Hyacinth at home (photos) – importantmoments and nuances of care for the flower. Let the hyacinth bloom at homeall year round!

Чт, 31 мар 2016 Автор: Ирина Унжакова

Hyacinth – a divine and bright flower of the Mediterranean, has become
favorite and true pride of many flower growers, and just people
– connoisseurs of beauty and everything beautiful.

Hyacinth, a garden perennial flower growing from a bulb,
has a huge variety of varieties, different from
many of their relatives variety of colors and with ease
due to its simplicity in care is grown on
window sills of residential buildings and apartments.

Hyacinth, has a kind of “cap”, in the form of close to each other
to a friend of little flowers that fade for a month and
bringing joy to their households, even in winter.

In order for this flower to take root and bloom in the home
conditions, you need to put a little effort, patience and learn
some features of its cultivation.


Hyacinth – especially growing at home

• It is necessary to select the bulbs of the plant – strong without any
flaws and healthy, not less than 5 cm in diameter. It is from this
the crop will be a good judge, and the plant will grow strong with
good flower stalk.

• Before planting the bulb into the ground, it is recommended to treat
its special disinfectant solution.

• Next, you need to choose the right pot for planting bulbs,
which should not be very deep, but wide. In the pot itself,
rather, there should be drainage holes at its bottom.

• The main feature in the process of growing hyacinth is
preparing the necessary soil for growth and successful flowering
this plant. And the soil can be purchased as in
specialized stores, so prepare yourself.

• To prepare the soil with your own hands you need –
mix turf, compost humus, leafy ground, some sand and
peat in equal proportions.

• Also to improve the growing conditions of the plant,
purchased in stores, special peat pots.

• At home, a hyacinth can be grown more than one at a time.
pot, and immediately 2-3 plants. What are the onions necessary for?
plant in a pot apart at a distance of 2-3 centimeters.

Hyacinth: at home – breeding

Hyacinths multiply by onion and seed
in a way.

Семенной способ.

In autumn, the seeds are planted in specially prepared
for seedlings boxes that are filled with leaf earth, humus and
sand in proportions 1/2/1. For the first time, seeds are grown in
greenhouses without heating, and then in open ground. Young
hyacinths begin to bloom for 5-6 year.

Луковичный способ.

The most popular among gardeners of hyacinths breeding –
it is bulbous. The only disadvantage of this process is
that reproduction, or rather, the formation of babies takes a very long time
and slowly. Adult onion for a year forms children from an average of 1
up to 9 pieces. If the newly appeared babies from the maternal bulb
separated with ease, they grow them separately from the adult
instance. And the conditions that create care for young
plants are no different from those provided for
adult shoots.

If the children are badly separated from the parent bulb, then their
leave and grow together with an adult copy.

Decorative reproduction allows for a short time to get
decent amount of planting material. Onion should be
weighing 100 grams, healthy and strong.

There are two methods of reproduction in a decorative way:

• Basset incision method.

• Donets cut method.

Both methods injure the bulb, to such an extent that it
over time dies. To reproduction by such methods flower growers
proceed at the end of the rest period. Selected onion required
disinfect with a one percent solution of manganese. And then
dried for two days at a temperature of 20-25

При вырезании донца, происходит его полное
deletion, and the rest of the onion remains intact. For
In order for the bulb core not to be injured
to use a special device for cutting the bottom, such
for example, as – a spoon which must have the required diameter,
pointed edges or use a knife, but with great care.

After removing the onion, the onion must be treated with a fungicide.
to prevent the possible spread of disease. After
processing the bulb turn top down, placed on a pallet
с песком и сохраняют в таком виде при температуре 20 degrees

After a few months, small ones appear on the slices.
bulbs up to 40 pieces per plant.

Next adult onion with children in the same form planted in
pot, sprinkled with soil so that the young onions only
were slightly covered with primer. Then the bulbs harden and clean in
cold greenhouse.

When spring arrives, the first shoots appear from the onion bulbs,
and the mother bulb dies at the same time.

After вегетационного периода the bulbs are removed from the soil and
continue to grow them, but separately.

Надрезание донца, не такой трудоёмкий процесс,
as a method described above, but giving children less in quantity.
But in terms of quality, the onions are larger and start their
color after a couple of short years.

