How to withdraw жирные stains в домашних conditions:advice experienced housewives. Secrets of removing grease stains in the homeconditions

Чт, 17 мар 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

To cope with the problem of fat marks on things, objects
life and interior, not necessarily run dry cleaners.

Remove traces of oil and fat quite ordinary homemade forces
the hostess.

You just need to know what and how to apply to pollution.


How to withdraw жирные stains в домашних условия: популярные
means and methods

Пока пятно свежее, его довольно просто вывести с fabrics. Today
so many laundry and delicate bleaching products that
отстирать жирные stains в домашних conditions очень просто. True,
if they are fresh. Thing need for half an hour soak in a proven
household chemicals, and then carefully wash any
in a way.

Among the most popular tools that help bring
жирные stains в home conditions являются:

• salt;

• ammonia, it is ammonia;

• laundry soap;

• talc or baby powder;

• mustard;

• bread crumb;

• potato starch.

They all do well with fresh traces of fat, and
ничего сложного в обработке fabrics нет. Many of these household
Assistants act on the principle of adsorption: they absorb
fat, after which the stain is washed off very easily, without leaving

How to withdraw жирные stains в домашних conditions с помощью таких

Saltю, крахмалом или детской присыпкой нужно
wipe the stain, then shake off the powder and wash the thing. Salt
good also that calmly cope with old fat
stainsми, а также следами кофе, сока, вина, пота, крови.

• Копеечный нашатырный спирт способен выручить
mistress in different situations, including solving the problem of fatty
следов на fabrics. Teaspoon of ammonia should be diluted in half
стакана воды, с помощью ватного диска или кусочка fabrics нанести на
stain, rub hard and leave for five to six hours. Will remain
Wash the product in delicate mode or manually. If a пятно не
too big and just planted, you can try to get rid
from him immediately after processing. Lay the treated area with
Both sides of the cotton cloth and iron.

• Обычное хозяйственное мыло, бесценное
the legacy of Soviet times, can completely rid the fabric of
stains. The fabric should be well moistened, lather well and
leave for twelve hours (overnight). Will remain простирать вещь,
and then rinse thoroughly. Another way: soap dirty
Then sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and rub over with a brush. Leave
минут на stainsдцать, а затем простирать.

Горчица отлично помогает удалить жирные stains
в домашних conditions. Mustard powder is diluted with water to
creamy, applied to contaminated surface
dense layer. After half an hour the stain can be successfully washed.

• If a неприятность случилась за столом, быстро впитать жир
поможет кусочек хлеба. Pullet need to ride on
stain, and in fact after that wash. This works very well
velvet method.

How to withdraw жирные stains в домашних conditions: необычные

Wash grease stains in домашних conditions можно при помощи
unusual tools that are also always at hand.

Например, средство для мытья посуды обладает
fat-dissolving properties. They can be used for
fight against traces of fat and oil. It’s simple: necessary for processing
stains количество средства нанести на ткань, подождать минут
twenty, rinse with boiling water and wash. Coarse fabric possible after
applying the tool to rub with a brush.

Пена для бритья — тоже отличный способ оттереть
greasy stain. It is necessary to squeeze the foam ball, rub it into the dirty
plot on clothes. The exposure time is about ten minutes. After foam
bath the product will only wash the usual powder

Ответить на вопрос, как вывести жирные stains в домашних
conditions, способен и шампунь для жирных волос.
Processing method fabrics тот же, что и для посудного средства.
Fat-soluble product components have a strong effect.
on the stain, helping to easily and easily wipe it off.

Проглаживание свежего маслянистого stains через кальку — один из
The easiest ways to handle this type of pollution. Iron not
should be too hot. The optimum temperature is one hundred.
degrees Just put the folded four to five layers.
blotting paper under the stain and place the same layer on top
pollution. Smooth until fat is absorbed into the paper.

How to withdraw жирные stains в домашних условия: большая площадь

Отдельные stains на любимой рубашке или шторке — это
trouble. Numerous greasy marks on kitchen towels,
tablecloths, garden household textiles – is force majeure. During the period
autumn harvesting, when oil pours in the kitchen in liters, avoid
многочисленных следов жира не удается ни одной the hostess.

Легко и быстро отстирать и отбелить пострадавшие fabrics поможет
проверенный десятилетиями рецепт советских времен.
In the classic version, it requires the following components:

• ten liters of water;

• faceted washing glass powder;

• two tablespoons of salt;

• the same amount of vegetable oil.

