How to plant carrots: selection of seeds, timingplanting, preparation of beds. Popular ways to plant carrots withoutthinning

Вт, 28 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Many gardeners deny themselves the pleasure
grow carrots, all because the vegetable needs care and

Forgot to thin out planting and instead of succulent root ugly
the pods. However, experienced gardeners know how to plant carrots without


The timing of planting carrots

Выращивать морковь без thinning вполне возможно, но для
beginning it is important to determine the time of sowing and select the seeds.

Early ripe carrot varieties are intended for summer consumption.
and practically not stored. They are planted before winter or in the second
half of april. Among the early varieties of the most popular

Парижская Каротель. Carrots give good
yields even on heavy and poorly cultivated soil.

Амстердамская. Juicy root vegetables with small

Нантская. Carrots are suitable for processing and
fresh consumption.

Mid-season carrot varieties are suitable for short
storage and processing. To embark start in the first half

WITHамсон. High-yielding variety. Roots
bright orange with dense and juicy flesh.

Флакке. Yield, grows well even
heavy soils. Carrots are resistant to diseases and pests.

Форто. Crop variety, well kept, rarely
affected by pests.

Late carrots are well kept and suitable for winter
consumption. Landing is carried out from the beginning to the middle of June. Clean up
late varieties in mid-October. Popular varieties with
good keeping quality of root crops:

Королева осени. Carrots don’t shoot
cracks when aging.

WITHладкая зима. Commercial appearance of root crops
persists until next season.

Олимпус. Crop variety for low fertile

Красный великан. Suitable for podzimny

The timing of planting carrots могут несколько сдвигаться,
always focus on the local climate and weather.

How to prepare carrot seeds for planting

Every gardener knows that carrots come out tight. It’s connected with
the fact that the seeds of the root are saturated with essential oils, which
impede germination.

You can speed up the process of emergence of friendly shoots. Here is the main
The gardener’s task is to wash the esters off the seeds.

1. • Seeds are placed in a fabric pouch and tightly tied.

2. • Pour warm water into a glass.

3. • A bag of seeds is placed in a glass and kept to full
cooling water.

4. • Painted water is drained.

The procedure is done twice, after which the bag is opened and
seeds dried to a loose state. Now landing
material is ready.

Important! After processing the seeds sprout
twice as fast as usual.

Как посадить морковь без thinning ( фото)

If there is no time and desire to constantly mess around on the beds with
carrots, use proven methods from experienced
gardeners. You do not need to buy expensive
granulated seeds and special tools. All that is needed
для посадки без thinning, найдется в каждом доме.

Landing way

You can make a ribbon for planting carrots yourself, which
saves time for thinning and money for the purchase of finished. For
This will require regular toilet paper and a paste of starch and

1. • The paper is cut into strips 2 cm thick. The length of the strips is equal to
the length of the beds.

2. • Droplets of paste are distributed at a distance of 2.5-3 cm each
from friend.

3. • Seeds are placed on a paste and allowed to dry.

The advantage of this method is that you can prepare tapes
in advance at home even in winter. Store tapes until
landing just enough to twist them in a roll. For each
roll put the name of the variety. The shoots are friendly because
that all the seeds are at the same depth. Thinning shoots not
need, they are distributed at an optimal distance.

Finished strips just laid out in advance
beds and sprinkled with earth. This method of landing gives large

Tip! To increase the yield
carrots, mineral fertilizers are added to the paste.

Syringe as a planter for carrots

A ready carrot planter is a plastic container,
the bottom of which is dispenser. When happens
pressure on the piston, the seeds through the dispenser fall into the ground. WITH
For this purpose, an ordinary medical syringe can be used.

WITHемена засыпают в колбу и на одинаковом расстоянии помещают на
garden bed To get the shoots uniform, try
adhere to the same depth of seeding.

Sowing carrots with egg trays

Paper trays of eggs will be useful for sowing carrots to
распределить семена на одинаковом расстоянии друг from friend. Such
способ позволяет выращивать морковь без thinning.

1. • Prepare and align the bed in advance.

2. • Two paper trays are put one into the other to make
sturdy construction

3. • The convex side presses the trays to the ground to remain

4. • Spread the carrot seeds into the prepared wells.

Preparation of beds before planting carrots

Whatever way you planted carrots, garden bed before sowing
be sure to prepare.

Even in the fall, the landing site is being dug up and made
manure, potassium salt and superphosphate. Do not use lime,
ash and a lot of nitrogen fertilizers, carrots do not like it.

If the fall late with the preparation of beds, it does not matter. In the spring
They dig up the soil two weeks before planting, so that the bed will settle.
Carrots love thick earth.

Good harvest can be achieved when growing carrots
wide-row way. Form a bed about 15-20 cm wide, on
the edges of which are planted onions. This will prevent the appearance of carrot
flies. Inside the resulting rut carrots are planted in any
as described above.

As the roots grow, the garden bed is mulched with mowed grass or
sprinkled with earth. This will not allow green tips to form.
on the edges of the carrot.

Caring for carrots in open ground

To get a good harvest of carrots, it is important to respect everything
several points:

• timely loosening of the soil;

• no weeds;

• regular watering.

To facilitate the work will help mulching beds, then constantly
loosen the ground and remove the weeds is not necessary. Mulch
inhibits the growth of weeds, the soil beneath it remains wet and

But watering carrots should be taken seriously. First reason
sluggish and bitter root vegetables – improper watering.

Грядка должна пропитываться влагой на глубину до 30 см. For
this is better to use drip irrigation. So as a disadvantage or
excess moisture affects the taste of root vegetables,
leads to cracking and excessive growth of tops.

Water carrots once a week. At the same time after sowing on 1
sq. м. грядки расходуют всего 3 литра water. After they appear
всходы, и ботва подрастет, норму увеличивают до 10 литров на 1 sq.
m. When the tops are closed, the formation of root crops, there is consumption
water is up to 20 liters per unit area.

1.5 months before harvesting, the amount of water is reduced to 10 liters, and
a week or two before the collection and stop watering the garden altogether.

If the landing site has been prepared by all the rules and
all the fertilizers are applied, then additionally feed the carrots
need to. To feed the roots is necessary when
planting forgot about fertilizer. Use soluble mineral
complexes that contribute in two stages. The first time a month after
seedlings, the second – after 1.5 from the previous one.

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