How to lose weight on the angelic diet?

Angel’s diet is a strict low-calorie diet. Him
the basis is made by proteins and vitamins, and the amount of carbohydrates and fats
reduced to a minimum. Some girls are joking about this
without angelic patience this diet can not stand. Details about
rules and menus can be found further.

How to lose weight on the angelic diet?


  • 15 angel diet rules
  • What foods to exclude from the diet?
  • Diet for 3 days
  • Angel diet menu for 7 days
  • Angel Diet for 13 days
  • results
  • The right way out of the diet
  • Benefits of the angelic diet
  • Contraindications and side effects


15 angel diet rules

Since carbohydrates are the main source of energy, diet
involves the use of a small number of them, so that when there is a shortage
energy resources the body was forced to use fat
stocks. As a result, those extra pounds melt, and the weight of a person
decreases. This is the principle of this diet, which implies
following rules:

  1. Every morning, start with 250 ml of green tea or coffee without milk.
    and sugar.
  2. Snacking is prohibited, but if the feeling of hunger does not let go,
    allowed to enter one snack which will consist of one
    fruit – pears, apples, kiwi or a representative of citrus
    family – mandarin, orange, grapefruit. And also from hunger
    will help rid a glass of plain water at room temperature.
  3. It is recommended to use split for better results.
    food – protein foods are eaten separately from carbohydrate. Therefore, on
    lunch prepare meat or fish, and a bit later they eat a portion
  4. The volume of servings everyone chooses individually, but in the diet of vegetables
    should be 2 times more than protein-rich foods.
  5. Heat treatment of dishes – cooking, steaming,
  6. As a salad dressing, use lemon juice or
    olive oil, and the dishes can be seasoned with spices or spicy
  7. Lettuce is allowed to replace other types of green vegetables,
    for example, spinach, cabbage leaves, celery, cucumbers,
  8. Tomatoes and carrots are interchangeable.
  9. From meat prefer chicken fillet or low-fat varieties
    fish. Meat is allowed to cook in a frying pan with non-stick
    coated under a press with minimal added vegetable
  10. Soups are cooked in vegetable or lean meat broth, adding to
    him cabbage, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, spinach, or celery
    green onions.
  11. The consumption of pure water is adjusted to 2 liters per day. Besides
    still water, it is also allowed to drink herbal decoction or
    green tea without sugar. Drinking regimen must be strictly followed.
    since the fluid removes toxic substances from the body and
    improves metabolism. With her lack of may occur
  12. A full sleep is necessary, since it is in a dream that
    hormones that support a person’s normal weight.
  13. Exercise – walking, yoga, exercise and
  14. Duration – 3, 7 or 13 days.
  15. In case of violation of the diet and diet begin diet

Продукты ангельской диеты

What foods to exclude from the diet?

If you decide to stick to the angel diet, then you strictly
The following products are prohibited:

  • salt because it delays the release of fluid from
  • sugar and confectionery (cookies, gingerbread, cakes,
  • bread and other pastries, baking;
  • sausages and sausages (sausages, small sausages, pate,
  • cereals;
  • smoked and meat delicacies, pickles, pickled products,
    canned food;
  • any sauces, salad dressings, including ketchup, mayonnaise,
    sour cream;
  • vegetables with high starch content – potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke,
    corn, pumpkin, squash, radish and sweet potatoes;
  • high-carb fruits – grapes, dates and avocados, bananas,
    figs, persimmon, apricots and sweet berries;
  • fatty foods, fats;
  • fast food and convenience foods;
  • alcohol, including beer;
  • soda, sweet juices, juices of industrial production, juice,
    Kissel, instant coffee.

Diet for 3 days

This is the toughest variation of the angelic diet.

1 day

  1. Morning begins with a cup of black coffee and 1 boiled egg.
  2. For lunch – a portion of low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. They eat dinner again with cottage cheese, but already completely fat-free.

2 day

  1. In the morning, drink only a cup of coffee.
  2. For dinner, prepare a piece of meat – fry it in a pan under the pressure
    or baked in foil, cut the salad and eat a fresh tomato or
  3. For dinner – a portion of baked fish and cabbage broth

3 day

  1. In the morning, drink a cup of black coffee.
  2. For lunch – fish and fresh carrots or tomatoes.
  3. Dine cucumbers, green salad and 2 boiled eggs or

How to cook poached eggs to serve them for dinner, you will learn
from the video recipe:

Angel diet menu for 7 days

Since this is a long-term diet, it suggests more
gentle menu.

