Hoya: proper fit and competent care(a photo). Amazingly beautiful hoya: how to grow, care andmake bloom

Чт, 02 июн 2016 Автор: Инна Квашина

Surely most plant lovers have heard of such
bush like hoya.

Sometimes in everyday life it is also called ivy wax.

However, not everyone knows what kind of matchless colors he can
blossom and decorate our apartment.


Hoya: home care – views, landing (photo)

Hoya is a plant that is easy to grow.
even novice growers – lovers.

It refers to the species of evergreen shrubs and vines. Title
received in honor of the gardener Thomas Hoy, who dedicated his entire
life breeding tropical plants. In length can reach 10
meters Stem green with leaves and flowers of white or
pink color, collected in umbrellas located on the rod
sprigs. Hoya blooms all summer and even mid-autumn. Peak flowering
falls on the first months of these seasons.

Depending on how hoya grows, it is subdivided into

Khoi types

ампельная. Hoya is beautiful – it is branched
shrub whose leaves resemble little white stars
hoya linear – leaves look like bean pods

плющевидная. Hoya fleshy curls with thin
stems. Hoya multiflora, Hoya regal or majestic,
Hoya Kerry, the leaves of which resemble hearts and enjoy a special
popular as a gift for Valentine’s Day.

Hoya Kerry

The most unpretentious is Hoya Lacunosa, which has
light colored leaves with a dark green edging. From flowers
there is a light and pleasant aroma. These plants are creepers.

прямостоячая. Hoya concave, pit, hoya

The hoi soil must be airtight. If you –
supporter of self-preparation of the soil, then you will need
use 3 parts of leafy land, 2 parts of sod land and
humus and 1 part of sand. If this is not possible, then
add sand to the soil.

Hoya propagates very easily – vegetatively
. To do this, separate the apical stalk from
maternal plants around the end of winter. It should be
at least a few buds. After the root dries out a bit,
plant in the prepared soil. Pre
process the shoot with a root, so that it takes better.
From above the pot can be covered with polyethylene. You can not create
greenhouse conditions, but try to ensure in the first weeks
warm temperatures, adequate lighting and regular
watering. Other breeding methods are the leaves of the axillary bud.
or air layering, which must be rooted with
maternal plant and then repot.

Landing hoya

The greatest number of problems with this plant in florist
occurs during transplantation, to which hoya is very sensitive. Her
recommend exercising once every two to three years. Doing so
must be with extreme caution, as with the slightest damage
root system, the flower may no longer recover and will die.
Try to transplant with a layer of earth.

The features of this plant include:

• blooms better in cramped pots;

• do not remove faded stems; new ones will appear in their place
flowers Cut only damaged leaves or only those sprouts
where there were no flowers;

• It is better not to move the plant when the buds appear. They can
just fall away.

Hoya: home care – lighting, temperature
(a photo)

The lighting for this plant is suitable bright, but not hot
the sun. That is, the southwest or southeast window will be
great place. If all the same conditions do not allow to rearrange
this flower to a new place, then just splash it more often or
wipe the leaves thoroughly with a damp sponge.

Consider that direct sunlight can leave burns on
plant, loosen it and cause death.

If you choose a north window for the flower, then the lack of sun
can lead to the fact that the flower will stop growing and not at all
will bloom. Often these plants are placed in the halls of institutions.
The main thing here is to choose a lighted, ventilated place and
enjoy flowering. Some species have even sweet
aroma. Also try not to disturb hoyu and not
rearrange. This is especially true for the ripening period of buds,
that just might fall away.

Temperature conditions need to be the same as for
many other indoor plants. It is different for summer and winter
periods. In summer, the temperature will be optimal at 23-25ºС, in winter it will be
can be reduced to 14-16ºС. Does not like drafts. If winter
too cold, the plant should be removed from the window sill and
put in a bright place away from heating devices.

The flower does not require active moisture, but to preserve freshness
leaves can be sprayed periodically. Just send
streams of water on the stem and leaves, excluding flowers and buds.

Хойя: уход в домашних условиях (a photo) – полив и подкормки

Water this indoor plant should be as drying out
soil. Допустимо даже 2-3 см высохшей soil. Summer is enough
water once a week, and in winter enough and 2 times a month. It is better
more often sprinkle it without getting on the flowers. High humidity
This plant loves. And, of course, try to use separated
water at room temperature. When using cold water
the root system will not perish, but rely on the lush and abundant
bloom is not necessary.

It is very useful for hoi carrying out such a procedure as bathing.
To do this twice a year before the flowering period, a pot of flowers
completely lowered into a bucket of water for 5-7 minutes. Water should be
warm, even slightly warmed. After such a swim, the plant will
feel great. It will bloom profusely and much
better to tolerate changing weather conditions. Also this procedure
can be used to stimulate the flowering process.

Fertilizer may be the most common. Suit and liquid dressing,
which is necessary to apply during the growing season. Sure to
dilute the liquid with water according to the instructions. On average, at two

Hoya: home care – pests and diseases
(a photo)

Unfortunately, hoya is affected by pests, as is all
other plants. Standard Kit:

• mealybugs – with the appearance of white scurf it is necessary
increase the humidity in the room;

• spider mite – appears if the plant is contained at
high temperature and dry air;

• root rot – may occur when excessive watering;

• shchitovki – they are recommended to be cleaned with a sponge moistened with soap
solution or alcohol. With a strong lesion, the plant is necessary
detach from other colors and treat with karbofos solution.

The lack of nitrogen will tell pale leaves and slow growth

If hoya does not bloom, then check whether you have provided
watering, location and fertilizer flower.

Diseases that hoyas may be subjected to:

Hoya’s disease

1. Бактериальные болезни. Barrel and plants
become soft, and sticky liquid comes out of some places
with an unpleasant smell. In the fight will help drugs containing

2. Вирусные болезни. On the leaves appear
spots and thickenings. To fight these diseases is very difficult.
The plant, first of all, must be isolated from other flowers.
and try to get rid of carriers of the disease.

3. Грибные заболевания. Plant can
stop growing, roots will begin to rot, may appear
powdery mildew. In this case, transplanting plants to another will help.
pot and compliance with basic rules of care.

4. Неинфекционные болезни. These are diseases
вызванные, как правило, несоблюдением правил содержания plants.
With excessive moisture of the soil, the leaves turn yellow and the roots rot. About
Excessive light is indicated by burns and brown spots on the leaves.
And if it is too dry and hot, then the leaves curl and dry.
It also changes the decorative appearance of the hoi when shoots are excessively
drawn out from lack of light.

From overcooling, new young shoots and
start to turn yellow lower leaves.

Do not overdo and feed. Excessive consumption can
cause discoloration of leaves and flowers. Observe and basic
rules: do not process weakened plants and in hot weather
of the day

Beautiful hoya is a flower for the soul and mood! With
proper care will answer you with lush flowering and decoration

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