How to wash dandelion stains from clothes:folk and chemical methods. How to remove traces from dandelion withclothes fast?

Ср, 14 июн 2017 BUTвтор: Виталий Шеломидо

Dandelions are very beautiful flowers, which, however,
can bring and much trouble. The fact is that traces that
from them remain, it is very difficult to remove from clothes and ordinary
washing powder is not enough.

Let’s try to figure out how to wash dandelion spots from clothes
with the help of chemical and improvised means.


How to wash dandelion spots from clothes and traces of milk:
practical advice

The pollen that is on the flower immediately eats into
fabric and dries. Therefore, to get rid of it is very difficult. Yes and
remove the juice (milk) is not so easy, because from him also
stains remain that are difficult to remove.

• Choosing a chemical agent to combat this type of stains,
don’t forget that using it is very easy to mess up and
should be very careful. Therefore, before you start processing
tissue by any chemical first
to test its impact on an inconspicuous area, and only
after that use it on the whole product;

• first of all it is necessary to remove pollen from clothes. To do this
just – you need only 2-3 times to shake the thing thoroughly;

• do not rub the stain with a sponge or brush – this
you make it worse;

• if we are talking about dense matter (flax, cotton), get rid of
Yellow marks are most easily done with tape.

How to wash dandelion stains from clothes using household

Of course, in our time, the range of household cleaning products
is very large, and with their help you can remove not only such
stains, but many other contaminants.

Liquid stain remover. Fits like
the use of ordinary and special children
stain remover. Before you begin, carefully read the
instructions – most of these cleaning products have in their
bleaching agents that can significantly harm the color
product. Apply a stain remover as follows: apply the substance
directly to pollution, or we dilute products in water,
after which we soak the product, and in 3–3.5 hours we stretch and
thoroughly rinsing it.

Pencil to remove dirt. Such
pencil can be bought at any hardware store. He works
as follows: we moisten the cloth in warm water, rub it
pencil stain until it starts to foam.
We wait 15 minutes, after which we wash the product under the tap.
If after one time you failed to achieve the desired effect,
the procedure should be repeated until the stain is finally
will disappear.

Soap based on bile. Such продукт также можно
found in the hardware store. You can get rid of it.
practically from any pollution. It is applied quite simply:
we wash the cloth, stretch it by hand and rinse it.

Bleach in the washing machine. This
the tool is used to remove contamination from clothing light
tones. Here, too, everything is extremely simple: we fall asleep in
washing machine and set washing mode at high temperature
(90 °).

Cleaning products. If the stain did not have time
dry and fresher, you can use powder “Vanish”, if
old – use the solution “Perwoll-super”, just
boil the thing in it. Using these tools you can clear
pollution on both white and colored products.

Means “Domestos.” Pour small
amount of gel on the stain and wipe it well with
cotton disk. Then wash the product in warm water.

How to wash dandelion stains from clothes with help

Если же вы не являетесь сторонником «chemistry» и отдаете
preference proven popular recipes, we offer
use one of the following methods. These recipes
quite effective, but only with the proviso that we are talking about
a fresh spot, with old pollution will have to work hard

Lemon juice

Use a few drops of lemon juice to wet the stain.
from a dandelion, then carefully wipe the problem area with
помощью cotton disk. So, fresh stains will be eliminated after
the first treatment, with old pollution will have to make
another 1-2 additional processing. At the end wash the place warm.

Manganese solution

A product with dandelion stains should be soaked in a weak
potassium permanganate solution for 2.5-3 hours. Then the problem place needs
wash with soap and leave in the foam for 15-20 minutes.
It remains only to wash the thing and rinse thoroughly.

Citric acid powder

С помощью данного fundsа можно быстро и качественно избавиться
from stains, especially from fresh ones. To do this, fill the bag
citric acid in the washing machine drum and set the mode
�”Cotton” at a temperature of 60 °. In addition, with the help of such
processing can not only get rid of complex stains, but also
clean the washing machine from scum on the ten.

Laundry soap

Even with the help of ordinary soap can
get rid of similar stains. To do this, rub the problem
place the soap and leave it without washing it all night. In the morning
will need to be rinsed thoroughly. If one treatment turns out to be
not enough, the procedure should be repeated.


С помощью данного fundsа неплохо удается отстирать пятна,
left by dandelions, with synthetic fabrics, but with denim
clothes will have to tinker, you may need a few


Here it is worth making a reservation right away – this recipe will be
effective only in the case of fresh spots from dandelion milk.
The onion needs to be cut into two halves, grate a stain and juice
leave for 20 minutes, then wash. If one time will
a little, do the same again.

Vegetable oil

This method, despite the fact that for someone it may seem
weird, is very effective at eliminating traces from
dandelion juice. All you need is a bit of a drop.
oil pollution and immediately rub it with soap. Fabric while in
The work process must remain wet. In the end thing
is being washed.

How to wash dandelion stains from clothes with a regular

This method is very simple and at the same time available for

1) heat the iron;

2) set the regulator at the mark “2 units” (flax mode,

3) then put a clean sheet on the contaminated place on the clothes
paper and iron the fabric well.

4) thus, the stain will go to the sheet, cleaning the tissue
the fibers. All we have left to do is to rinse the thing and
dry it.

As we see, it is possible to get rid of dandelion spots, not
затрачивая при этом каких-либо значимых материальных funds. BUT
if the stain is still fresh, you won’t even need it
химические fundsа, от подобного рода пятен можно избавиться и с
помощью подручных funds.

So you can not worry, letting go walk their kids
on the lawn with flowers, after all get rid of the spots of dandelion juice
not at all difficult.

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