Water should be boiled, all components should be added to it,
gas off and immerse contaminated products in miraculous
solution. Leave until complete cooling of water, hours on
twelve fourteen Then stick particularly resistant spots including
the same solution, squeeze and wash in the usual way.

Today, instead of the Soviet “Lotus”, you can take any modern
powder or bleach. Instead of ten liters, take one, three,
five – depending on the number of processed items. Proportions
components decrease accordingly. Remove grease stains in
home using this method is a pleasure.
Oil is easily washed, the fabric is bleached. However, this method
can only be used on dense natural fabrics.

How to remove grease stains at home: delicate

Not only do kitchen towels suffer from grease stains. Plant
disgusting stain can be on a silk blouse, and a favorite
a sweater, and a light cashmere coat.

Finally spoil the already tainted thing unskillful,
improper exposure is very easy.

Первое правило: никаких хлорных
bleach. For delicate silk, wool, acrylic, angora it
just death.

How to remove greasy stains at home on delicate

If the furnace is about silk, you can try the following

• Salt plus ammonia. Composition in approximately equal
proportions must be carefully applied to the stain, wait for minutes
Fifteen, and then wash with warm water, preferably by hand.

• ammonia, glycerin and water. Mix in equal quantities.
Liberally moisten the stain with the composition, after five minutes, wash
manually and rinse in warm water.

Шелковые изделия и тонкая шерсть одинаково
respond well to baby powder or talc. These funds
help gently and simply remove grease stains at home
conditions. If the stain is fresh, you just need to fill it with powder and
leave for a day alone. Important: you need to handle the fat trail from
edges to the center so as not to spread outside. After 24 hours talc
Shake off, and smooth the stain through a kitchen towel.

Powder from ordinary chalk works well on silk. If the product
light color (this is a prerequisite, with dark fibers
it is difficult to wipe off the chalk), just fill the stain with dry powder, and
after two hours, remove with a damp cloth. Product,
rinse and dry. Chalk can be used on light flax or

Capricious wool tolerates gasoline processing. What can

• soak a greasy stain with gasoline;

• leave for five minutes;

• pave bottom and top with folded tracing paper or dry
kitchen towels;

• iron the stain on both sides with a heated iron;

• if necessary, change the paper and repeat the procedure again.

�The “gasoline method” will also save the cashmere coat. Processing method
the products are the same.

By the way, on the delicate fibers of chiffon, silk, wool is fine
Oily hair shampoo works. Wash grease stains in
home conditions or, for example, in a hotel bottle
The facilities will help very well.

How to remove grease stains at home: old

Бороться с застарелыми stainsми трудно, но возможно. How to withdraw
жирные stains в home conditions если они посажены давно?

1. При помощи соли. You need to make a rich
brine, pouring in a half cup of large table salt a basin with
hot water. Soak the product with an old stain for an hour and a half,
and then wash in a typewriter.

2. При помощи чистого бензина. Spot need
saturate with the substance, leave for a few minutes to dissolve
fat and then thoroughly wash. Wash separately from
other things.

3. Растворить застарелое пятнышко жира поможет
смесь скипидара и нашатыря, взятых в равном
quantity. The composition is applied to the spot for two or three hours. Ordinary
washing (also separate from other things) completes the process.

4. При помощи глицерина. Buy this tool
You can in the pharmacy. Apply a small amount of glycerin for half an hour
on the contaminated fatty area. After a set time, rinse off the mixture.
water using a tampon feast, and wash the product in the usual way.

5. При помощи картофельного крахмала. If on
dry powder is used for fresh stains, then for old stains from
starch need to cook a hot composition. A small amount of
powder dilute with hot water until the formation of a slurry, rub it
stain and leave for ten minutes. Brush off dried starch,
product lock up. If traces of fat remain, the procedure can be

6. При помощи соды и стирального порошка. If a
mix them in equal proportions, dilute slightly with water and apply on
pollution will turn out to be quite effective against
chronic fat stains. Держать состав нужно минут stainsдцать, потом
wash the whole thing. Replace washing powder can agent
for dish washing.

7. При помощи уксуса. By connecting it with water in
равном количестве, замочить фрагмент загрязненной fabrics на
stainsдцать минут, а потом постирать.

Информации о том, как вывести жирные stains в home conditions
quite a bit of. Experienced housewives use several ways
focusing on the presence in the house of a means, “age”
stains и тип fabrics.

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