How to make a rose from a ribbon with your own hands?Step-by-step instructions with a photo: we make from satin ribbon with our own handsroses

Чт, 21 апр 2016 Автор: Зоя Сергеева

A graceful and elegant rose is a recognized queen of flowers.

Legends are made about her, poems and songs are dedicated to her.

In ancient Greece, the rose was considered the gift of the gods.

From the snow-white foam, which covered the body of Aphrodite, appeared
amazing flower.

The gods, fascinated by such beauty, gave him a wonderful

Rose petals strew the marriage bed and the way
winning warriors.

These luxurious flowers decorate the interior and clothing, accessories
and household plots.


What tapes at home you can do with your own hands
изготовить roses?

Needlewomen in their work often use nylon or
Satin ribbons of different colors and widths. They decorate clothes,
decorate the interior, embroider whole pictures. From multi-colored satin
tapes of different widths we do some options with our own hands
delicate and spectacular buds and flowers of roses.

We will need satin ribbons 50 cm long and 3-4 cm wide.
If you have wider ribbons, then their length should be
more. We also need a regular needle and thread in color.

1. Fold the tape along, exactly edge to edge. We sew
billet close to the edge of the seam “forward needle”. At the same end
Stitch parts at an angle of 45º. Edge on the end of the excess part
ribbons and singe it using the flame of a candle or lighter. it
it is necessary that in the future our rosette is not disheveled. Ends
basting thread leave long enough for them to be
It was to take and pull.

2. From one edge of the workpiece gently pull the thread, do
two or three dense turns of the tape and fasten them. it будет сердцевина
our flower.

3. Then again gently tighten the basting thread and do
following turns. Now we wind the tape loosely and after each
turnover fixable. Gently hem tape edges, ending
work and fluff the petals. From pieces of green tape you can
fold the small leaves. Our rose is ready.

Еще одна пошаговая инструкция, как изготовить roses из атласных
tapes do it yourself

It is also possible to make a thin tape 1-2 cm wide.
charming flower. We will use a satin ribbon length 50

1. Find the middle and fold the halves of the tape at an angle.

2. Shift the lower end of the ribbon to the top. In the center of the workpiece
it turns out square. And again the lower end of the tape, but now with
the other side, we throw to the top. Do not forget to hold
workpiece fingers: satin ribbon – very slippery material.

3. Here, finally, the whole tape is folded into a square. Holding both
tip tape, release the workpiece. We should get here
such a kind of spiral.

4. Аккуратно тянем за один, любой, конец tapes. At this stage
it is important not to drag the ribbon, otherwise the rosette will fall apart. Overturn
product, we tie a double knot, cut off the excess end and
we burn the edges of the tape so that they do not get disheveled. Small
charming rosette is ready.

Пошаговая вышивка roses из ленты своими руками

Satin ribbons can be embroidered on almost any material:
canvas, cotton, silk, drape, denim. The condition is one –
material should not stretch during operation. Skillful
masters decorate bed and table linen with such embroidery,
outerwear and thin blouses, drapes and pillows, hats, and
gloves, bags and belts.

To embroider a rose, we need two needles, a regular one and
tapestry with a big eyelet, color satin ribbon 0,5-1 wide
cm and a simple thread of the same color. it все можно приобрести в любом
store for needlework. The length of the tape should be 40-50
cm, longer frayed in the process of embroidery.

1. First you need to prepare the ribbon for embroidery: one edge
we set fire on the fire in order not to get frayed, the other is cut off
diagonally so that it is easy to thread the needle. Oblique edge is not necessary
singe as melted pieces of material can
deform the fabric.

2. On the selected material, with a thread, we embroider a star with
five rays coming from one point. The longer the rays are, the
крупней получится роза, и тем больше нам понадобиться tapes.
The best option – 3-4 cm, with longer rays flower
will look sloppy.

3. The tape, threaded into the needle with a large eye, we derive from the purl
side of the product on the front between the rays in close proximity
to the center. Remaining on the wrong side then you can gently
hem it so that it does not crawl out and spoil the job. Begin to braid
our star with a ribbon: one stitch over the beam, the other – under it. AND
so alternate to the end of the asterisk. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the tape
always went to the front, shiny side, and do not tighten tight
turns. If the tape is not enough, then deduce the tip to the inside, and with
This place is embroidered with the following piece.

4. Having finished the embroidery, we take the ribbon to the wrong side,
cut, hem all the left ends. Green ribbon do
several single stitches of different lengths. it будут листики нашего
flower Straighten satin petals – our rose is ready. Such
a flower will decorate a summer bag or hat, a dress or drapes, an umbrella
from the sun or light coat.

In the hands of real masters, satin ribbons can turn into
bridal bouquet, room decor item, decoration of clothes or
original accessory. ANDми можно украсить ободок или заколку для
hair, baby clothes, combine a few things into an exclusive
ensemble. The pictures embroidered with kapron or satin ribbons,
amaze with the brightness of colors, originality and originality. They
can be a wonderful gift for loved ones.

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