July to October, easily pollinated. In place
flowers are formed boxes with seeds, they have a high
germination. Try hard не выращивать сеянцы третьего поколения,
collect seeds only from the queen cells.

Уход в комнатных conditions идентичен, отличается лишь
the desirability of placing on the east or west window as well
temperature difference day and night. В комнатных conditions живёт не
long after flowering, with the beginning of wilting, plant
should be thrown away.

Eustoma pests and diseases

Страдает от fungal diseases. If a лето влажное, то для
Prevention should be treated with fungicides. Otherwise
case is affected by botrytis, powdery mildew. maybe фузариозное
wilt, while the stem becomes softer, the plant fades, which
very dangerous for eustoma. Also, flowers may wither from drying out.
Affected by insects, slugs and snails for the prevention and
fight use insecticides.

If a у вас имеется опыт выращивания декоративноцветущих
plants, boldly start yourself eustoma. She is worth it.
efforts will grow in the house on the windowsill, and outside in the garden. And you
for a long time you will admire its luxurious, opening one by one

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