Hypoallergenic diet – menus and recipes

  • 1 Classic hypoallergenic diet
    • 1.1 What is it?
    • 1.2 Product List
    • 1.3 Diet and weekly menus
    • 1.4 Recipes
    • 1.5 Feature hypoallergenic diet for children
    • 1.6 Rules diet for nursing mothers
    • 1.7 Nutrition for atopic dermatitis

Hypoallergenic diet is recommended for all types.
allergic reactions. The duration of such medical nutrition
determined by the degree of the allergic process.

The main goal of the hypoallergenic diet is to eliminate
causes of disease, that is, the identification of foods that cause
to rashes and the elimination of their harmful effects on the body.


Classic hypoallergenic diet

The classical diet is used during the period of allergy.
The duration of the general nonspecific diet is from
a couple of weeks to two months.

The basis of the classical hypoallergenic method
лежит правило исключения продуктов, считающихся
highly allergenic:

  • citrus;
  • milk;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • cocoa, chocolate, coffee;
  • honey;
  • red, orange fruits and vegetables.

There is a list of products allowed for use within
diets during the period of allergy. Among the allowed
зеленые различные фрукты, овощи, крупы, не
containing gluten, dairy products.

What it is?

Using a hypoallergenic diet is
in abandoning certain products that causes
у person May cause allergies
входящее в состав одного или нескольких products.

It is necessary to refuse products gradually. Such
hypoallergenic way of using the diet is allowed to reveal
product causing allergies.

If the cause of an allergy is a substance that goes into several
products, identify it through the use of a special diet
it will be hard.

Grocery list

There is a classification of hypoallergenic products by degree
body reactions. It is applicable to children and adults suffering.
от allergic reactions.

Grocery list для гипоаллергенной диеты:

  • fermented milk products (kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese);
  • lean meats (poultry, beef);
  • offal can be included in the diet (liver, tongue,
  • Certain low-fat varieties of fish products (cod, perch
  • from cereals in recipes used barley, semolina, rice,
  • allowed to use sunflower, olive, cream
  • The list of vegetables in the diet is made up of cucumbers, zucchini, rutabagas,
    squash, cabbage of different varieties); green lettuce, dill,
    parsley, spinach;
  • from fruits and berries can be included in the food apples green
    colors, pears, currants and white cherries, gooseberries;
  • dried fruits are represented by a list of apples, pears, prunes;
  • The menu includes apple-pear compotes, weak tea,
    still mineral water.

Products that may cause weak or medium
, используются в питании в рамках диеты по
hypoallergenic method.

Постепенное исключение продуктов помогает избавиться от
, если результат не был достигнут отказом в меню
from highly allergenic components:

  • cereals (wheat, rye);
  • buckwheat;
  • corn grits;
  • pork meat, lamb;
  • vegetables Bulgarian pepper, bean varieties, potatoes;
  • fruit peaches, apricots, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, watermelon,
  • infusions, decoctions of herbs.

The list of products that can not be used when
гипоаллергенной диете
, которые исключаются сразу при
составлении меню:

  • milk and whole milk products;
  • cheese;
  • eggs;
  • fish caviar, fish, seafood;
  • smoked, salted, pickled products;
  • citruses, fruits, painted in red, orange color;
  •  from dried fruits: dried apricots, dates, raisins, figs;
  • spice;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, red pepper, pumpkin, beets, eggplant,
    carrots, sorrel, celery;
  • mushrooms;
  • honey;
  • nuts;
  • confectionery with chocolate, caramel;
  • juices, jelly, carbonated drinks;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • foods containing non-vegetable food ingredients

If the rejection of products belonging to one of the groups with
moderate or high allergy reactions, showed no result
should see a doctor to identify the characteristics of the body

Diet and menu for the week

Build a menu for the week for a hypoallergenic diet helps
list of foods that should not cause an allergic reaction.
Упростить жизнь в период соблюдения диеты помогает
заранее составленное меню,
содержащее список блюд на

In the example menu for the week, the rules of hypoallergenic are applied.
methods based on the use of products that cause
allergy with the least probability.

The hypoallergenic diet consists of dishes that
presented in the menu for the week:

First day

  1. For breakfast it is useful for children and adults to serve the Hercules
    cereal with the addition of fruit permitted hypoallergenic
    правилами, tea.
  2. At lunchtime, the menu soup with cabbage, cooked fillets
    beef, kissel from apples.
  3. Dinner from porridge cooked on rice, cutlet cooked
    steam method, kefir 0-1%.

Second day

  1. The first meal is presented cheese sandwich without yogurt
    additives, tea.
  2. Lunch from lean soup, compote.
  3. For dinner, the menu offers boiled potatoes, beef goulash,

The third day

  1. Breakfast of pasta, tea, fruit.
  2. For lunch snack serves a soup of vegetables and meat, compote.
  3. In the evening you can eat boiled fish, fruit, drink tea.

