If the seedlings are very stretched – what to do?The main reasons for pulling tomato seedlings: conservation measuresof plants

Сб, 25 июн 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Most gardeners prefer independent
growing seedlings, as in this case it will be possible to get on
100% quality material for planting.

But sometimes it happens that the seedlings are drawn out.

This article will focus on what to do if seedlings
strongly stretched.


If seedlings are very stretched – what to do: basic

Tomatoes – one of the most popular vegetables in the world. About them
not much is known, but most scientists
calls them the birthplace of peru and ecuador. Tomatoes – one of the most
useful vegetables for the human body, they are very often used
on the kitchen. These vegetables can be cooked countless dishes
each one will have a great taste
qualities. Naturally, tomatoes are much better grown at home,
because market or store vegetables may not suit you
taste, besides it is not known what substances they were processed

In addition to taste, tomatoes also contain many
beneficial substances for the body, including:

  • vitamin b;

  • vitamin C;

  • choline;

  • salts of various elements and much more.

Choline contained in tomatoes, helps to reduce
blood cholesterol, immunity and hemoglobin, as well as
prevents the process of liver obesity.

However, everyone who wants to eat only natural
Tomatoes grown at home are bound to collide with a mass.
difficulties as they require a lot of effort and time. To
get a great harvest of tomatoes, first you need to grow them
seedlings that are quite capricious, and require regular care and
attention. If you do not follow all the recommendations of her landing,
chances are that she may simply not live to see
time when it will need to sit down in the ground.

If the seedlings are very stretched – what to do: definition

One of the main problems that everyone can face
gardener when growing tomatoes, is pulling seedlings.
Она подрастает, листья касаются других of plants, расположенных
next, and begins the struggle for space for life and
shine. This is a natural process in the development of seedlings, which should
go through all levels of growth before you begin to give seeds. To
complete the life cycle, the seedlings will start to reach for the light
streams, since it is from them will depend on the process of photosynthesis.
This leads to the fact that the stems lose their strength, start
turn yellow and begin to fall off the old leaves below.

This situation happens quite often in novice gardeners,
who decided to grow their own seedlings. How to be in this
case? Many then throw away the seedlings,
preferring to throw it away. But no need to hurry, in fact there
methods by which young seedlings can be preserved.

If seedlings are very stretched – what to do: basic
the reasons

First you need to prepare good seedlings

1. Light. In nature, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Plant which
lacking light, begins to reach out to him. So when you
start planting tomatoes in boxes – no need to be greedy and shove
в одну емкость побольше of plants. Let them be better less, but
they will be much stronger and stronger. These seedlings and fruits will give where
more than the tiny sprouts that grew in cramped. TO
it is also easier to contain 25 strong bushes than 50 weak
sprouts, which, after all, will give approximately the same
harvest volume

2. Excessive care. In this case, it can only go in
harm, because if too often water and fertilize young
Tomatoes, they will grow ahead of time and begin to stretch upwards.
As a result, there is a similar problem. We need to remember the main thing:
Tomato seedlings should be watered only in cases where
really necessary, with dry ground.

3. Wrong temperature conditions. That is the omission of that
moment when sprouts sprouted and rushed up. Do not forget,
to reduce the temperature in the area where the seedlings are located, so that
at the time of the picking she was in the appropriate form and stage

If the seedlings are very stretched – what to do: how to solve
a problem?

What to do, that the seedlings did not start too
pulled, you now know. Next, consider the situation when
it has already happened, and you need to do something. We offer you 4 ways
решения данной Problems.

1. When planting seedlings in the ground, you need to deepen the stems. It does
does not mean that you need to dig deeper wells (earth
lower may still be too cold, not warmed up
cold weather), you just need to land them “on the slope.” First you need
make furrows 7-10 cm deep, pour water into them and wait,
until it is completely absorbed. Next, you should expand the bushes on
groove so that the distance between their tops is not was closer
than 50 cm

Council Spread the roots on the south
side so that the plant then straightened in the sun
the side.

2. Seedlings, which are much overgrown, must be divided into 2
parts. To это сделать, нужно срезать все, что расположено выше
6th sheet and put the plant in a jar of water. After about 7-8
days on the tops that were cut off, will begin to make their way
roots. TOогда они подрастут до 1,5 см в высоту, их нужно будет
transplanted into pots and boxes. With this method you can
will get additional seedlings in which the newly formed
half will be formed in one stem. Next, we analyze that
need to do with the cropped bottom. After some time on
cropped bushes begin to arise stepchildren. It is necessary to give a sprout
up to 5 cm, leaving only 2 upper, the rest must be cut.

Important. Cutting steps need not be carried out
earlier and no later than 20-25 days before planting the seedlings in the open

3. The third method will consider the situation when the seedlings are not
only stretched out, but also changed its natural green color to
pale green. TOаждый из этих признаков может говорить о том,
that the plant is clearly not enough nitrogen, that is, it needs
feed up To do this, dilute to 10 liters of water 1 bol. a spoon
urea, and the resulting liquid thoroughly water the seedlings. After
this should remove the boxes of tomatoes in a cool room
(about 10 ° C). This will allow the seedlings to regain their usual
green color, and also slightly slows it down.

4. Famous American vegetable grower J. Mittlider suggested
прекрасный вариант решения данной Problems, а именно регулярно
prune leaves on seedlings. Tomato seedlings in this case
will be in a constant state of shock. At that moment,
when the leaves of seedlings begin to come into contact with neighboring plants,
it is necessary to immediately trim one or two lower leaves. Plant,
experiencing shock, after 7-10 days will stop growing up, and the problem
will be decided.

Remember that it is better to grow less strong than more
хиленьких of plants, на урожае это практически не отразится, но
problems you get much less. If you still overtook
such a problem, use one of the above

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