How to lose weight on a magic diet?

  • 1 Rules of the magic diet for weight loss
    • 1.1 Principles of nutrition
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
    • 1.3 The correct exit

Did you meet people who lost weight in a short time?
I would like to know their secret? Surely they are at that time
stick to some kind of miracle diet. In the following article
We will provide you with information about the magic diet for weight loss.

No, it’s not about magic at all (or the Maggi diet for 4 weeks)
as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, distract from
Search the Internet for nearby witches addresses and fix your gaze
on this article. It’s about a diet, the outcome of which you will
ensured the magic effect of losing weight.


Rules of the magic diet for weight loss

Interested in the essence of the promising magical diet
for weight loss? In fact, nothing supernatural in this
No: the usual menu, cheap products, reasonable time.

Any food restriction implies giving up your loved ones
habits, in the form of uncontrolled medication,
sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy sleep and excessive
use of harmful high-calorie foods. Read more about how their
overcome in a short time, let’s talk in the following paragraph.

Principles of nutrition

Nutrition on a magical diet gives a highly effective result.
Суть меню в ежедневном употреблении овощей и
boiled chicken eggs. А сам магический
эффект заключается в
похудении на 7 лишних кг всего
in just a week. Kicking off per kilogram per day is pretty good.
development of events, agree?

Давайте ознакомимся с основными правилами магической
диеты для похудения
, придерживаясь которых вы несомненно
achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time:

  • Average daily rate of energy value – 250
  • If you experience discomfort during dieting
    or a sharp deterioration in well-being, should immediately stop
    eat on this menu;
  • It is recommended to repeat the weight loss method no earlier than after
    a month to give the body a break;
  • Three meals a day, the last meal – 18:00;
  • For breakfast only liquid is used, in moderate
  • In between meals, you need to drink plenty of purified
    water without gas, the minimum amount per day – two liters;
  • In order to avoid depletion due to the abandonment of high-calorie foods,
    during the period of adherence to the diet completely refuse physical
  • Since one of the main disadvantages of compliance with the magic menu –
    weakness and irritability, the most acceptable period of failure
    from favorite products for the sake of getting the cherished figure is time
  • The rate of eggs per day is two or three pieces;
  • In addition to purified water, during the diet period
    It is recommended to drink a lot of green tea, coffee, herbal tea
    and dried fruit compotes.

Среди обязательных продуктов меню магической
 для похудения такие, как:

  • low-calorie varieties of cheese – tofu, white cheese, gaudette;
  • fruits – oranges, plums, green apples, pears, kiwi,
  • vegetables – carrots, spinach, pumpkin, onions, broccoli, tomatoes,
    celery, cabbage, zucchini, radishes, cucumbers, lettuce;
  • dried fruits, especially prunes;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cottage cheese and kefir, maximum fat content – 1%;
  • Chicken, rabbit and beef meat.

Like any restrictive diet, the magic menu has its own

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • minority;
  • advanced age;
  • the postoperative period;
  • cardiovascular, renal and hepatic

In addition to the advantages, including fast and efficient results,
magic diet for weight loss has several important

  • the diet requires special efforts, because its menu is partially
    reminiscent of a hunger strike;
  • resistance of the unaccustomed organism to this kind
    constraints will manifest as weakness and
  • lack of favorite foods in the menu can lead to increased
    irritability and constant nervous tension;
  • reduced brain and physical activity.

Menu for the week

The essence of the magical diet in the daily use of cooked
яиц и овощей

Если несмотря на строгие требования, вы все же решились сбросить
a couple extra pounds using the above methods of losing weight,
We present you an approximate diet for the next seven days.
Итак, магическая диета — меню на неделю:


  • Breakfast: weak black coffee;
  • Lunch: cabbage salad, broccoli, cucumber and radish;
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with raisins – 150 g, boiled egg, sheet cup
    green tea.


  • 200 ml of nonfat kefir;
  • soup of mashed zucchini and broccoli, green apple;
  • two boiled eggs.


  • broth hips – 150 ml;
  • fruit and vegetable salad;
  • egg and a glass of kefir.


  • dried fruits compote;
  • pepper and tomato ragout with chicken pieces;
  • boiled egg.


  • green tea;
  • stewed zucchini, boiled egg and kefir;
  • Kiwi and green apple.


  • a cup of coffee;
  • boiled egg and apple-carrot puree;
  • cottage cheese with raisins – 150 g and green tea.


  • compote from prunes;
  • tofu cheese – 50 g, 100 g boiled chicken meat, a glass
  • salad of two apples and one grapefruit.

Correct exit

Upon completion of compliance with the above menu, do not rush
return to the usual diet. Exit from
магической диеты
должен быть плавным и постепенным. Each
day add one or two products.

В первый день после завершения магического
nutrition for weight loss is better not to introduce anything new to the menu,
it is enough to increase the number of permissible products.
На следующий день рекомендуется добавить к уже
the available ration of fish or seafood.

В последующие дни допустимыми будут нежирные
varieties of cereals and pasta. Sweets are appropriate in moderation.
quantities and only in the morning.

In no case do not violate the above rules of exit from
magical diet because it is fraught with unpleasant consequences
for the body in the form of a malfunction of the digestive system and
return the original weight.

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