Hummus paste – the benefits of chickpeas, olive oil,lemon and tahini. How to cook, what to eat and can there be from hummusharm

Ср, 28 фев 2018 Автор: Анна Кедрова

Chickpea puree is a simple dish, but hummus is something more, it
belongs to the food in which it is easy to fall in love with the first sample.
Easy, fun to cook. And it’s hard to overestimate its usefulness.
health properties.


How the composition and benefits of hummus are interrelated and what is in it

Hummus – a variety of seasoned boiled chickpeas paste, was
known in the kitchens of the Middle East region in ancient times
Mesopotamian kingdom, and a little later in the Mediterranean, everywhere,
where, in addition to the chickpea beans, there were its other basic ingredients –
olive oil, lemon juice and sesame paste (tahini).

Interestingly, in the Arabic language “hummus” means both the dish itself,
and one of the names of chickpeas.

The chickpeas are boiled in salted water, mashed and while hot –
add everything else.

But the hummus itself can be served both warm and chilled.

There are many recipes for this yellowish delicious mashed potatoes,
consistency from sauce to thick porridge, from homogeneous tender like
silk, to coarse grain.

In hummus, you can add natural or soy meat, boiled
eggs, fried mushrooms and onions, tomatoes and eggplants, pumpkin mashed potatoes,
nuts, goat or sheep cheese, as well as tofu, honey, cocoa, fragrant
Herbs and spices, in particular, are very good with seasoning.

Sometimes it is served as an appetizer in a bowl, along with bread,
tortilla, corn chips.

Sometimes added to main dishes. Hummus fans appreciate
vegetarian table.

Prepared hummus prescription only from chickpeas, oil, tahini,
lemon juice and salt, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days,
if you send a plastic container with paste in the freezer – in
during the month, and, neither taste nor nutritional properties
will suffer. If after storage the pasta seems dryish – should
add a little olive oil and mix it.

The energy value of hummus is very different, but if
again to focus on the basic version, it is equal to 185
kcal per 100 g

For the same 100 g it is possible to count 12 g of easily digestible,
nutritious protein and as much fat as well as 16 grams of slow
carbohydrates, almost half of which are partly
digestible fiber, promoting long-lasting sensation

Insoluble fiber leguminous plants are known
establish, stimulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract and
promote the removal of toxins and slags.

During digestion processes, from a certain mass of chickpea fibers
there is a specific gel-like mixture that performs

– improvement of the local microflora of the digestive tract;

– collection of bile and cholesterol, followed by their withdrawal from

Note that hummus not only lowers cholesterol, but does not
contains it not a drop.

Recent studies have confirmed earlier assumptions.
scientists that hummus is in some sense capable of replacing in
ration bread products, and this can make a huge difference to
those who are forced to adjust it to intolerance
gluten free.

The mineral complex of hummus is represented, for the most part,
potassium, sodium and magnesium, which is a strong support for
metabolic processes, hormone production, and mental

Separately, it is worth noting the trace element molybdenum – thanks to him
синтезируется особый фермент, способный нейтрализовать harmные
substances, in particular – preservatives, so abundantly coming in
the human body with finished products from the stores.

How do individual ingredients affect hummus?

Consider the benefit of hummus in isolation from its ingredients.
it is simply impossible, because then he is merely a chick, albeit
very useful.

Only in combination with them does he acquire useful properties and,
Of course, they can vary greatly with additives, but
It is worth looking at least at the main ones.

Lemon is known as a source of vitamin C, although its content
Ascorbic acid is not a record holder. Essential oils
citrus is much more interesting:

– have a local disinfecting effect (therefore, when
seasonal diseases with a sore throat, tea with lemon gives a temporary

– act as antioxidants that slow down processes

– stimulate metabolic processes;

– stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

Tahini, or sesame paste, in general resembles peanut
pasta, including the benefits:

– thanks to the high content of zinc removes inflammatory
skin processes (so can help with acne);

– again, due to zinc prevents hair loss;

– cleans the liver;

– supplies the body with minerals that promote
weight loss (and this partly compensates for the high calorie

Cold-pressed olive oil nourishes the body with fats and
Vitamin “Beauty” E – without it it is impossible to fight wrinkles and
other signs of skin aging.

Also, this type of oil accelerates the creation of new cells and
positive effect on the muscles, allowing you to forget about the pain in them after
sports, fitness workouts.

In some cases there is a special benefit from hummus.

Regular use of hummus, and, according to any recipe (but in
anyway – it is very desirable not to forget about the above
basic ingredients) helps to strengthen the body during
many plans, which include:

– stronger immunity;

– resistance to emotional stress and stress;

– increased endurance, ranging from the ability to long
stay awake without loss of concentration
bodily, important, for example, when doing physical labor.

Great value of this paste from chickpeas and for cardiovascular
systems including:

– normalization of heart rhythms;

– improvement of coronary circulation;

– increase the strength and elasticity of the walls of all vessels;

– prevention of cardiac disorders, including ischemic

For women’s health, drinking hummus brings a separate

– alignment of hormonal background, upset by force
age-related changes or medication;

– normalization of the menstrual cycle;

– relief of PMS symptoms;

– improvement of reproductive abilities.

Also, for both sexes chickpea paste can serve as a means
prevention of rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatic disorders
glands and spleen.

Может ли быть от хумуса harm

If the ingredients of a particular recipe are not allergic – the main
советов о том, как есть хумус без harmа всего два:

– cook chickpeas until fully cooked, because the legumes themselves
yourself – pretty hard for digestion, and damp – just

– know the measure and not to eat hummus more than a few spoons at a time,
so that again there is no strong load on the stomach and intestines, and
was not provoked flatulence. Humus damage is inevitable when
long-term abundant use of it – then it manifests itself
weight gain.

Чтобы не извлечь из хумуса harm вместо пользы, следует
limit its use (or even abandon chickpeas) when
health disorders such as:

– inflammatory processes in the stomach or intestines;

– cholecystitis;

– thrombophlebitis and others like him for the seriousness of the violation
blood circulation.

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