How to plant a coleus of seeds at homeconditions. How to properly care for coleus to savebush health

WITHб, 22 апр 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Coleus is a bright plant that is remarkable.
its foliage.

Its flowering is nondescript, so most often a panicle with inflorescences
break out. Planting Coleus and caring for it is very simple.


How to plant Coleus at home (photo)

Coleus can grow from cuttings or delenki. If you take
planting material is nowhere, then you can buy coleus seeds in
flower shop. They sprout well, which makes it possible
grow several copies.

Sowing seeds begin in late March, when the increase
daylight hours. If you sow earlier, you will have to
highlight seedlings. For growing seedlings, choose fertile,
but a fairly loose soil that passes water well and
air. Sowing seeds is superficial, they do not need to be embedded in the soil,
on top you can sprinkle with a thin layer of sand. Dampen crops with water and
cover with glass, remove before germination in a dark place. Regularly
Ventilate the hothouse so that the seeds do not rot.

Shoots Coleus photo

Seeds germinate very quickly, somewhere for 6-7 days. Not important
skip this moment and move the greenhouse to a well-lit
a place. Shelter is removed gradually, giving the seedlings the opportunity
get used to. Coleus seedlings are grown at a temperature of 17-19 C.
If a seedling container is not brought to light, then it is instant
will stretch and become unattractive.

Growing seedlings at first slowly. Only 4 weeks
a second pair of leaves appears. After that, Coleus grows faster
two weeks later, a pick is carried out in separate tanks and
pinch for better tillering.

Photo of the disguised coleus seedlings

Important! Further cultivation of coleus
can occur in a house or on a flower bed. Plant loves fresh
air, it can be put on a balcony or terrace.

At the site, coleus is grown as an annual plant. WITH
by the coming of autumn they bring him into the house. But best of all every spring.
grow new seedlings. The most beautiful plant becomes
by 3-5 months after sowing.

How to care for coleus at home

The plant does not need special attention. Coleus care
reduced to a minimum.

1. • Planting in a spacious and deep pot. Plant
grows, needs frequent transplants and updates.

2. • Construction of good drainage. Despite the fact that coleus
moisture-loving, it does not tolerate stagnant water, the root system
subjected to putrid diseases.

3. • The correct watering mode. The warmer the room, the more often
water the plant. The ground must be wet.
In winter, watering is reduced, but the earthen room is not overdry.

4. • High-quality lighting. The flower is arranged well
lighted area, eastern or western windows are best.
From the south side of the house the pot should be pritenyat from direct solar

5.•WITHвоевременные подкормки. In spring and summer the plant needs
complex mineral fertilizers and a large amount of nitrogen.
The frequency of feeding – 1 time per month.

6.•WITHтрижка. Plant быстро теряет декоративность, поэтому
in the spring it needs to be rejuvenated. All shoots are cut short, and cuttings
used for germination. Coleus recovers quickly.

Comprehensive care will allow you to grow a compact bush with
decorative leaves.

Fight against diseases and pests

From the wrong care the plant becomes weak, loses
decorative and attacked by pests. From this
other indoor plants also suffer.

WITHамые распространенные ошибки при выращивании колеуса:

• Rotted stem. WITHлишком много влаги в почве, так как нет стока
excess fluid, no drainage or clogged drainage
holes, the earth has soured;

• The tips of the leaves are dry, curled and wither. Plant
grown in a room with dry air, not sprayed or
watered irregularly;

• Opal leaves from the bush. The reason may be excessive watering,
draft, watering with cold water, the content on the cold windowsill
in the winter;

• WITHухие пятна на листья появляются из-за солнечного ожога.
Plant нуждается в рассеянном свете, на южных окнах притеняют
даже in the winter;

• Leaves are pale, bright color is lost. Lack of lighting
or poor soil, the plant did not feed for a long time;

• The bush does not grow as it lacks nutrition. Transplant in
New land, feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizer.

The presence of pests is easy to determine. The bush is deformed
leaves dry, discolor. Of the most dangerous pests
are aphids, whiteflies and spider mites. With a weak defeat
Bush washed with soapy water. In advanced cases, you will need
treatment with insecticides; good results
Aktellikom, Fitoverm, Aktar.

How to care for coleus in winter

In late August, gradually reduce watering and fertilizing.

WITH наступлением холодов растение нуждается в покое.

Transfer the pot to a cool place where the temperature will not be
подниматься выше 15 WITH, поливать колеус необходимо 1 раз в месяц,
so that the earth com does not dry up.

Reproduction coleus at home

To preserve the decorative qualities of the shrub, its better
propagate by cuttings. To start grafting in early February,
continue the procedure until mid-May. Rooting planting material
in wet sand for 8-12 days. After this cuttings
transplanted into plates for further cultivation.

Photos of coleus cuttings ready for planting

For better tillering, nip when the bush reaches
desired height. Caring for Coleus, do not forget to water
растение, поддерживать температуру на уровне 16-18 WITH и проветривать
the room.

Expose the cuttings to the sunniest place, but from direct
Sunlight shade. If there are many suns, then the edges of the leaves
discolored. The cuttings are grown in flakes for 3 months, after which
пересаживают в горшки на постоянное a place.

Coleus Varieties

Coleus hybrid. Most often it is used for
indoor growing. Plant совершенно неприхотливое, не
needs special care. Under good conditions it reaches 1 m.
heights. The color of the leaves changes, depending on where it stands.
plant pot. In the light sheet plate is painted in
purple hue, in the shade becomes green.

Coleus Renelta. Grow as ampelnoe
plant. The length of the shoots reaches 50 cm. The leaves are heart-shaped,
wavy edges, streaks of red or yellow.

Колеус Блюме. One of the popular plants in
gardeners. There are many kinds of plants. Most often this
semi-shrubs whose shoots reach a height of 80 cm. Coloring
may be brownish purple, golden yellow, fiery red.
Streaks are green, white or red.

As you can see, it is easy to plant a Coleus, therefore
try growing it at home. Plant неприхотливое, не
will bring trouble, and bright foliage will fit well into the interior of the room.
For the summer, take the plant pot to the garden or balcony, protect
from the sun and rain.

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