How to scare away an unwanted person from home:plots on salt

How to scare away an unwanted person from home: plots on salt

Guests – a fairly frequent occurrence, they come to us
with different frequency of invitation or just like that. It happens that
guests originally uninvited or person who came to your house
malevolent to you really. After the arrival of such guests
your head may ache, feeling worse, disappears
mood, there is a feeling of apathy – in your energy
the field was breached. It happens that пришедший в ваш дом человек
you simply disagreeable, you do not want to see him at home

In such cases, you can resort to the magic of salt. She stands on
Equal with fire and water, has long been used for rituals and rites.
There is an opportunity to really ward off unwanted
human salt. For these purposes, the usual salt, sold in
any store.


Unwelcome guests and detractors – what are they?

It is very difficult for hospitable and hospitable people;
it’s hard to break yourself even when an acquaintance, relative or
someone else has not only become an unwelcome guest, but also extremely
unpleasant, intrusive. It is important to think about the welfare of your family, such
people need to dare.

Let’s see what are the uninvited guests and

  • Kind and positive, at first glance, people who often visit
    you. At the same time, you are not called to yourself, but almost everyone goes to you.
  • Unpleasant people, enemies, alien to you and your family. These need
    dare first.
  • Intrusive and unfriendly relatives. It happens that к вам
    distant relatives arrived, and they would not leave. Or often,
    for example, a mother-in-law with whom you openly feud, and after her
    parishes you feel a breakdown.

If the diplomatic approach did not have the desired effect,
alienate uninvited guests can be a different way. Hostility, evil
the intent, the bad message of other people affect the energy of all members
families and homes in general. Running the evil eye process is just
so do not stop – so why bring to this? Protect yourself and
my house.

Conspiracy Rules

Besides using salt, special words are pronounced, done
conspiracy-lapel from an unwanted guest.

You need to know and remember the rules:

  • Belief in yourself, your strength and rite. You need to be 100% sure
    that a lapel on the salt will help, otherwise you risk not to achieve
  • The ritual and conspiracy on salt is done only on the waning moon. it
    applies to any protective magic in general.
  • Before you read the conspiracy, you need to learn by heart
    the words. They are uttered barely audible, in a whisper, pronouncing clearly
    every word.
  • If there are words in the conspiracy that are not clear, you need to find out
    value or choose another conspiracy. No way I can
    words or skip incomprehensible.

These rules are very simple and simple to comply with,
less very important. Now let’s figure out how to use
salt for the rite.

Rites of daring unwanted guests with salt

Salt is used in a large number of rituals, it possesses
strong energy can be a powerful shield. With salt you can
forever discourage unwanted guests, the more they come no
will be

Salt on the doorstep

To discourage unwanted guests, unloved relatives and
detractors from their home, you must perform a ritual. With
this makes everything invisible to others, it is very important.

We put on the palm a small amount of ordinary salt, you can
straight from the salt shaker. We approach the entrance door, we open it, in a whisper
pronounce the following:

How to scare away an unwanted person from home: plots on salt

Or you can use this plot:

How to scare away an unwanted person from home: plots on salt

Now throw the salt back over the left shoulder so that it does not
hit on yourself or family members. It’s better to ask everyone
leave the hallway and do not look at the rite.

There is another conspiracy to salt. After the departure of uninvited guests
say the following:

How to scare away an unwanted person from home: plots on salt

Prayer of the Sanctified Salt

If you use the Thursday salt, sanctified – the effect will be
very strong. Take the blessed salt, gently pour in the bag
and hang over the threshold. It’s best not to sanctify salt on a normal day
and on holiday.

After a bag of salt is placed above the entrance to the house,
say the following words:

How to scare away an unwanted person from home: plots on salt

There is another prayer for salt

How to scare away an unwanted person from home: plots on salt

Plain salt on the table

itт способ очень простой, не нужно произносить специальный
conspiracy or prayer. This technique can be used continuously if
To you often come uninvited guests.

Pour salt in a salt shaker or saucer, do not close the lids,
put on the table in the room you enter with the uninvited
guest. If there is no table, put it in any visible place. After
conversations and care of the person, take the salt shaker, loudly thank the salt for
work and help, throw it away. Preferably not in the trash, but
выйти и высыпать прочь от houses.

Also, if you go to someone for a meeting, not too you
pleasant, forced, pour salt into a small bag or
wrap in fabric, tie with thread. After встречи просто
we throw out and mentally thank salt for the help.

Cleaning the house with salt

Maintaining the energy of your home also plays an important role. You
home is your castle. If you periodically conduct purification rites,
foes come to visit you. Themselves will feel
uncomfortable, just stop visiting you.

Put salt in ordinary lids and place in all corners. Salt
will absorb all the negative, will not allow him to fill the room.
Every week, salt must be thrown away, its resources will be quickly
get exhausted.

Salt energy test

There is a way to check if there is negative energy in the house. On
help will come salt. Take a small amount of it, heat it up
fire and watch the color.

Если соль очень сильно потемнела, в доме царит
negative energy is possible and the presence of damage, the evil eye. Dark,
salt absorbs all the negativity, we immediately discard it.

Если соль трещит – в вашем доме точно, что-то
not this way. Most likely, you or other members of your family are targeted.
damage or wish bad, and the bad message is firmly hooked and hung
over you.

Such a check-cleaning can be carried out periodically, once in
several months.

Interestingly, salt can even improve sleep. Put on
night at the head of the bed saucer with salt. In the morning, do not forget her
throw away. We repeat the ritual week, by the end of the term you will notice
how your sleep has improved.

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