How to remove stains from clothes at home.The best ways to deal with stains on clothes at homeby means

Пт, 01 апр 2016 Автор: Ирина WITHинкина

Spilled juice, tea, coffee, chocolate or rust marks may
spoil and favorite thing, and mood.

Is it possible to remove stains from clothes at home?

Folk remedies are safer and more benign, which is especially important
for children’s clothes that you do not want to handle chemical


Is it possible to remove stains from clothes at home?

The success of cleaning things depends on the speed. Much
it is easier to cope with any fresh contamination until it has eaten
deep into the fabric and not dried out. For this house in the arsenal of the hostess
There should always be available and effective means:

• ammonia;

• hydrogen peroxide;

• glycerin;

• potato starch;

• vinegar, baking soda, table salt.

But there are spots that are completely washed at home.
complicated. For example, clear traces of fuel oil, tar, technical
oils, some types of paints and varnishes. Coarse, thick fabric can
try to handle gasoline, solvent, kerosene. But
the thin product from aggressive means will finally deteriorate. TO
stains that are hard to get rid of at home also
include rust, traces of dampness and mold.

Improvised means in the fight against very intense,
heavy pollution. They can try to withdraw
independently, and from the remaining traces will have to flee
cardinal methods or using dry cleaning.

TOак вывести пятна в домашних условиях с помощью подручных

Пятна крови. The main rule in breeding
such traces – use only cold water. Protein which
part of the blood coagulates from exposure to high
temperature, as a result, the product can not be restored. With
fresh small stains great cope strong salt
a solution in which the thing must be soaked and left for 15 minutes.
Withль прекрасно впитывает компоненты крови, и пятна полностью
wash off.

Perfectly solves the problem of hydrogen peroxide. Apply it on cotton
drive and clean the contaminated place. This method is very effective and
stained with dried blood, but does not fit delicate products
fabrics (chiffon, silk), since peroxide can spoil a thing.
Clothes made from lightweight, thin materials should be cleaned with gruel.
from potato starch and water.

If the product has many blood stains, soak it in a solution with
liquid ammonia, with the calculation of 20 ml of alcohol per liter of water. After
processing thing is necessary to wash and rinse cool

WITHледы от кетчупа. Fresh pollution
wonderful output. First, carefully remove all excess
product with a spoon or knife, do not rub ketchup into the fabric. Spot
следует полить жидким fundsом для мытья посуды и тщательно
brush with an old toothbrush. Rinse gently
blurred area in the water. If a trace remains, you need to cook
gruel of soda and hydrogen peroxide, apply to pollution. For
деликатных вещей разбавьте раствор water Just hold 15
minutes and wash the product.

Пролитые на одежду чай, кофе, какао. If a
fresh dirt does not wash well; make a solution of 2
tablespoons of glycerin and half a teaspoon of ammonia
alcohol. Wipe off stains, leave for 15 minutes and wash

Ягодный сок. Take equal juice
lemon and vinegar. Spot замочите полученным раствором. Through
15 minutes the product is washed.

Пятна от чернил. Perfectly copes with
similar pollution solution at the rate of: 1 cup of warm
water, 1 tablespoon of liquid ammonia and the same peroxide
hydrogen. Dampen cotton pad put in the stained place and
leave for 15 minutes. Coat the stain with soap
If necessary, repeat the procedure. Also effectively fights with
traces of ink, ballpoint and gel pens glycerin in equal
proportions with ethyl alcohol. Needs to be wetted
fundsом пятна, и через час прополоскать.

WITHледы от краски. The easiest way to wash
acrylic and emulsion paint, they dissolve in water, their
removal requires only patience and perseverance. Fresh
the stains are washed off with warm water using household soap,
стирального порошка и даже fundsа для мытья посуды. To
get rid of stubborn stains use a toothbrush and thoroughly
scrub the pollution.

Oil paint is harder to handle. Aggressive solvents:
acetone, refined gasoline, white spirit can ruin a thing,
especially colored or wool. They are suitable only for light
thick fabrics, require very careful use and not
guarantee an excellent result.

TOапли машинного масла. If a они маленькие — их
remove is not difficult. Needed soiled places well
fall asleep with tooth powder, chalk or powdered sugar. Hold for an hour.
Then freeze with soap and leave overnight.

WITHледы от травы. Fresh pollution замечательно
brighten from the application of the solution: 1 tablespoon of ammonia
alcohol 600ml of water. Next you should manually wash the thing
household soap.

Пятна от йода и зеленки. Great effect
easy to achieve only in the case of fresh pollution. TOартофельный
starch or a potato cut will perfectly clean the thing from iodine. WITH
green paint cope with hydrogen peroxide mixed in equal proportions
с water

TOак вывести пятна с одежды в домашних условиях и не испортить

Народные fundsа достаточно эффективные, щадящие, болher
safe for health and for things. To не испортить изделие
There are simple rules for cleaning.

• Under the fabric in the place of pollution should be placed
waterproof substrate, for example, cellophane or absorbent

• TOрайне важно попробовать fundsо на небольшом участке. Can
use lapel, seam allowances, wrong side of the cuff.
Special attention should be given to products made from light, thin fabrics.

• Spot следует обрабатывать аккуратно, по направлению от края к
center so as not to increase the contour and area of ​​pollution.

• Care should be taken when using hot water.
Some stains erupt into the fabric under the influence of temperature, and
not subject to cleaning. It is better to wash the soiled thing in a cool

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