How to hold kefir dischargeday?

razgruzochnyy-den-na-kefire-tri-putiFasting days, not
more than one or two in a row – this is the time when you consume one
or several types of useful products.

They are an effective alternative to painful diets. Having spent
them, you can easily lose a few pounds, improve and
cleanse the body, saturate it with vitamins and healthy

In the top ten most popular products for fasting days by
right is low-fat yogurt. This dairy drink
restores the digestive tract, helps to remove excess water and clean

In addition, the fasting day on kefir is suitable for those
who works in the office or just leads an active lifestyle.
You can always take a bottle of drink with you, and the product itself.
It is very inexpensive and is sold in any store.

About how to spend kefir fasting day,
Advantages and disadvantages of this method of weight loss, read


Fasting day on kefir: good or harm?

Many have heard only about the positive qualities of this
product; no wonder most doctors and nutritionists recommend
include it in the daily diet. Kefir contains useful
bifidobacteria that improve the work of the digestive tract, as well as
B vitamins that help strengthen hair, nails,
give the skin a healthy color.

There are other arguments in favor of kefir discharging.

  • the product is not calorie, contains the optimal amount of fat,
    proteins and carbohydrates. It promotes thorough cleansing of the body,
    due to what you can lose 1-2 kg of weight;
  • Kefir is useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension.
    It has beneficial effects on the liver and biliary tract;
  • drinking day of unloading will give vigor and lightness in everything

Despite the obvious advantages of “kefir” days, there are
some contraindications to their conduct. Can not say that
fermented milk drink can cause irreparable harm to health, but
a separate group of people is better not to use it. So, drink kefir with
caution if you have the following diseases or

  • complete intolerance to dairy products;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis, other serious diseases
    gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute stage;
  • Also, do not spend kefir unloading days during
  • this should not be done by teenagers as well as pregnant women.
    or lactating women.

For the rest, doctors and nutritionists stand together for
fasting days on kefir.

Please note that exactly days – no more than one or two.
This time is enough for your body to rest from
digesting heavy foods and got rid of all the excess.

Three or more days are already considered a full-fledged diet, while
very low calorie. Its advantage is very doubtful. therefore
tune in to the result, stock up kefir (better to take the product
long storage, up to 5 days) and select one of the following
options for fasting days.


Not желаете испробовать кефирный разгрузочный day?

Of course, the easiest solution would be to drink all day.
only kefir. Per day you can afford up to 6 glasses
fermented milk product, using 200-250 ml every 2-3 hours.
But to many, it seems boring, so you are offered
various options for fasting days. Delicious but not less

Kefirno fruit fasting day

This is the most delicious mini-diet option; rest assured that your
the day will pass completely without the feeling of hunger!

You will need fruit (best seasonal and local
growing) – apples, pears, strawberries, peaches; berries – raspberry,
currants and others. Choose all the favorite, and in the morning follow
The following power scheme:

  • Breakfast: fruit in any quantity, a glass of kefir;
  • Lunch (snack): fresh apples;
  • Lunch: fruit salad, richly watered with kefir. Of these
    ingredients can also be made into smoothies;
  • Lunch: fruits and berries of your choice. They need to drink a glass
  • Dinner: fresh apples.

And before going to bed, if you are hungry, you can drink another glass.
kefir. Be sure that in the morning you will find a loss of 1-1.5 kg.
Such a fasting day can be held every one to two weeks.

A lot of calcium or kefirno curd fasting day

Especially for those who prefer dairy products
the rest, and also wants to add an additional portion to the diet
calcium. Due to the content of the latter, this mini-diet is especially
shown to older women for prevention

So, the day menu of kefir-curd unloading day consists
300-400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and one liter of kefir, also
skimmed. The diet is quite simple: divide the amount
the first product into three equal parts – you get portions,
approximately equal to 100 grams. They need to eat for breakfast, lunch and
ужин, добавив к трапезе стакан kefir. And in the afternoon and before bedtime
have to be content with only one drink.

The result of this unloading day can also be a loss of 1-2.
kg, which, however, will go for expense of removing from the body “extra”
water and residues of undigested food.

Simple and tasty: kefir apple fasting day

For a whole day, you can eat any number of apples,
том числе и печеных, а также выпить до 2 литров kefir. Shown and
other liquid, for example, mineral water or green tea without
Sahara. They can drink as much as you like.

It is best to divide fruit and kefir into an equal amount.
portions and use them in your usual meals – on
Breakfast lunch and dinner. Many slimming say that the tandem of apples and
kefir – the best combination for unloading
of the day

And what will the readers say? Feedback experienced …

Of course, many people are interested in what results should be expected from
kefir fasting days. This is what people who have experienced say
on themselves all the advantages of this mini-diet.

  • �“This is my favorite fasting day. True, I drink kefir
    not in the recommended amount, but as much as you want. AT
    day losing weight by about 1 kg. I practice this unloading constantly and
    I advise everyone!”
  • �”Of course, kefir fasting days have many advantages: after
    holding them, I feel light in the whole body; lose some weight
    however, it is the volumes that go, not the kilos. Only
    disadvantage – it is difficult to sustain a whole day on one
    kefir, especially at work … “
  • �”I am a big fan of dairy products, so in
    the quality of fasting days chose exactly kefir. Their dignity:
    some weight reduction, pleasant taste and cleansing
    the body is overshadowed by one drawback – it is on my body kefir
    acts as a diuretic. I always want to
  • �“It seems to me that unloading on kefir is good for health. Not
    I see flaws in this small diet. I rarely practice, but everyone
    just happy with the result. Striking lightness appears
    tele! ”
  • �“Kefir days are great! I spend them regularly, every 7-10
    days For all the time did not notice the flaws. This product is worth
    inexpensive, it is delicious and very healthy. Try not
    regret !!! “

Indeed, kefir fasting days have a mass
merits Sour milk drink is a product that
will benefit your body, in parallel helping to get rid of
from overweight.

It’s also interesting: “Can I lose weight with a melon?” And
�”Will taking sports nutrition burn excess fat?”.

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