Hyacinth: what kind of care is needed after flowering.Hyacinth bulbs after flowering – care and maintenance

Сб, 18 июн 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Hyacinths – annual bulbous plants that grow well
both in the garden and at home.

What to do with the plant after flowering, how to save it to
next landing?

By adhering to some rules, you can successfully store onions and
Every year enjoy the blooming of hyacinths.


Hyacinths have faded – how to care for them after flowering

As soon as the hyacinth bloom has ended, you need to cut
an arrow. If this is not done on time, the seed will be tied up.
boxes that will take away power from the bulb. Weakened
bulb does not tolerate wintering.

Young small bulbs need to cut off the flower arrow
before flowering. Thus, the bulbs grow larger,
healthy and long bloom in subsequent years.

What to do with the leaves of hyacinth after flowering?

Hyacinths get nutrients not only from the soil.
The leaves are delivered in the bulb all the necessary elements for growth and
development. Therefore, after flowering they are not removed. They should shrivel
naturally. This process can be accelerated by reducing watering.
plants. Yellowed leaves are well separated from the bulb.

How to care for a garden hyacinth bulb after

What to do with the bulbs of the plant, how to keep them until the next
precipitation? The process of growing and caring for hyacinths is pretty
labour intensive. Digging bulbs and dying off the leaves – this is
the inevitable process, without which it can not do. But he allows
identify sick and weak bulbs that should not be laid on

ATыкапывать луковицы после flowering нужно не сразу. Once
leaves turned yellow, hyacinth care continues. Plant
continue to water and fertilize. This allows the bulbs
recover and accumulate enough nutrients for
wintering Feeding should be carried out every two weeks
fertilizer for leafy plants. Two to three months bulbs
you can dig.

You need to dig out the bulbs at the end of July, when all the leaves
the plants turned yellow. If you delay the digging procedure, then
further onion can not be found. Garden hyacinths go deep
in the ground.

It is impossible to grow hyacinths without digging the bulbs. Plants
cease to bloom, unnecessarily deepened. With regular digging,
gardener can constantly set the desired depth for

For plants grown at home, digging time
bulbs are shifted. Они зависят от выгонки plants. If the forcing
produced late, then dig a bulb only after
flowering и пожелтения листьев.

Хранение луковиц и уход за ними после flowering

The most important point in growing hyacinths is storing
bulbs at home. It is when stored in a bulb
flower buds are laid. It also depends on proper storage.
дальнейшее цветение plants.

If the storage conditions of the bulbs are violated, and digging is done
too late, the flowering will be scarce. Store the bulbs you need
three months.

How to save bulbs at home:

1. Hyacinth bulbs are dug and dried in a shaded place. it
may take a week. It is necessary to dry the bulbs at a temperature of
20 degrees.

2. Next, the bulbs are cleaned from the ground, remove the remnants of the roots and
sorted. Inspect the bulbs for the presence of disease and damage.
Weak material is discarded. Sorted bulbs are laying
на storage. Small bulbs are stored separately from large ones. On
paper bags for storage sign grade name.

The entire storage process takes place in two stages, which are necessary
plant for bookmark flower buds.

  • The first stage lasts two months. The bulbs are stored at room temperature.
    temperature in paper bags. Storage temperature is 25

  • The second stage lasts one month. it предпосадочное хранение
    bulbs. Температура должна составлять в пределах 18 degrees In
    the storage time is monitored not only for temperature but also for humidity
    of air. With insufficient moisture hyacinth bulbs
    dry out.

If for some reason you need to reduce the first stage of storage,
то можно повысить температуру до 30 degrees Under such conditions
dry hyacinths need 1.5 months.

When planting hyacinth bulbs in the garden?

Inзвращать луковицы гиацинта в сад можно в конце сентября или
early October. When planting bulbs earlier, they start
actively develop and die in the winter. If you are late with disembarkation, then
plants do not have time to take root and freeze.

After storage, the bulbs are sorted and rejected patients and
affected. Готовый материал sorted. For planting in the garden
useful bulbs of medium size. They will give healthy and strong
peduncle. Small onions grow at home. Immediately before
by planting the bulbs are disinfected in a solution of the fungicide and

Preparation of soil for planting hyacinth

The soil for planting bulbs is prepared in advance.

1. The earth is dug up on a spade bayonet, cleaned of weeds,
level out.

2. In the prepared soil make mineral fertilizers, humus
and compost. In heavy soils make sand and peat. ON sandy
soils contribute more potassium fertilizer.

Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied under the bulbs in the spring and

The scheme of planting bulbs hyacinth

For good growth and development of planting bulbs in the garden you need
under a certain pattern. Strong big bulbs are planted on
a distance of 15 cm. The depth of landing does not exceed 18 cm.

Small bulbs and kids are planted separately, the distance between
they reduce. Depth of seal from 5 cm.

In the garden, hyacinths grow well on a “sand pillow.” AT
посадочную яму засыпают чистого речного песка слоем до 3 см. AT эту
�“Pillow” planted bulbs and again fall asleep with sand, and after –
ground. itт способ посадки обеспечивает сохранность bulbs.
Inда не застаивается в почве и гиацинт не повреждается гнилями.

For a good wintering, planting hyacinths is mulched with straw or
peat In early spring, the layer of mulch must be removed, otherwise hyacinths do not
will be able to sprout on their own.

When planted hyacinths in room conditions

Hyacinths lend themselves well to distillation in ambient conditions. For
After storage, the bulbs are planted in a pot.

For комнатной выгонки подбирают крупные луковички, которые дадут
good peduncle and will delight long flowering. Sorted
The material must be free from signs of damage.

Room forcing is distinguished by the fact that a flowering plant can
get to a specific date. Terms of planting and storage are regulated
grower depending on his preference.

For высадки растения подбирается широкий и неглубокий горшок.
The tank must have openings for excess flow.
fluid. it спасет растение от загнивания донца луковички.

The scheme of planting bulbs hyacinth в домашних условиях

For посадки гиацинтов в домашних условиях нужно взять
fertile land. On дно емкости засыпают керамзит и слой почвы.
Bulbs placed on the ground.

The planting of hyacinth bulbs in a pot is different from that
landing in the garden. The bulbs must be placed on the ground surface.
very closely, but they should not come into contact with the edge of the pot. Further,
need to sprinkle hyacinths on the ground, but the tops of the bulbs should
stay open

AT период покоя, пока не показались новые листья, луковицы
placed in a cool room or cellar. Period duration
rest is from 2 to 2.5 months. AT это время нужно следить за
soil moisture and timely water hyacinths. With this
storing the bulbs root well and lay buds growth.

Can be stored planted onions in the refrigerator, where
температура должна быть на уровне 7 degrees Cold storage –
This is a mandatory step for growing hyacinths.

Уход за гиацинтами: профилактика болезней после flowering

If the hyacinth bulbs are not properly stored, fungal
заболевания, которые приводят к гибели plants.

Storage at too low temperatures and high humidity
contributes to the spread of gray rot, which affects
bulbs. Prevent the appearance of rot by adjusting
storage conditions of planting material. Before planting the bulbs in
soil after the storage period carry out preplant treatment
disinfectant solutions. Apply for this foundation,
formalin or solution of potassium permanganate.

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