How to make a make up your own hands: simple andwith taste. Three options for patterns and sewing their own cosmeticsby hands

Ср, 13 апр 2016 Автор: Ксения Рахимова

There are times when, after cleaning the house, there comes an awareness
lack of storage space.

No boxes for storing threads.

Where to put pencils or cosmetics?

In such moments it is vital to have on hand
a universal cosmetic bag that everyone magically hides in

It will be especially pleasant to use it if you make it
yourself or get this miracle as a gift.


Косметичка-кошелек своими by hands

Elegant and simple cosmetic bag in the classic form of a wallet.
This model can be sewn in any size. Enough to increase
the size of the pattern. The fabric for the cosmetics is selected tight, which
diagonally will not stretch.

In the process of sewing will need the following
очень плfromная ткань размером 40 см2.,
60/10 cm companion fabric, two additional
Companion fabrics of completely different colors for decoration on the sides
size 25/17 cm., a narrow strip of cotton lace, secret
20 cm zipper. Suspension for a secret zipper, thread,
scissors, needle, sewing machine and, of course, the pattern.

Stages of making cosmetics:

1. The pattern for the example by hand is redrawn to
paper. Width is 20 cm., And height – 10 cm. Bottom width
is chosen arbitrarily. The best will be 8 cm thick.

2. According to the finished paper pattern made textile
detail: left and right. It should be one detail, not
two sides of which are the same on both sides of the center of location
future lightning. The width of the neckline under the secret zipper depends strictly on
zipper teeth wide. The thing is, lightning master can be
selected with teeth, like a “tractor lock”;

3. Next on the pattern cut side liners.
It is assumed that they are of different colors. Counted
allowances for them, since liners will be subsequently bent
inside when sewing;

4. On the finished pattern is cut the bottom. It is wide
prolonged and smoothly passes into the side walls of the future product.
The side walls are slightly narrowed. In the manufacture are taken into account

5. The sewing process begins. First of all to the main
the product is sewn side liners, as in the figure. If a
very dense fabric is used for the liner, which is not frayed,
it can not bend inward, but attach and sew a line on top
0.5 cm from the edge, exactly as shown in the figure. Otherwise
In this case, the fabric is folded and stitched with a “1 mm stitch. from
the edges”;

6. Вшивается пfromайная молния. Here skill and skill will be useful.
neatly scribble on a sewing machine. At first lightning is just
applied to the place of the future location. Recommended 1-2 cm.
from зубчиков вручную проложить «стабилизирующий шов». However, this
манипуляцию можно совершить, если этfrom шов не испортит плfromную
ткань, не оставит лишних видимых проколов from иглы. Without
«стабилизирующего шва» пfromайная молния пришивается так — на глаз.
Sewing machine is given a slow sewing mode and gradually:
centimeter by centimeter the original task is performed;

7. It is the turn of sewing bottom. Cut part
Pinned with standard clothes pegs for convenience, as shown on
drawing Future connecting line will be held on the front side
products, not on the purl. Optionally, this condition can be

8. Around the edge of the cosmetic bag through the tweaked cloth
lace is inserted;

9. Further, it is recommended to manually sew the bottom along the edge.

Finally, an elegant cosmetic bag is made. She is decorated
accessory – suspension.

Сложная косметичка-корзина своими by hands

Very beautiful and truly unique beautician. She can even
just admire from afar. А если изгfromовить в подарок — будет
enchanting! Ткань используется плfromная. Better if it is
�”American cotton”. Высfromа косметички составляет всего 10 см, а
width (diameter of the round bottom) – 11 cm

Используемые материалы: расцветка ткани
It is selected according to individual taste, but you can choose in exact
соfromветствии с рисунком, длина молнии составляет 20 см. (лишняя
длина будет fromрезана, а молний с нужной длиной для этой косметички
on sale does not happen), compasses, threads, needle, scissors. Pattern not
need The whole process is based on exceptional skill and skill.

Stages of making cosmetics:

1. Изгfromавливаются прямоугольные полоски в количестве 40 штук.
Their width is 1.5 cm. Considering the allowances, the width during cutting
will be 4 cm, as each strip is first rolled up
пополам, а пfromом обо края с подвернутыми внутрь припусками
stitched on a sewing machine;

2. After 40 pieces of strips are sewn, they are sewn to
textile base on top and bottom diagonally. Before
two compacted parts with a diameter of 11 cm are cut with a compass
Одна из них пока fromкладывается в сторону;

3. When the strips are sewn to the bottom, you can sew strips from the top
parties. To do this, cut a rectangular strip, кfromорая с
one side sewn first to forty stripes, turns out
and zipper is sewn to it. Пfromайная молния соединяется с изделием
inside, parallel to the zipper braid there is a seam connecting 40

4. Sewed cap. Round detail for her already cut.
Вырезается вторая круглая деталь такого же диаметра, кfromорая будет
located on the inside of the lid of the cosmetic case;

5. Before both round parts are sewn together,
the front side of the lid is decorated with a pattern in the patchwork style;

6. Then, finally, both sides of the lid are sewn together, where
периметру прокладывается пfromайная молния. She, more than ever,
получается пfromайной. Be sure to insert the tongue for convenience
fromкрывания косметички. The figure shows two sewn zippers.
However, you can sew one long;

Всё, на этом косметичка своими by hands сделана. A craftswoman can
гордиться своей рабfromой, так как техника была шитья была,
valid, very complicated. Anyone can do it.
possessing patience and hard work.

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