1 day

  1. In the morning, drink a cup of green tea.
  2. For dinner, prepare a portion of steam veal cutlets and drink
    200 ml of water or tea.
  3. At lunch – a small portion of vegetable salad.
  4. They eat a piece of fish grilled or baked in
    the oven.

2 day

  1. To the morning drink, add a boiled egg.
  2. Dine chicken fillet, cooked in a double boiler, and drink
    glass of water or tea.
  3. To the afternoon snack cut vegetable salad and sprinkle with greens.
  4. For dinner, boil 2 hard boiled eggs and eat two slices of ham.
    without fat.

3 day

  1. In the morning a small slice of low-fat cheese washed down with a drink.
  2. In the afternoon they serve a piece of baked or steam beef, not forgetting
    drink 200 ml of water or green tea.
  3. At lunch, cook vegetables in a double boiler.
  4. For dinner, boiled fish is served.

4 day

  1. For breakfast, just drink a glass of drink and eat unsweetened
  2. Lunch consists of a portion of baked beef and 200 ml
  3. At noon make a salad of cabbage and carrots with the addition of berries
  4. For the evening meal grilled fish.

5 day

  1. 50 g low-fat cottage cheese and 200 ml of drink make up
  2. For dinner, cooked soup with meatballs, eaten with crackers.
  3. Dine baked vegetables.
  4. For dinner, boil the chicken.

6 day

  1. На завтрак выпивают напиток и съедают rusk.
  2. Dine steam chicken cutlet.
  3. К полднику готовят порцию тушёных vegetables.
  4. At dinner, eat fish cooked on the grill.

7 day

  1. In the morning a steam omelet is prepared for the drink.
  2. Dine fish cutlet.
  3. Dine on grilled vegetables.
  4. For dinner, boiled fish is served.

Angel Diet for 13 days

This is the maximum duration of the diet, which exceed
prohibited. The basis of the menu takes a 7-day diet, and the remaining
time repeat the first 6 days of the diet. It is allowed to change
dishes in some places, strictly follow the order not
need to.


The body adapts to a low carbohydrate diet, so the loss
the main weight occurs in the first days due to the withdrawal of excess
fluid cleaning the intestines and burning fat tissue. Gradually
the body adjusts to live on a low-calorie diet, and reset
weight stops.

Результат ангельской диеты

Over the entire period takes from 3 to 8 extra pounds. To repeat
This method of losing weight is possible only in a year.

The right way out of the diet

You do not want kilograms quickly returned with an appendage?
Stick to a proper exit from the diet:

  • In the diet, most of it should be fresh vegetables and
  • It is necessary to observe drinking mode.
  • It is necessary to refrain from flour and confectionery.
  • Portions of food do not increase, if necessary enter
    extra snack
  • Do not forget about exercise.

Benefits of the angelic diet

In the diet there is a lot of fresh vegetables and herbs
therefore, a large amount of vitamins and
essential macro and micronutrients. Other advantages of the angelic diet
lie in the fact that digestion is stabilized by
consuming large amounts of fiber, as well as improving color
face and skin condition. Since you do not need to do the calculation
calorie dishes and does not require cooking complex dishes
diet is easy.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to diet:

  • diseases of the kidneys and liver, as in the diet a large number
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • exacerbations of any chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – an ulcer, colitis,
  • high blood cholesterol levels;
  • allergic reaction to protein products.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers absolutely can not
use any kind of diet, like teenagers who are under 18
years old.

The diet does not take into account the individual needs of losing weight.
person If you are engaged in physical labor or exercise,
then you will not have enough calories for a normal life. It may
provoke side effects:

  • Weakness, dizziness, irritability, headaches and
  • Metabolism slows down, malfunction occurs
    digestive system.
  • The splitting of proteins in the body increases the amount
    toxins that are eliminated by the kidneys and liver. Load on these
    organs can cause their inflammation.
  • Increasing protein intake increases
    cholesterol, which provokes the development of atherosclerosis and other
    cardiovascular disease.

Before starting a diet, you should consult with your doctor.
All weight loss methods in which imbalance occurs
proteins, fats and carbohydrates cause extreme body stress and
can lead to serious illnesses.

In pursuit of harmony do not forget that any diet
are stressful for the body. Rapid weight loss is
unnatural phenomenon that may affect health
person If, while dieting, you feel bad,
there is weakness and dizziness, immediately stop
experiment on yourself and go back to normal

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