Fourth day

  1. For breakfast cereal porridge, fruit salad,
  2. The lunch menu consists of borscht in broth cooked from
    vegetables, cutlet, cooked in the steam way and compote.
  3. На ужин можно подать кашу с мясом, овощное рагу, tea.

Fifth day

  1. Завтрак из пшенной каши, tea.
  2. At lunchtime, a vegetable and vegetable soup is offered on the menu.
    beef, fruit, kefir.
  3. In the evening porridge with meat, vegetables, jelly.

Sixth day

  1. For breakfast you can eat a sandwich with boiled meat, fruit,
  2. At lunchtime, served soup with meat, fruit, fruit compote.
  3. Dinner menu includes porridge, chopped cabbage salad with
    greens, kefir.

Seventh day

  1. The first meal in the menu for a child and an adult consists of
    casseroles with curd or fresh curd with sour cream to taste
    preferences, tea.
  2. For lunch you can eat lean soup, cutlet, cooked steam
    compote method.
  3. In the evening in the menu porridge, boiled meat, fruit, yogurt without

To compose the menu, a general diet based on hypoallergenic
method called “table 5”.


Recipes для гипоаллергенной диеты:

Baked Apple Recipe:

Запеченые яблоки
  • яблоко зеленого сорта;
  • 200g cottage cheese;
  • sugar to taste.

Grind the flesh of the apple, removing the core in advance. Form
Apple need to save. Combine with cottage cheese and sugar.
Apple-cottage cheese mixture is placed in the apple left after
cutting out the flesh and cores. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees
20 minutes.

For lunch, the recipe is suitable hypoallergenic soup, useful
for good health:

Гипоаллергенный суп
  • цветная капуста 0,3кг;
  • Hercules 50g;
  • water 1l;
  • two quail eggs;
  • diluted milk formula 100g;
  • butter.

Boil the cauliflower, wipe the vegetable to a state of mashed potatoes.
In vegetable broth cook oat-flakes 10 minutes. Pour the cabbage puree,
both eggs. Diluted mixture and butter are added after
bring to a boil.

As a main dish of general non-specific
гипоаллергенного меню, полезно есть мясо индейки с
. The recipe consists of products in proportion, proceeding
from personal preference:

Индейка с гречкой
  • филе индейки;
  • buckwheat;
  • onion.

Leave buckwheat in boiling water for an hour. Boil turkey fillet,
fry the meat with onions. Connect buckwheat with meat
with a mixture.

Vegetable casserole for dinner:

Овощная запеканка
  • картофель 3-4 шт.;
  • Broccoli 300g;
  • cheese.

The volumes of the components of the recipe can be changed to taste.
preferences. Put thinly sliced ​​potatoes on the bottom of the form,
the next layer is broccoli, sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven
at 180 degrees 40 minutes.

For dessert, in compliance with the hypoallergenic diet.
можно предложить рецепт диетического торта.

Диетический торт

Для торта используются ингредиенты, не требующие

  • biscuits biscuits;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruit puree (for example, apple);
  • bananas.

Layer out the cookies, the mixture, which is whipped in a blender from
cottage cheese and fruit puree, and also add circles
a banana.

Feature hypoallergenic diet for children

Due to the peculiarities of the body of children, applying
hypoallergenic method, has a number of nuances.

The diet for children takes into account the restrictions among
products more likely to result in

  • egg (mostly yolk);
  • milk (cow);
  • confectionery, based on chocolate, cocoa;
  • fish products;
  • gluten;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • proteins contained in rice, oats, wheat, bananas.

Из меню желательно исключить продукты, не являющиеся
естественными для местности
, в которой ребенок проживает.
Доктор Комаровский утверждает, что отказ от экзотических
в питании помогает разрешать проблему аллергии у

Rules diet for nursing mothers

A hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers – the basis of nutrition in
breastfeeding period. The thing is that in the first years of life
allergy to any foods may be manifested in the baby, so food
must be strict with the gradual introduction of new products in
very small quantities.

The need for a diet of hypoallergenic
rules may occur when:

  • the presence of allergies to various components in the diet of nursing
  • the appearance of an allergic reaction in children who eat
    breast milk of a nursing mother.

Nutrition for atopic dermatitis

The presence of symptoms of atopic dermatitis is the basis for
compliance with hypoallergenic rules in the diet.

Перед началом  диеты при атопическом дерматите
it is necessary:

  1. conduct an analysis to identify the source of atopic
  2. exclude the component completely from the power supply if it is
    источником dermatitis;
  3. With a hypoallergenic diet, you need to divide the food into 5-6 servings.
    in a day.

При атопическом дерматите разрешен следующий список

  • dairy products;
  • gluten-free cereals from cereals (buckwheat, rice,
  • green apples, preferably baked;
  • dill, parsley;
  • soaked boiled potatoes;
  • black bread.

It is advisable to exclude:

  • egg yolk;
  • honey;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • mustard;
  • mushrooms;
  • garlic;
  • red and orange fruits, vegetables.
  • fish and seafood.

As the symptoms of dermatitis decrease, there is a gradual
введение по одному из исключенных гипоаллергенных

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