How to plant peonies in the fall in the ground so that they do notfroze and not rotted in the winter. Care for planted peoniesin the autumn

Пн, 26 сен 2016 Автор: Надежда Катаева

Peonies are loved by many gardeners, it is difficult to find flowers that combine in
bright beauty and at the same time unpretentiousness. Manifold
colors, lush green – truly worthy of any decoration

This culture without exaggeration is called outstanding. If a
choose the right place, plant, they will delight you for a long time
years Культуру сажать в саду нужно in the autumn.


Pros and cons of the autumn planting peonies

From mid-August to early October, the best time to land
пионов in the autumn, плюсов тут неоспоримо больше чем минусов. The main thing,
so that before the onset of frost, the plants take root, take root on
A new place, then they will be able to survive a long winter. Early fall
plant tree varieties, then, closer to October, the turn
late, herbaceous. Plants planted at this time sprout and
bloom earlier in two weeks planted in the spring. Ingrained
easily tolerate return frosts, advanced root system
easier to adapt during drought.

Минусов при посадке in the autumn пионов практически нет, важное
condition so that they bloom before transplanting. Spring flowers are better not
touch – they are sick, can not tie buds. Carefully
need to dig up the soil around, they have a powerful developed root
a system that is easily damaged when loosening, which can also
affect flowering.

Spring for gardeners hot season. Care, a lot of trouble, so
flowers can not have time to plant in time, which will affect the quality
plants, their pomp, this is another advantage of autumn

How to prepare and select planting material for planting pions
in the autumn

The main way, and reliable for reproduction, is considered the division
bush. In late August and early September, when new buds
flowering has already formed, and small roots have not had time
grow, the operation is done in such

• Pruned foliage, dig up a bush, for this you first need it
dig, then gently remove from the ground.

• Gently rinse with water and leave for a few hours.
in the shade, as slightly puppy roots are easier to divide.

• Next, a wooden peg is driven into the center of the rhizome, bush
breaks down. You can use an iron knife, pre
heating it on the fire, so as not to bring the disease to the flower.

• Корни укорачивают, подрезая до 10 см. If a есть гниль, ее
carefully removed, root cleaned and treated with woody
in coal.

On one delinker leave about 4 peepholes and the same
roots, if you leave 1 peephole, the plant will develop
slowly, but the bush will turn out young and healthy. So small
bushes at first need pritenyat.

Посадка и уход за пионами in the autumn

Plants are light-requiring. Место для посадки пионов in the autumn в грунт
should be sunny, light partial shade is acceptable. Strong shading
leads to the fact that the flowers will start to grow smaller or
substandard, the stems will be thinner.

The pit should be made in advance, ideally in 2
месяца до landing.
The size of the pit depends on the volume of the roots, in
average diameter is 50 cm, depth 60 cm. Large diameter
pits filled with nutrient mixture. At the bottom is placed humus,
peat. Meat and bone meal is added to an estimated 300 grams and 200 grams.
superphosphate. The rest of the place is filled with fertile soil.
If a грунт глинистый, добавляют песок, и наоборот, если песчаный,
add a bucket of clay, avoid wetlands.

The pit is left to shrink, with no time
it is necessary to shed the soil with water. The rhizome segment is set
obliquely, gently poured on top of the earth, pressing his hands.
Nearby is a groove, which is filled with water. Next is
mulching with sawdust is better last year, because fresh
strongly oxidize the soil, however, here it can help slaked

The depth of the fossa should be such that the kidneys are below
уровня почвы на 5 см. If a почки будут выше земли, то есть риск их
frosting, and with a strong burial is not strong enough to drive
sprout on the surface of the earth.

Удобрения для пионов in the autumn, летом, весной

При посадке пионов in the autumn в грунт вносится подкормка, поэтому в
the next three years, fertilizer is not necessary. Culture loves
neutral or alkaline soil and responds well to top dressing
ash and superphosphate. Flowers are unpretentious, but extra
foliar fertilization enhances flowering. If a по каким-то причинам
fertilizers were not applied during planting, then already in the first year of life
plants are sprayed with carbamide after sprouting in spring.
Next, for the first and second feeding you will need 100 grams
nitrophosphate, then phosphorus and potassium are used.

Beneficial for young plants is the use of mullein,
fermented in the sun with the addition of wood ash. Or one
A mullein bucket adds 40 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams
potassium sulfate.

After flowering complex fertilizers are good for flowers, which
used according to the instructions. In hot, dry weather fertilizers
in liquid form, it is allowed to use in rainy weather
granules. In early October, it is useful to bring ashes and bones under the bushes.
flour approximately 100 grams per square meter. Enough to scatter
around and cover up the mulch.

Уход за пионами in the autumn

It is important to prepare the plant for the winter. Correct
actions will ensure a good wintering, abundant flowering next
year Now they just need nutrients. Root
the system is actively developing, growing. Now as never before needed
full care. All the beneficial substances are more
in the thickened parts of the roots. So, for lush flowering,
full development need phosphorus and potassium. Can be used in
liquid form. On the bucket of water are added drugs in accordance
instructions and watering the flowers.

Чтобы вырастить красивые пионы, посадка и уход in the autumn
provides for the correct pruning of the bushes before wintering the plant.
The best time is the first frosts, perhaps it will be the beginning of November,
should not be cut before, it will affect the splendor of flowers
the best way. Shoots shorten to the ground. Cut branches
need to endure and burn. After the procedure, the ground around the bushes need
sprinkle with ashes. В регионах, где суровые зимы, пионы in the autumn нужно
cover up It is suitable for this lapnik or peat, as well as sawdust or
fallen leaves. Peony leaves should not be covered,
it is a favorable environment for diseases, flowers can even

In rainy weather, flowers can be affected by gray mold;
to help fight the drug foundation.
In the autumn, after
cut the stems, the base of the bush is filled with a 0.1% solution of this
drug. For various types of spotting used
spraying 1% Bordeaux liquid.

The height of the covering layer of 10-15 cm will protect from cold winds.

Pruned peony is not recommended because their flowers
formed on last year’s shoots. Note that this view
culture does not tolerate stagnation of water, prefers loose soil.
The landing pit is made in the size of 70 by 70 cm, and the bottom is required
fits drainage. With the onset of frost base of the bush
covered with dry leaves, wrapped with non-woven material. In the spring
dry and frozen branches are pruned.

We wish you good luck in the horticultural business!

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