How to lose weight by 10 kg in a week on waterdiet?

  • 1 Water diet for 7 days or how to lose weight by 10 kg per week
    • 1.1 Rules of the weekly diet
    • 1.2 Menu by day

Water diet for 7 days is harmonious for a person, because the main
part of the body consists of water. The effectiveness of the method of losing weight
is to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and slags,
forcing the internal organs to work properly. As a result
establishing digestive processes can be lost easily and without
efforts of at least 3-7 kg of weight in 7 days. Among dieticians, this diet
считается ленивой, но весьма эффективной — за неделю фигура
bounces back and recovers health.


Water diet for 7 days or how to lose weight by 10 kg per week

Leading nutritionists have come to the unique conclusion that superfluous
weight is accumulated as a result of lack of clean water in the body.
After all, dehydration disrupts natural processes, worsens
the cycle of cleansing the body from harmful impurities. Wrong
kidney and liver work, plus a passive lifestyle, lead to
the accumulation of excess body fat in human tissues. As a result
what a person suffers not only obesity, but also such diseases
like diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, arthritis
joints and stuff. This is especially noticeable in older people who have
the feeling of thirst is dulled.

To determine how much you need to drink clean water in
day to every person there is a certain formula

  • for every kilogram of weight you need at least 30 ml of water per day,
    that is, a person with a weight of 50 kg needs to drink at least 1.5 liters, and
    a person weighing 100 kg – 3 liters.

If a person is not used to drinking water in general or in very small ones
quantities, you need to properly prepare for the water diet on 7
days without overloading the renal system. To water way of feeding
gave effective results, it is necessary to adjust in advance
diet Namely, exclude the following products:

  • fatty meat, fish;
  • flour products, especially yeast;
  • cakes, cakes, chocolate;
  • sweet soda.

Since the water diet, designed for 7 days with
pure water, it helps cleanse the body and reduce weight,
therefore, it is necessary not to overload it with excess fat
acids and calories, so the menu must be correct

In addition to the positive factors of universal water
methods to get rid of extra pounds exist and

  • persistent hypertension;
  • pathology of the kidneys and bladder;
  • problems with cardiac activity.

Rules of the weekly diet

How to lose weight in 7 days at 10 kg? To water diet helped
to deal with extra pounds in just 7 days, you need exactly
know: drink water before or after meals?

This question worries not only slimming, but also global nutritionists
and endocrinologists. After many studies have found that
пить чистую воду нужно натощак и до приема пищи,
but not immediately after the meal, as the principle of fast
digesting food. You can drink after an hour

Many people from childhood are not accustomed to drink clean water, replacing
tea, coffee, compote or other liquid. And up to 30 years old organism
cope with this shortcoming on its own, but after that
age, the saddest part begins – metabolism slows down,
drying of the tissues occurs, dryness appears, forms
stones and cholesterol rises, and most importantly, a person is not
feels the need for clean water. Чтобы принять решение о
transition to the water 7-day diet, you need a week before her
began to gradually drink at least one glass in the first half
afternoon and afternoon.

Learn more about the aquatic diet for the lazy can
здесь: Кстати, 1 стаканчик с утра дает возможность терять до 2
kg per day!

The essence of the aquatic diet for 7 days is simple

  • drink a glass of clean non-carbonated water for the hungry
    warm stomach;
  • drink a glass before each use of food for 20-30
  • limit the consumption of fat, sweet, flour these days and
    reduce their number in the future.

Using a properly balanced menu is really good.
lose weight without exhausting diets. From the first days of water application
diet method should get used to a different visiting schedule
toilets, as urinary tract begin to work actively.
In addition to this, remember that an excessive amount of water does not
only harmful substances, but also useful, therefore additional
taking vitamins and trace elements is simply necessary in this

Menu by day

Sample menu for 7 days for a water diet:

Monday Thursday

  • breakfast – oatmeal on water or low-fat milk, green
  • lunch – low-fat soup (zucchini, broccoli, onions, carrots),
    boiled chicken breast, apple juice;
  • dinner – egg, cottage cheese, kefir.

Tuesday Friday

  • boiled vegetables (Brussels sprouts, celery, zucchini and
    eggplant with onion dressing), a slice of unleavened bread, green
  • borscht, fresh orange juice;
  • boiled pollock fish, lettuce (carrots, cauliflower and
    apple), compote.

Wednesday Saturday

  • buckwheat porridge with raisins, green tea;
  • stew of vegetables (without potatoes), juice, chicken cutlets on
    a couple;
  • cottage cheese, tea with lemon.


  • творожная запеканка, изюм, зеленый tea;
  • buckwheat soup, a slice of black bread, juice;
  • sea ​​bass with grilled vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, pepper),

When the water diet, designed for 7 days, you need to focus
on buckwheat porridge, beets in any form, lemons, apples and juices, so
as they additionally contribute to a soft rid of excess
kilograms in weight. With the right approach, the water diet in the complex
with a properly composed menu helps not only to reset the extra
weight, but also improve the complexion and overall skin condition due to
saturation of each cell.

Numerous reviews that have tried the water method
weight loss, show different results. One for 7 days
this indicator is only minus one kilogram, in others –
minus 5-7 kg of weight. It all depends on the individuality of the body,
slagging and related diseases, especially urinary
system. In any case, you should try the universal water
diet for 7 days, which will not do any harm, only
positive effect on the work of internal organs.

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