How to lose weight by 7 kg in 7 days?

  • 1 Is it possible to lose weight in 7 days at 7 kg?
    • 1.1 Water diet
    • 1.2 Кефирная диета на неделю
    • 1.3 Spring diet for 7 days
    • 1.4 Food according to the Indian method
    • 1.5 Swedish diet
  • 2 Diet Cindy Crawford – minus 7 kg for days 7
    • 2.1 What exercises can you do?
  • 3 Диета Агапкина — минус 6 кг за неделю

How to lose weight in a week at 7 kg? This issue is of concern not only
women, but also men who wish to lose weight. Menu for
losing weight in a week contains the optimal amount of products
which not only make the figure slimmer, but also heals
body, remove toxins and toxins.

In order to lose weight by 7 kg per week you need to choose
correctly built scheme. Cindy crawford technique as well
kefir diet will help to easily regain the weight and
return form. Another option – a diet for the lazy, giving the result
in minus 2 kg with the consumption of 1 cup of water in the morning.


Can I lose weight in 7 days at 7 kg?

In drawing up the optimal menu, it is worth considering that lose weight
for a week at 7 kg is quite realistic. The most reasonable to build a scheme
proper nutrition for a month in order to lose pounds without
damage to health and without subsequent sagging of the skin.

It is necessary to combine diet and exercise in order to
to tighten the skin and lose the hated extra pounds.
According to the Indian method, using various herbs and decoctions
for weight loss, it is quite possible to lose 7 kg in 7 days. Also
you can use the aquatic diet, which is allowed
use only lemon water for several days,
to lose weight. However, this diet is suitable for healthy people without
serious chronic diseases.

Water diet

Diet for 7 days makes it possible to throw 7 kg per week. This
American method allows you to lose weight quickly.

All days spent on a diet should be subject to
following menu:

  • First breakfast – a glass of warm water with lemon;
  • The second breakfast – oatmeal on the water without sugar;
  • Lunch – chicken broth;
  • Ужин – сельдереевый фреш (сельдереевый суп)  или стакан
    water with lemon.

All days to lose weight should be consumed up to 3 liters of water in
день, так как питание на воде выводит все шлаки и токсины из
body, thereby cleansing the body.

People with kidney disease water diet for weight loss

Кефирная диета на неделю

Kefir food scheme is considered one of the most useful for
organism as a whole and for the human gastrointestinal tract. but most importantly she
helps to lose weight much. Sour-milk based diet
the drink helps to strengthen the immune system and easily saturate the body,
thus hunger is dulled. On kefir, perhaps,
lose weight minus 5-7 kg in 5 days.

Menu kefir diet:

  • Monday. Liter of kefir and 2 baked potatoes. Drink another
    liquid during kefir diet is not recommended. Net
    mineral water without gas is an exception;
  • Tuesday. Liter of kefir and 200 grams of nonfat cottage cheese
  • Wednesday. Liter of kefir and baked apples;
  • Thursday. Liter of kefir and a handful of fresh berries or fruits by
  • Friday. Liter of kefir and fruit;
  • Saturday – water day, you can only use
    mineral water, but without gases;
  • Sunday – fruit and kefir.

Do not pounce on food after completing days on a diet.
it is necessary to enter your diet smoothly, and it’s best to take
за основу систему правильного питания для поддержания

Spring diet for 7 days

You can lose weight from 4 to 7 kg in 7 days, adhering to spring
method based on water. The essence of this method is in use.
fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable purees and broths.

Approximate menu by spring method
power supply:


  • Breakfast – any steamed vegetable – asparagus or beets, without
    adding salt and spices;
  • Lunch – a plate of any liquid dish, better vegetable broth;
  • Dinner – rye toast and a handful of fresh berries.


Water day – the use of a large volume of liquid – up to 2, 5
liters per day.


  • Breakfast – fresh fruits and berries;
  • Lunch – vegetable puree;
  • Dinner – light fruit salad, seasoned with non-greasy


Water diet — употребление медово-лимонного напитка, можно
add ginger;


  • Hard-boiled Egg Breakfast;
  • Lunch – light salad with arugula and tomatoes;
  • Dinner – fat burning cocktail based on ginger.


Fasting day on kefir and baked apples.


  • Breakfast – 150 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Lunch – vegetable soup – mashed potatoes;
  • Dinner – honey drink.

Indian food

This диета позволяет скинуть до 5 килограмм при регулярном
use of such a product as rice. This крупа содержит полный
list of amino acids that are very beneficial for the body.

