How to wean a child to lie: causes and consequenceschildish deceit. Is it necessary to punish children for lies?

Пт, 11 май 2018 Автор: психолог ATладимир

As they get older, all the children begin to lie. In 3-4
years, the baby still does not distinguish their fantasies from reality, but in
more conscious age of the child’s invention can become serious
a problem. To disaccustom the child to lie, first of all it is necessary
find out the reason for this behavior.


Why do children lie?

AT большинстве случаев дети врут, поскольку боятся быть
. This behavior usually occurs in families.
with too strict parents who are severely punished even for
minor tricks. Ребёнок сознательно врет, потому что не
желает отвечать за свой поступок
. Even realizing that
parents will still find out the truth and punish, the baby still cherishes
hope – all of a sudden it will not happen and the consequences can be avoided. AT
In this case, parents should objectively assess the situation in order to
determine whether they are too strict about their children and,
perhaps somehow change your attitude.

Манипуляции родителей — это не совсем честный
Reception in relation to children, which also breeds lies. Even
despite his ostentatious indifference and stubbornness, the child appreciates
parents above all else, so when they picture grab at
heart or complain of feeling bad because of two, daze
it remains only to hide the news, unpleasant for mom and dad.

Неуверенность в себе также провоцирует ложь.
Sometimes even adults embellish their lives in order to “grow” in
eyes of people around. Everyone wants to feel successful and
popular, and children are no exception. This happens most often because
that parents do not give the child proper attention or often
criticize him – this attitude leads to a feeling
inferiority, and a lie helps a child to survive stress and gain

Переходный возраст — это еще один фактор,
provoking a lie and contributing to the closure of the child. For
adolescent personal space is sacred. Parents who do not understand
this, cross all the child’s personal boundaries, wanting to know about it
and secrets, but in return, of course, they get
harboring and lying. С помощью этих методов дети защищают
their right to autonomy and personal space.

How to find understanding with the child and wean him to lie?

To disaccustom the child to lie, first of all it is necessary
установить с ним доверительные отношения. With this
the goal is to tell him about your achievements or failures and
methods of overcoming difficulties. При частой практике ребёнок
привыкнет к разговорам по душам
и будет делиться
sore. Необходимо помнить, что дети берут пример со
своих родных
, поэтому следует вести себя подобающе.

Если ребёнок соврал, нужно сказать ему, что он не будет
наказан, если скажет правду
. If the child does,
one should keep his word and not punish him. Between the baby and
parent should establish trust. Of course, from one conversation
the child will not stop lying, you need to repeat this experience, working with
by him. Only sincere desire and work of parents will contribute

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