How to lose weight nursing mom, if you really want.Proper diet and exercise will help nursing momlose weight

Пт, 06 май 2016 Автор: Лена Никитина

Slender young mother with a baby in her arms – what could be
more beautiful.

But, unfortunately, after birth, the figure does not always remain

During pregnancy, a woman gains extra pounds, from
which is not always easy to get rid of.

Difficulty causes lactation.

A nursing mother should continue to eat fully to
breast milk was useful for the baby.


How to lose weight nursing mom: diet

There is a prejudice that breastfeeding only contributes
deterioration of the woman’s figure. A young mother tries to eat “for
two “to breast-milk was more useful for the baby
components. In fact, experts have proven that lactation
helps to restore the shape after childbirth. All that is needed
to do is to follow the principles of a balanced diet. If a
eat the right foods for a few months
back to the forms that were before birth.

How to lose weight nursing mom? The first thing to do
attention is calorie. A woman should not forget that
the taste and benefit of the chest depends on the quality of the products used
milk Calorie intake should not be less than 1800
kcal Should respect the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Meals should be varied and helpful. Worth giving
prefer fresh foods, eat more seasonal vegetables and

What should be discarded is confectionery and
flour Buns, chocolate, cakes and pastries – all of this is not only not
nourishes breast milk with beneficial substances, but also negatively
displayed on the figure. Less worth it also
eat smoked and fried foods. It is advisable to give
preference for meat and fish steamed.

The key point of lactation is the use of sufficient
amounts of pure water. Be sure to drink a glass
still water in the morning on an empty stomach. Daily rate should not be
less than 2.5 l. Water will not only promote good lactation,
but also improve the body’s metabolic processes. As a result, the extra
kilograms will melt before your eyes.

Faster days will help to lose weight faster. Not to be confused with
fasting! Several times a week you can arrange “kefir days.”
Daily rate – 1.5 liters of yogurt. Other products at the same time during the day
diet not included. The rule of drinking enough water
on fasting days is preserved.

How to lose weight nursing mom: sports loads

The right physical shape will also help shape the shape.
load. But it is worth starting any exercises no earlier than
month after delivery. Any activity interferes with normal
recovery of the uterus and healing of tears. After
Mom’s well-being recovered, you can start doing daily

Often new worries that come into the life of a young mother,
happens enough to in just a few months
restore figure. Baby needs to be rocked, get up to him by
nights A huge benefit for the figure of a young mother brings a sling.
The load when carrying the baby in your arms is not significant. But
it is enough to get rid of several
extra pounds. The optimal load is given on the back muscles and
belly. At the same time smooth distribution of sling fabric is protection from
back problems.

How to lose weight nursing mom using sports exercises?
Those who decide to thoroughly do the figure, it is worth it
подойти к выбору load. Excessive activity may affect
качестве грудного milk Any exercise is worth
carefully analyze. It is worth avoiding loads that
can potentially injure the chest. If a занятие предполагают
active swinging hands or jumping, it is worth buying a special
supporting bra.

Swimming will be the best choice. This sport is useful as
during pregnancy and during lactation. But from the classic
aerobics and running is desirable to refuse. The problem is that such
classes contribute to the loss of body fluids. And this is direct
the reason for the decline of lactation.

How to lose weight nursing mom: body care

After лишние килограммы начнут постепенно уходить,
skin problems may occur. It will become less elastic and
elastic. Most of the nutrients that gets
the woman along with the products go to the baby with breast milk. But
skin, teeth, nails and hair need extra care. Initially
pay attention to the special cosmetics for the body. AT
There are many gels and lotions available for sale that delay
moisture, bring skin to tone.

A huge problem that worries many women after
pregnancy – stretch marks (stretch marks). Completely get rid of them
is impossible. But если принять меры, некрасивые белые полоски станут
less noticeable. Peels will come to the rescue. Can be used
homemade cosmetics. Great results shows
ground coffee. Several tablespoons of powder rubbed into the problem
places, and then wash off with warm water. After the procedure on the body
apply any suitable moisturizer. Peels not
only help fight stretch marks. Such cosmetics also
effective against cellulite.

To improve the condition of the skin will also help self-massage. Proceed to
procedure is washed with the body in a relaxed atmosphere. It is better
choose a time when the baby is sleeping. ATоздействовать на проблемные
plots worth soft movements. No pain to be
must. Facilitate the task by buying a special electric
vibrating massager. The duration of the massage procedure should not
exceed 30 minutes. To achieve a good result, do
Massage is possible daily.

Практика shows, что вернуться к стройной фигуре после родов
succeeds every woman who strives to look better. Worth
just stick to the rules of nutrition and keep an active image
of life.

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