How to plant tomatoes for open ground: the bestvarieties, planting dates and cultivation rules. Tomato planting schemepriming

Ср, 01 мар 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Every gardener knows that not all varieties of tomatoes are suitable for
выращивания в открытом primingе. Fruits of greenhouse varieties in
such conditions simply do not have time to mature.

Какие сорта томатов посадить в priming и как правильно
do this?


Популярные сорта томатов для открытого primingа

Probably no culture can boast such an abundance
varieties like tomato. Here everyone chooses what suits him
taste. But in order not to get confused in the names and make it easier to choose
Use tips from experienced gardeners.

All tomatoes are divided into groups according to the strength of growth of the bush and the timing
fruiting Among them are tall and stunted
varieties. Tall ones require special support and care, but
Growing stunted varieties is not difficult.

By the time of ripening tomatoes are divided into three

• early ripe, which ripen in three months after

• mid-ripening, the ripening period of which is 115-120

• late ripening, ripen after 130 days.

In harsh climates it is preferable to grow
early ripe tomatoes, which give a bountiful harvest, while the average
and later maturities simply do not have time to mature.

Gardeners are most fond of such

• “Sanka” – a short, ripening tomato, which is rarely
sick, gives stable yields, does not require staving;

• “Ranethochka” – early and high-yielding variety, bush rarely
grows more than 50 cm;

• “Supergonets” – early-ripening variety, fruits well even with
bad weather;

• “Perseus” – an elongated low-growing tomato, fleshy fruit,
have good taste, tolerate

• “Maryushka” – a tomato tolerates bad weather, is resistant to
diseases and pests. Lasts on 105-115 day of cultivation.

Томаты для открытого primingа подходят для свежего потребления,
recycling, tolerate transportation.

Посадка семян томатов на рассаду для открытого primingа

Tomato seeds need pre-treatment, which reduces
risk of disease and accelerates the germination process.

A solution of potassium permanganate is poured into a clean container, placed on the bottom
cotton fabric. After the fabric has absorbed enough
moisture, excess water is drained. Spread seeds on a damp cloth.
The container is placed in a bag and cleaned for a day in a warm place, where
temperature is maintained at 30 degrees. You can put
capacity with seeds under the battery, after which it is removed in the refrigerator
for a few hours.

Further germination is carried out in a warm room until nakleva
seed, in time it takes up to 5 days. Seeds ready for

Planting of tomatoes is carried out at different times, early ripening varieties
planted later than the rest. As a rule, seeds are sown in the second
half of march. To do this, use cassettes or
containers. The soil is loose and breathable.

Boxes filled with 5 cm substrate, lightly tamped
поверхность primingа, и формируют бороздки. To get grooves
straight, use a ruler.

Seeds are laid out at a short distance from each other when
help a toothpick or other available tools. Then their
засыпают тонким слоем primingа и увлажняют из пульверизатора. On
seed containers are labeled with the name of the variety and the date

For the seeds to germinate quickly, you need to create the right conditions.
For this, containers are covered with foil and cleaned in a warm place.
Seeds germinate on the fifth day after planting. After the appearance
mass shoots film removed and put the boxes into the light. Further
seedlings are grown at a temperature of about 18 degrees.

Pecking tomatoes in separate containers

As soon as the seedlings grow up, and there will be two true leaves,
seedlings dive in separate pots. You can use any
containers or special peat pots for seedlings.

Емкости наполняют плодородным primingом и высаживают в них сеянцы.
From the general box they get them neatly, the central spine during
picks a little pinch. Deepen seedlings to cotyledons

At first, after planting, tomatoes are well watered. Once
the plants will get stronger and grow a little, they are fed with a solution
mineral fertilizers. The dose for the working solution is reduced
half of that shown on the package.

Tip! If the seedlings become crowded in
cups, and the landing time has not yet come, then it can be transplanted
in a larger tank.

Как закалять рассаду перед высадкой в priming

If seedlings are immediately taken out and planted on the beds, then it will
long to be sick To prevent this from happening, it is hardened.

A few weeks before disembarking, seedlings are brought out to the street for 1-2
hours, provided that the weather is warm. Every day time
increase, but on sunny days the plants are removed in the shade.

Примерно за сутки до высадки томатов в priming рассаду оставляют
on the street until the morning. If frost is expected, then at night the plants
cover spunbond.

On фото рассада томатов готовая к посадке в priming

Правила посадки томатов в открытый priming

Under the cultivation of tomatoes prepare a warm and sunny place,
protected from cold winds. In addition, it is important to consider the height
залегания primingовых вод. Since tomatoes do not tolerate stagnation and
близкого расположения primingовых вод у корней, то место должно быть
moderately dry.

The soil in the plot should be light and fertile;
add humus and mineral fertilizers. It is important that
grown on the garden to the tomatoes. The best predecessors
are legumes, roots and greens. But after
Potatoes, eggplants and peppers planting tomatoes is not recommended. Have
these crops have similar diseases, which increases the risk of damage.

Tomatoes are planted in the afternoon or in cloudy weather.
During the night, the plants will get strong enough and take root easily. More often
рассаду в открытый priming переносят в середине мая.

Как посадить томаты в priming

In gardening, use several schemes for growing tomatoes. it
depends on the growth of the bush, on the irrigation system and other things.
The main thing is that every bush should be as lit and as good as possible.
blew through.

Low-growing varieties are planted in two rows, as shown in the photo.
The distance between the bushes is left up to 40 cm, and the rows are formed on
half a meter distance. Between the beds make the passage width of about 80
see Watering organized between the rows in the garden.

Tall tomatoes are grown in one row in the garden, while
the distance between the bushes is left up to 50 cm. Between the beds make
half a meter pass.

Regardless of the method of cultivation when planting tomatoes
follow general guidelines.

1. • On the day of disembarkation, seedlings are watered abundantly so as not to
injure the roots when transplanting.

2. • Holes under the tomatoes do the depth on the spade bayonet. In each
well is poured water so that it is completely absorbed.

3. • Seedlings are deepened to the first pair of leaves, trying not to
destroy lump with the ground.

4. • Holes are covered with earth and watered abundantly. After planting the soil
around the plants are mulched with humus, which allows us to preserve

5.•On грядке устанавливают опору, чтобы подвязывать растущие

6.•Сразу после посадки грядку cover пленкой, чтобы
immature plants were not affected by night frost. Once
seedlings take root, the film is removed.

The adaptation period takes up to 10 days. All this time, tomatoes are not
watered, not fed. The first watering is carried out after
plants will take root in a new place.

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