How to wash Zelenka from the skin: a person orproducts. The most popular tools and methods to wash Zelenkawith leather

Чт, 24 мар 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Zelenka – one of the most famous antiseptics, which knows
even a baby.

It is present in every home medicine cabinet, as this is a medicine.
can help heal quickly various wounds, cuts, chicken pox and
many other sores.

However, this universal antiseptic has one
A significant drawback is color.

For some reason, until nowadays, no one has bothered to
Bottles with green paint were convenient to use.

Therefore, today we are faced with a situation where
inconvenience of use we get our hands, clothes, furniture and

Возникает логичный вопрос: чем отмыть зеленку with leather? And
do it quickly and efficiently, because often happen
situations when after using green stuff you need to go “in
people “, but with my soiled hands I really would not want to.

This article will focus on the ways and means of using
которых можно быстро и хорошо отмыть зеленку with leather.


Чем отмыть зеленку with leather у человека: необходимые средства и

To begin, consider all known means to eliminate
green spots.

1. Следы на теле можно хорошо оттереть ватным тампоном,
предварительно смоченным в хлорке
, после этого нужный
The plot is cleared of green stuff under strong water pressure. The
способ отлично выводит зеленые пятна with leather, но появляется другая
the problem is disturbed Ph, which often leads to unpleasant
sensations. However, this problem is easily solved, and Ph violation
in the body can be quickly normalized using ordinary
vinegar. All you need to do is smear the right place on the skin.
vinegar after the procedure of getting rid of green stuff.

2. Медицинский спирт или водка. Everybody is here
just – lubricate the place with alcohol or vodka and rinse through
some time with water. To enhance the impact you need to add a couple
drops of lemon juice. If the stain does not go away after one procedure,
repeat it again.

3. Перекись водорода. This tool also
may well solve the problem with spots of green stuff, but rub
peroxide should be strong enough, but it should be done
gently so that the stain does not increase even more. Peroxide is
the most suitable treatment for baby skin, or for
sensitive and irritable skin.

4. Also quite effective is
ломтик лимона, но здесь придется постараться,
stains will not go away immediately, you need to rub hard.

5. Пищевая сода. Soda is natural
an abrasive that will not harm your skin. Take any
container, pour some soda into it and fill it with water
until a homogeneous mass. Most effectively apply such
the mass follows in circular motions. After that the skin
rinsed, and if there is a need – you need to repeat

6. Любой жирный крем. Suitable for application
also baby cream. After the procedure, wash it off with soap and water.

7. Тоник для лица, который есть в косметичке
every woman also does an excellent job of eliminating green

8. Еще одно действенное средство — скраб. Him
should be applied to wet skin, then rub into it a scrub and
rinse thoroughly. In order to avoid irritation on the skin, use
moisturizing nourishing cream. The shade of green stuff will not go away
immediately, but gradually he will disappear.

9. Также можно воспользоваться влажными салфетками для
, которые имеют в своем составе спирт. This
the tool is very effective and helps quickly and efficiently
отмыть зеленку with leather.

10. Зубная паста. Most women consider
This tool is the most effective. Take the old brush, apply
on the skin toothpaste and wipe well the desired area of ​​skin. If a
the stain will not disappear immediately, the procedure must be repeated.

11. Витамин С. На сегодняшний день он
Available in powder form. Him нужно растворить в теплой воде,
then rub it with the problem area on the skin. This средство
is one of the most effective.

Important! Under no circumstances
use household chemical stains
stain removers – this is fraught with serious damage

If a зеленые пятна находятся не на видном месте, удалять их
you can gradually. To do this, 2 times a day, lubricate the problem
place the oil (olive or sunflower) or fat cream.
Pigment Zelenka gradually begin to collapse under the influence of fat
basis, and after a while will disappear.

