How to lose weight on a vegan diet?

  • 1 Vegan diet for weight loss
    • 1.1 Vegan diet – what is it?
    • 1.2 Benefit and Harm
    • 1.3 Menu for the week
  • 2 Recipes

For reasons of ethics, vegans do not use meat in their diet,
jelly, eggs, honey (all animal products). On these
principles based vegan diet for weight loss. Refusal of honey
it is motivated by its selection from bees, and milk – by captivity of cows.

Veganism is a special world. Vegans consider their way of eating.
моральным и чрезвычайно полезным для здоровья. But most
doctors, nutritionists say that this diet is not balanced,
there is a lack of vital elements, for example, critical for
Vitamin B12 Health. As a time limited system
Vegan diet nutrition is quite effective for losing weight.


Vegan diet for weight loss

The vegan diet is basically consistent

  • in addition to the traditional for vegans, the exclusion of milk, eggs, meat,
    honey, products from them, the refusal of coffee, fast food,
    french fries;
  • there should be when feeling hunger;
  • breakfast after charging;
  • the ration is built on vegetables, fruits, wholegrain dishes,
    soybean products in the proportion of 6-4-2;
  • alcohol and sweets are not recommended;
  • five meals a day;
  • normal portion of food 0.25 kg / liter;
  • physical activity is required;
  • Herbal teas, teas, and juices are recommended as drinks.

Vegan diet – what is it?

Суть движения веганов — исключение насилия и эксплуатации
animals. При веганском питании not допускаются продукты,
which were created by animals or are themselves (meat).
The main principle of nutrition – excluded meat, dairy
продукты и даже мед. The vegetarian system is less rigid,
admitting milk, eggs.

Vegan diet is based on herbal products only.
Углеводы, пищевые волокна обеспечиваются овощами и фруктами.
Porridges are also a source of carbohydrates.
цельнозерновые и хлеб. Fats are provided by vegetable
butter, nuts. The source of protein is mainly legumes,

Power system includes:

  • steamed vegetables, boiled, vegetable soups;
  • salads from tomatoes, celery, carrots, greens, varied
  • dishes from potatoes, pumpkins, beets, cucumbers, lettuce;
  • porridge rice, millet, buckwheat, oat;
  • soups from vegetables, legumes, cereals;
  • bean dishes;
  • soy milk, cottage cheese, tofu.

The vegan diet is low-calorie, contains some fat. Such food
позволяет сбросить за notделю 3-5 кг лишnotго веса. System
Power is well described by the book “Skinny Bitch“ by Rory
Friedman, Kim Barnuin.

  • завтраки: каши, фрукты, деруны;
  • перекусы: фрукты;
  • обеды: супы овощные, крупяные, салаты, овощи,
    legumes, soy products, cereals;
  • ужины: овощи тушеные, салаты;
  • напитки: вода, отвары, чай.

The vegan diet is practiced in a seven-day variation and on
twenty two days. Three weeks has effectively lost weight on such
nutrition beyonce. Use such food and Jennifer Lopez, Megan
Fox More than a month to stick to a vegan diet is recommended.
only provided that you take an additional complex
essential vitamins.

Benefit and harm

Benefit and harm веганской диеты тесно связаны с преимуществами,
nutritional deficiencies in plant foods. Reviews show that
the vegan diet makes it easy enough to reset a week before
five pounds. It is especially effective in combination with physical
loads. That is how celebrities lose weight. Simplicity is noted
weight loss, excellent health, improved skin condition.

Питание веганов действительно полезно для профилактики
diseases of the cardiovascular, hypertension, diabetes,
за счет большого количества клетчатки,
vegetable fiber, reducing saturated fat, sugar, low
caloric intake. Vegans also note that their food reduces
the amount of cholesterol entering the body. But the revision of the theory
development of atherosclerosis, which binds the disease to inflammation, and
not cholesterol, makes this advantage questionable.

The task of balancing such nutrition is extremely difficult, and
some positions are impossible. Lack of vitamin B12 will
imply the development of nervous disorders, frequent
irritability. Vegan diet does not allow you to get
достаточное количество железа
, notкоторых notзаменимых
amino acids, calcium. Theoretically, you can pick up vegetable
products containing iron. But man does not assimilate iron from
plants. It is also difficult to replace animal protein with soy, legumes.
Difficult to gain the norm of micronutrients, vitamins with vegan
power system. The daily rate requires expensive soy products,
экзотических фруктов, plants. The necessary advice is to take
vitamin complex, iron preparations.

Vegan diet can inflict next

  • With prolonged use, the skin condition will deteriorate,
    musculoskeletal system;
  • lead to blood diseases, gastrointestinal tract, anemia;
  • due to the significant amount of purines in the vegetables cause

Vegan diet is a highly effective way to lose weight. One of
the most effective ways of low-calorie food, but far not
сбалансированный и notбезвредный. Категорически not показана детям,
pregnant, with breastfeeding, the presence of chronic
diseases. Due to the high cost of soy products, a number of fruits,
веганская диета достаточно затратная, notпростая. top scores
примеnotния веганской диеты приходятся на лето.

Меню на notделю

Веганская диета — меню на notделю:

Day 1:

  • corn pancakes with soybean milk, mint tea;
  • a pair of bananas;
  • vegetable pilaf, vegetarian (carrots, onions, corn,
    tomato paste);
  • pear;
  • dumplings with mushrooms, lentils, lemon balm tea.

Day 2:

  • porridge with apples, pears, juice, tea;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • stew with baked potatoes, eggplant, pumpkin, juice
  • peach;
  • tofu

Day 3:

  • каша гречnotвая на молоке соевом, шиповник отвар;
  • nut mix;
  • vegetarian borsch (beets, potatoes, onions, cabbage,
  • green fruit cocktail;
  • fruit salad

Day 4:

  • boiled beans with tomato sauce, pear juice;
  • soy milk;
  • cabbage cutlets, tomato juice;
  • peaches;
  • squash soup, fruit cocktail.

Day 5:

  • pea porridge, cabbage salad, tea;
  • apples;
  • mashed potato and mushroom, soy milk;
  • bananas;
  • stewed corn and green beans, cocktail

Day 6:

  • millet and rice porridge, rosehip decoction;
  • soy yogurt, avocado;
  • rice soup, cabbage salad, boiled potatoes;
  • pears;
  • виnotгрет, орехи грецкие, чай имбирный;

Day 7:

  • pumpkin puree with carrot juice;
  • tomatoes with green onions;
  • lean mushroom soup, mint tea;
  • a mixture of dried fruits with nuts;
  • boiled beet salad with cashew nuts, juice

Dish recipes

Dish recipes при веганской диете:

Cauliflower soup

Cauliflower soup


  • Cauliflower bobble – 500 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l .;
  • greenery.

Split, wash cauliflower and carrots, pour
boiling water, boil until tender. Fry the flour with the additive
vegetable oil, add cauliflower broth. Add
заправку в суп, варим пять минут, добавляем нарезанную greenery.

Squash soup

Squash soup


  • a pair of zucchini;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greenery.

Чистим, натираем кабачки и варим в подсоленной воде десять
minutes Fry the flour with the additive масла растительного, добавляем
Zucchini broth. Add заправку в суп, варим десять
минут, добавляем нарезанную greenery.




  • potatoes – 1 kg .;
  • onions – 1 pc .;
  • a pair of spoons of art. flour;
  • vegetable oil.

We clean, chop the potatoes on a grater, drain the juice, chop
bow. Mix onions, potatoes, flour. Fry potato pancakes in butter

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