- 1 Coal diet for weight loss
- 1.1 Principles of nutrition
- 1.2 How to drink pills
When trying to effectively lose weight in the shortest possible time, many
often seek help from drugs. Everybody
famous diet pills promise to save you from
unwanted body fat effortlessly. Alas, it turns out
on the contrary: after taking them, people tend to recover even from
of air.
The above example shows what can lead to
human laziness and stupidity. In this article we will consider
coal diet and find out what can lead to the first
look harmless activated carbon.
Coal diet for weight loss
The technique is in great demand because the main product
easily accessible to everyone and has a low price. As a result
cleansing the body. (Another purification option –
use of a slag-free diet before colonoscopy).
Acceptance of activated carbon is common. As you know, this
the drug absorbs all harmful substances that “settled” in
the body. It would seem that on this its useful properties are complete. But
not. Помимо детоксикации, активированный
- lowers blood cholesterol;
- reduces joint pain;
- promotes weight loss;
- effective in allergic reactions to one or another
product; - helps with poisoning;
- used in diarrhea and flatulence.
The latter fact will be discussed in the following material. How
coal tablets should be taken in an effective manner.
lose weight on the above diet without harming your health,
tell you next.
Principles of nutrition
As already mentioned above, activated carbon helps
while losing weight. But дабы избавить свое тело от пары-тройки лишних
kilograms, you need to know how to take this
a drug.
Питание на угольной диете с целью наиболее
effective weight loss should look like this:
- drink at least two liters of boiled water a day;
- also from drinks are allowed: kefir, weak tea and coffee without
Sahara; - from food, preferably products containing vegetable
(beans, nuts, dried fruits, avocados) and animal (eggs, fish,
chicken and beef meat) protein; - categorically excluded fried, fatty, smoked and
Напоминает низкоуглеводную диету и все принципы ее меню на
a week, isn’t it?
Соблюдать угольную диету рекомендуется не более
ten days. You can repeat it only after six months
the completion of the current.
It is worth remembering that this technique has its own
- together with harmful substances, activated carbon removes from
body and beneficial; - excessive use of the drug “irritates” the mucous
intestines; - Chance of prolonged constipation.
Кроме того, диета угольная противопоказана при
ulcer, disorders of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract,
reduced pressure, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
It is strictly forbidden to take others on a coal diet.
pills, especially contraceptives, because
activated carbon reduces the effectiveness of other
How to drink pills
In order to get rid of stomach pain, you should drink
one tablet for every 10 kilograms of weight at a time. But методика
slimming based on the above preparation requires several
other use.
Ознакомьтесь с небольшой инструкцией о том, как
to take activated carbon on a diet correctly:
- first day – three pills;
- the next seven – gradually increase the dose, adding
one a day.
In any case, you can not drink at one time more
tablets, rather than your kilogram divided by 10.
Therefore, when reaching the maximum dosage of activated carbon
one day, all the rest should be taken exactly as much
In addition to the basic method of compliance with the coal diet, there are still
- Take two pills daily on an empty stomach,
washing it down with copious amounts of water; - The daily rate is 10 coal tablets. They need
spread evenly throughout the day. That is, when five times
nutrition, take two activated carbons in tablet form
before each meal; - It is necessary to multiply your initial weight by 10 and take in such
three times a day.
When following a diet, be extremely careful because
taking a large amount of the above drug entails
serious health problems.
Похудение происходит за счет ускорения
metabolic processes in the body and restore balance between
consumed food and consumed energy.
The opinion that activated carbon will save you from the accumulated
fatty deposits, erroneously, since its main purpose is
excretion of toxic food, not fat. Therefore
It is strongly recommended to combine a coal slimming technique.
with proper nutrition and exercise.
In order to avoid beriberi due to the exclusion from the diet of the usual
products, on completion of the coal diet, start taking complex
multivitamin drugs.
Some nutritionists claim that if you are on a diet
coal can not limit themselves in the consumption of semi-finished and
fast food, because most of their fat absorbs
медикаментозный a drug. Others, on the contrary, tend to believe that
the largest weight loss will contribute a large amount in the diet
vegetables, fruits, cereals, greens and dairy products.
In order to bring your body into the desired shape, in parallel with the coal
диетой следует заниматься такими спортивными
занятиями, как:
- horseback riding;
- yoga;
- dancing;
- Pilates.