How to make a swan out of paper? Variants of figures andstep-by-step instructions with photos: make swans out of paper

Пт, 05 авг 2016 Автор: Алексей Куманеев

No matter what your experience with origami is, read our
master class, you will learn how to make a swan out of paper with your own
by hands.

The only thing that will be needed in abundance, this time, perseverance
and perseverance. Many people mistakenly believe that this is a simple figure, but
create it no more difficult than a small airplane.

The complexity of the work depends on the selected option.



There is a huge amount of original creation methods.
volumetric figure of a swan. Popular options:

• modular designer;

• in origami style;

• cutting.

In the manufacture of any option has its advantages and
limitations. Which option can do with your own hands even
child? This handicraft with elements of cutting. The hardest thing seems
make a model of modules, but in practice it is not. Yes this
the variant requires the most time, but it is not possible to assemble a smart figure
will work.

Paper swans: how to make crafts with your own hands?

What is required for the implementation of their goals? Before,
how to make a swan out of paper with your own hands, you need to prepare
workspace. What do we need for this?
would need?

1. Smooth surface. For example, a table or floor.

2. Scissors.

3. Ruler.

4. Sheets of paper.

5. A set of simple pencils.

6. In some cases, you need a set of colors to give the desired
color figurine.

7. Optional, additional details, such as eyes.

8. Glue.

How to make a modular model with your own hands?

The hardest part in this case is to procure a large amount
identical modules. At the beginning, each module will fail
quickly, but with practice, it will turn out to prepare the necessary amount
details for 1-3 hours. It must be said that the product is of medium complexity.
will require 1000-1500 fragments. Be patient.

Let’s start studying the technology.

1. Bend a sheet of paper in half.

2. Cut the sheet with scissors or a thin knife.

3. Without separating the divided parts, fold them in half still

4. Again, we cut in a bend.

5. Повторяем сгибание и разрезание еще time.

6. Take 1 piece, bend the big side in half.

7. Folded leaf fragment bend in the middle.

8. Expand the last bend. At the site of the bend we bend
the first and then the second half at an angle of 45 degrees.

9. From the reverse side, where the joint is, fold it at an angle.
45 degrees beginning of the sheet.

10. Repeat the same operation on the other side.

11. Along the height line lowered to the base of our triangle,
we carry out bending.

12. The module is ready!

First, prepare 500 slices. Now proceed to

1. On one side of the module pocket, on the other – the angle of the module,
which we insert into the pocket.

2. Let’s start with the base. Take one module, insert it into your pocket
two others.

3. In those modules in which the corners of the first were inserted, they still have
one unoccupied pocket. We take 2 more such products and insert into
each pocket at 1 corner.

4. In fact, we have a two-row connection. Modules
the first row is inserted into the pockets of the modules of the second row.

5. It is required from 60 modules on 2 rows.

6. Now on the modules of the 2nd row we dress the 3rd row.

7. Total required 6 rows for the base.

8. Turn the base to the other side and, light
movements, direct the corners of the extreme rows up.

In fact, the further appearance of the swan directly depends on your
desires. Modules достаточно устойчивы, чтобы выдержать всевозможные
bends of the wings or neck. Anyway,

Consider the uncomplicated version of the modular swan.

1. Conditionally divide the swan into 2 parts. On the one hand we have
there will be a tail, on the other – a neck.

2. The highest point of the wings can be placed symmetrically on
the center of the semicircle, and may approach closer to the tail. Plain
method – symmetry: divide the circle into 4 equal intervals.

3. Now divide this distance in half – there will be transitions
between the main parts. Note: there will be a transition in place of the neck –
on the modules do not recruit.

4. Recruit another row, but at the transition points the module is removed. AT
subsequent rows.

5. Add 3 more rows.

6. Next: wings – recruit another 4-6 rows, without reducing
the number of modules in a number; tail – row by row comes to naught.

7. There is an option when the height of the wings and tail is the same –
then they are recruited equally, most often, on the principle of constant

How to make a neck for a paper swan?

To create a neck, we need 30-40 modules. We fold them in a row,
one to one, aligned in a straight line. Now we bend the modules –
the ideal form is the top of the number 2 or a question mark.
For the beak, you can take a module of orange paper.

Origami Swan

The difficulty lies in the fact that all operations must be carried out
extremely neat and accurate. For a child who does not have much
experience with origami, such a figure will be too complicated.
The slightest deviation or incorrectly bent sheet leads to
unsuitable billet. We’ll have to start from the beginning.

ATырезание лебедя из бумаги

This is the easiest way. For level elementary school classes
school product will be simple and straightforward. The most difficult thing is to draw
form. The bird’s body is best made not of paper, but of cardboard or
any hard stuff. The figure is divided into 2 parts: the body with
stand; wings.

So, draw and then cut out the bird’s body. On the back doing
cut in half height. To make the wings, you need

1. On one side of the sheet cut arc.

2. Fold the sheet accordion.

Now insert the wings into the cut on the back – everything, swan
is ready.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Now you know how to make
paper swan. To give the model a better aesthetic look, its
color Absolutely any kind of paint is suitable for this, but much
spectacular colors with sparkles. Popular options:

• black with white collar and vice versa;

• silver;

• gold;

• Navy blue.

The flight of fantasy is not limited by anything, and if in creating a volumetric
models are involved and the child, then leave the choice for him, as well as
painting If he does not finish something, then do it without him, and
it is desirable that the child did not see it.

To revive the figures, you can glue eyes. Using black
pencil or brush, add small arc-shaped lines.
Work on the beak.

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