How to wash Zelenka with leather products: means and methods

Often we are faced with situations where the diamond
not only our skin gets dirty from the green solution, but also the clothes,
furniture, floors and so on. If a это произошло, не стоит терять
time. We should also talk about furniture, namely, how to wash
Zelenko with leather products.

Attention! The faster you start to scour
Zelenka from furniture, the easier it will be to do it, since this
антисептик имеет свойство глубоко впитываться в кожу

Processing the surface of the leather sofa is by no means
harsh chemicals should be used since they can cause
damage to its surface, leaving spots on it. In order to get rid of
stains on leather products, the most effective means are
wet wipes for appliances containing alcohol (about which we already
mentioned above). Their number should not be too large, so
how there is a possibility of damage to the upholstery

Alternatively, you can use a color stain remover. but
this should be done carefully. Mix the stain remover with water until
thick, apply it to the green spot and
rub the surface of the furniture a little. Then you need to carefully eliminate
blend from the surface using a wet wipe.

Любопытный факт. Spots from brilliant green which
are on natural leather, tend to evaporate when
воздействии на них прямых солнечных лучей

How to wash green spots from the face?

Since the face is very delicate skin, means to eliminate
green spots from it should be as gentle as possible so as not to
cause burning sensation, irritation or worse allergic

The best way to remove stains from the face is a cream with
high fat, even suitable for children. Need to apply cream on
a place with green spots on the face and rub it over
a few minutes. Then you need to leave the cream on the face for a certain
time, then gently erase it with a handkerchief or
soft napkin. One procedure may not be enough, therefore
need to repeat it.

With the help of which is better to wash Zelenka from the body?

The вопрос беспокоит не только людей, болеющих ветрянкой или
measles, as well as people who are “lucky enough” to get dirty from others

Previously, this problem was solved quickly and simply thanks to bleach.
but на сегодняшний день с приходом на рынок множества различных
detergents and cleaning products, bleach has faded into the background, and far
not every house has it at all, so we suggest considering

A very effective remedy for green spots on the body is
ordinary laundry soap. If a удалить пятна «не горит»,
you can make yourself a bath, steam it in and rub the soiled
skin area with household soap. To enhance the effect
Use a hard washcloth. Because laundry soap
is absolutely harmless to the body, such a procedure can be
repeat any number of times until the stain is removed. Of course,
the smell of laundry soap on the body – not great joy, but with
its task it copes brilliantly.

If a вы торопитесь, одним из самых действенных способов, чем
отмыть зеленку with leather на теле, является медицинский спирт или
ordinary vodka. To do this, apply alcohol or vodka on
the area of ​​skin on the body stained with antiseptic and leave for 10-15
seconds Then thoroughly with a cotton pad or swab.
wipe the stain. If the green paint remains on the skin, you should
повторить procedure.

How to wash green spots after chickenpox

Chickenpox is not a pleasant disease, but there is no fear in it.
nothing. As you guessed, we will now describe the most effective
способ избавления от последствий ветрянки — green spots.

The способ — очень эффективен и доступен практически любому
man, however, he requires accuracy and caution. Everything,
what you need to have at home – bleach. Of course, в современных домах она не
always present, but in any case it should be available,
because bleach is a universal product.

Apply some bleach to a cotton pad and thoroughly.
протрите нужный участок skin. It is recommended to bypass all the “green”
places on the skin several times. After the procedure, wash the affected
patches of skin with warm water and soap.

Since bleach can destroy the ph of your skin, after
procedures should be applied a solution of vinegar with water for his

Чем отмыть зеленку with leather не испортить её

Perhaps the safest remedy for skin
green spots is hydrogen peroxide. Since it is impossible peroxide
call too aggressive a means, then scour the stains
it will take a little longer, but you will be sure of it
safety, because even her newborn children are treated

This method is best suited for children’s skin, as well as for
skin prone to irritability and allergies

Green spots are not a very pleasant problem, but now you
were convinced that it is not so difficult to solve it, and for that in each
the house has all the necessary tools.

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