Donets incised with a sharp knife to a depth of 0.5 cm. On large
copies need to make two cuts under the right angle of each
to a friend and a couple obliquely. On small bulbs you can
content with two cuts. Then the bulbs need to be removed in
warm and dry place for 24 hours, for better disclosure

After раскрытия разрезы необходимо продезинфицировать, потом
land and grow as described above.

Hyacinth: at home – soil, lighting and creation
flowering conditions

Soil and lighting necessary for proper cultivation

Home Hyacinth need to create conditions that will be
remind him of his natural habitat. Especially
concerns the soil in which it will grow, and bloom this
gorgeous flower

The bottom of the pot must be laid drainage layer consisting of
for example, from expanded clay. Put a small layer on top of the drainage
soil, and already fill it with a thin layer of sand.

Next right on the sand you need to put 1 onion or even
2-3, the main thing is that they do not come into contact with the walls of the pot, and
were separated from each other at a certain distance.

Then onions need to be pressed into the soil and sprinkle them with the rest
zemkomka. And in order for the bulbs not to rot over them
It is recommended to lightly sprinkle with sand.

Important! Bulbs should tip a little
protrude from the ground and thus remain in the air. Soil
it is necessary to loosen as often as possible, but very carefully, in
avoid bulb damage.

Hyacinth – light-loving flower, therefore it needs
daylight, which is enough in the spring and summer. But
in winter and in the evening, this flower must be created
additional lighting with artificial lamps.

Hyacinth during the day must be turned to the sun with different
parties for its even growth and normal development.

If the plant does not receive enough light, it can
fade, reset the leaves and buds.

Создание необходимых flowering conditions гиацинтов

The blooming time of hyacinths, depends on one or another type
plants. Therefore, if you know the flowering time of each species, you can
get a bright carpet of flowers for the whole year. But mostly
the flowering months of this flower fluctuate from January to the end of May.

Hyacinth does not tolerate drafts, low temperature or
excessive heat, so it must be protected from such

For того чтобы гиацинт пышно и красиво цвёл, его необходимо
water regularly and prevent the land from drying out in a pot.

Also for better flowering hyacinth need to provide
top dressing and watering with certain compounds with fertilizers.

Hyacinth: at home – feeding and watering


An important component of hyacinth care at home
wisely watering properly. Plant is important to water
often and abundantly, especially during flowering. But also necessary
ensure that water does not accumulate and does not stagnate in
flower pots, as this may lead to
fungal diseases. Therefore, the excess formed in the pallets
water needs to be drained in time, thereby taking care of your

Wateringать цветок нужно так, чтобы вода не попала на бутончики,
bulb and inside leaflets. In connection with which water is more expedient.
pour in trays or in the edge of the pot.

Top dressing

Feed hyacinths need at least 2-3 times a month. For
better stimulate peduncles watered hyacinths recommended
nitrogen, phosphate fertilizers.

After каждой подкормки, цветок необходимо поливать, для того
to fertilizer passed through all layers of soil.

After подкормки и полива важно не забывать о рыхлении почвы, это
care must be taken to avoid damage to the vulnerable and
хрупкого plants.

Hyacinth: at home – why he dies

Hyacinth can die from various causes – diseases, various
pests, this is typical of many plants, but often the main
the cause of his death is improper and careless care,
created at home.

What factors and causes may die

• В связи с чрезмерным увлажнением почвы у hyacinth может
start rotting, both flowers and bulbs.

• Hyacinth can affect such unpleasant disease as yellow
bacterial rot. This disease manifests itself in the form of black spots,
affecting the leaves of the flower, as well as thick slime, which
заражает луковицы plants. All parts of the diseased plant, and
perhaps the whole flower is destroyed. The pot is disinfected, and
contaminated land is thrown away.

• Hyacinths can also affect pests such as aphids,
root mite, stem nematode. In the fight against these dangerous
pests apply a variety of chemicals directional. But
use of these effective formulations is recommended before offensive
flowering, in order to avoid violations of the aesthetic beauty of the flower.

• Insufficient watering or poor lighting often leads to
yellowing leaves, as well as the withering of the plant itself.

• In order for hyacinth bulbs not to catch any
their disease is best kept in bags made of
paper, and to maintain the required moisture over the top
wet matter.

• Digging bulbs is of great benefit to the plant because
This action gives the opportunity to inspect the available copies and
process them in order to avoid manifestations of possible diseases in

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