The menu is divided into 3-4 meals.

Menu on the Indian method of losing weight:

  • Monday. 200 grams of rice without salt.
  • Tuesday. 150 grams of rice and chicken fillet cooked on
    a couple.
  • Wednesday. Water day. Drink about 2 liters
  • Thursday. Chicken fillet – 150 grams and 200 grams of rice.
  • Friday. Day on kefir.
  • Saturday. 200 grams of rice and half a liter of kefir.
  • Sunday. Rye toast, rice with seafood.

The basic philosophy of this diet is balance, as
drinking and mineral. Rice copes with this
task and helps lose weight.

Swedish diet

Swedish diet на 7 дней минус 7 кг рассчитана на регулярное
protein intake in unlimited quantities. Experienced nutritionists
have developed a power system, through which it is possible not
consume additional vitamins and minerals to maintain
body health. However, it’s easy to keep your drinking balance.
необходимо, to lose weight.

Swedish diet menu for 7 days to lose weight


  • Breakfast – oatmeal or buckwheat porridge in water without salt, rye
  • Lunch – light salad with prunes and arugula;
  • Dinner – a glass of mineral water without gas.


  • Завтрак – куриное филе и ржаной toast;
  • Lunch – vegetable puree;
  • Dinner is not a fat yogurt or cottage cheese product.


  • Breakfast – hard boiled egg;
  • Lunch – salad with seafood to choose from;
  • Dinner – yogurt or cottage cheese product.


Разгрузочный день на молоке, to lose weight. Allowed
consume about 500 ml of fresh cow’s milk.


Water or kefir day. In case of famine, it is possible to use
boiled beets.

Saturday. Chicken fillet without salt and spices – 300
грамм на полный день, to lose weight.

Sunday. Kefir day.

The Swedish method to lose weight is tough, it can withstand it
not many people. But it is one of the most effective.
express diets.

Diet Cindy Crawford – minus 7 kg for days 7

This методика питания разработана известной моделью Синди
Crawford In 7 days it is possible to lose up to 5 kilograms of weight.

Menu from Cindy Crawford to lose weight:

  • Monday. All day allowed
    use chicken broth and a few fresh fruits;
  • Tuesday. Chicken broth, 200 grams chicken
    fillet without salt and spices;
  • Среда. Vegetable soup and yogurt;
  • Thursday. Water or kefir day;
  • Friday. Fresh or Baked Salad
    vegetables, 150 grams of cottage cheese or cottage cheese to
    lose weight;
  • Saturday. Water day. Allowed употреблять
    only mineral water without gas;
  • Sunday. Day on kefir. In case of an attack
    hunger it is possible to eat one baked apple or pear.

Cindy Crawford’s technique is a great alternative to strict schemes in
nutrition. It combines the optimal ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and
fats that the body needs so much every day. Cindy crawford
recommends combining a diet with active exercise or
hiking. If you have a bike it will be useful
make active cycling.

What exercises can you do?

Lose weight by 7 kg in 14 days can be actively using exercises
которые разработала Cindy crawford:

French twists. Great exercise
aimed at maintaining the muscles and relief of the abdomen. For this you
need a gym mat. You should lie down, stretch your legs and
alternately lift the body to the feet. For newbies
no more than 3 approaches should be performed.

Squats. Great option to maintain
сильных ягодичных мышц и to lose weight. In order to strengthen
load at home you need to use dumbbells or
weights with sand. Do squats 15 times.

Swing feet. For beautiful calf muscles
it is necessary to make dynamic leg kicks that will allow
add legs slimness and fit. For this you понадобится
chair or any other support. Make movements to lose weight
need no rest, sideways and back. You can apply the load.
Cindy crawford рекомендует применять упражнения сетами – так
forming a beautiful and fit silhouette.

Диета Агапкина — минус 6 кг за неделю

Diet Agapkina allows in the shortest possible time to throw up to 5
kilogram per week. It is not recommended to use this technique.
nutrition for people with liver and kidney disease.

Sample menu on the diet Agapkina:

  • Monday. Unlimited vegetable broth;
  • Tuesday. 2 chicken eggs and vegetables in any quantity;
  • Wednesday. Unlimited chicken broth;
  • Thursday. 2 glasses of kefir with natural fruit supplements and
  • Friday. Water day with lemon juice;
  • Saturday. 2 toasts of rye flour and a handful of fresh fruit;
  • Sunday. Water without gas.

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