How to lose weight Tatiana Vedeneeva

Татьяна Веденеева – легенда отечественного
television The older generation remembers her as the permanent leader
transfer “Good night kids.” For today’s viewers she
– the face of the channel “Home”. Generations change, leaders leave, no
Already neither the Soviet Union nor Yeltsin, but Tatyana Vedeneyeva,
still young, energetic and recognizable. As if time is above it
totally out of control.

How to lose weight Tatiana Vedeneeva

The TV presenter does not advertise his age. Request for Yandex by words
�”Tatyana Vedeneyeva” will give you a lot of useful information – and where
she was born and where she studied how her personal life was shaped. Not
only dates of birth, some riddles. But, even if approximately
estimate that the movie “Hello, I am your aunt”, in which Tatiana
played companion Donna Rosa, was released in 1975. If a
assume that Vedeneyeva was at least 20 during filming
years, it turns out that today Tatiana is already over 50. I believe with
by work

О том, как оставаться стройной и молодой,
Tatyana Vedeneeva shared with the journalists of the site Here is her

“First, you need to sleep at least eight hours. I, for example,
To look gorgeous, you need nine, but it does not work. BUT
secondly, many say that it is impossible to eat after six or seven. I this
I do periodically. It just depends on what image you are.
lead lives. For example, in Europe, lunch migrates smoothly to the evening.
And the same French who have dinner in the evening – they are not a fat nation,
and slim, skinny and beautiful. It all depends on what you eat.
If a вы поели и тут же легли спать – это плохо. But if you are having dinner
at seven or eight, eat not very high-calorie, not very heavy food,
stuffed with mayonnaise, fats, potatoes, then you are still at home with something
busy and go to bed at least two to three hours, so all
normally “, – says Tatyana Veniaminovna.

“You can arrange yourself some fasting days,” adds
actress. – But I do not make it so that only kefir or only apples.
Perhaps I have such a constitution … In principle, a positive
The mood is very important. Может быть, действительно исключить
всякие жирные и тяжелые продукты
: никакой картошки,
mayonnaise, animal fat. Oatmeal is awesome. I, for example,
I eat bread very often. But I eat it only in the morning and toasted. I
buy bread, varied – with fruit inside, with grains, already
chopped maybe. I put in the toaster, the breads are roasted – and with
coffee, with tea, with juice. This bread will not affect you if you
you will not eat sausage or cheese. But you can plaster
bread jam, honey. Или, например, очень хороший recipe:
toasted bread with avocado. Slice the avocado thinly, put on top
and lightly salt. With sweet tea it’s awesome and you don’t
add a single kilogram. Then some light lunch, very
light dinner, sleep on time and be in a good mood. “

BUT для того чтобы сохранять хорошее настроение, у Татьяны
Веденеевой есть еще один recipe: “Представьте себе, что вы надели
glass cap and told themselves that everything negative from this
the cap flies off. He is not visible to anyone, only you. You are in such a not
visible to anyone shell will this energy be positive in yourself
accumulate. And by the way, if you give it away, that’s good.
Because when you give it away, you get it. BUT все негативное –
cap “.

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