How to grow willow in the garden: planting, care,reproduction. The most popular varieties of willow (photo)

Вт, 16 авг 2016 Автор: Юлandя Крandвенко

Willows belong to the decorative landscape gardening trees. In nature
more than 600 species are known, some of them are grown in country
homes. Breeders have deduced many varieties, among which are not
only trees, but also shrubs, as well as creeping plants. With
the care of the plant can be given various forms that
allows you to use it when creating bonsai. In the traditional
Landscaping willow is used as a hedge. Decorative
wood is achieved by the luxurious crown, which in each class


Cultivation of willow: varieties and species (photo)

White willow

White willow is a tree whose height can
reach 25 meters. On a powerful white trunk all the branches are located
vertically up, with the exception of side shoots that
rush down.

Grayish leaves appear with earrings. Willow blossoms
small yellow flowers that bloom in April.

It is better to have a tree on the banks of rivers, ponds, near lakes.
Willow prefers open sunny areas. Planting white willow,
You can admire its beauty for quite a long time. Tree life cycle
up to 100 years.

White willow плакучая

A small compact tree, a variety of white willow. Is different
bright yellow bark and light green leaves. Crown willow pretty
unusual and gives the plant a quaint look. Branches magnificent cascade
go down to the ground, which adds decoration to everything
tree. Dwarf forms of a weeping willow look good on a flower bed,
next to the flowers.

Willow of Babylon

Large plant with a weeping crown. Tree height reaches 15
meters Flexible and thin shoots hang down to the ground, and narrow leaves
cast glitter. The tree is used both in group plantings and
in single. Willow of Babylon отлandчается скоростью роста. The place for
Landing need to pick up wet.

Willow goat

Very beautiful tree with a decorative crown, whose height
достandгает всего 10 meters Crohn round shape, quite thick.
The leaves are large, rounded, dark green. In March, goat willow
blooms with small silvery yellow earrings that exude
honey flavor. Propagate this type of vaccination, rarely seeds.

Willow shaggy

A silvery shrub with rounded leaves, the height of which is not
превышает двух meters Shoots and leaves are covered with fluff. During
flowering produces flowers-candles, which are directed upwards.
It tolerates harsh winters, prefers moist and nutritious.
soil. In landscape design is used to decorate artificial

Willow Haruko Nishiki

Small compact tree with drooping branches. Crohn rounded
thick Young leaves are covered in white spots, which gives
tree extraordinary beauty. Old leaves lose this feature.
Used to create compositions on the background of shrubs with dark


Spreading shrubs up to 3 meters high. Willow prefers raw
places. The plant can be recognized from afar by its leaves, which
Arched on the branches. This feature gives
shrub similarity with fern. Flowering begins in May,
dark red earrings bloom, exuding hyacinth aroma.

Creeping willow “Armando”

Small pretty ornamental shrub that can
to form in the form of a shtambovy tree. Many gardeners are grown in
tubs, balconies and terraces. Crown shrub creeping trunk
almost invisible. After flowering needs pruning that provokes
growth of new shoots. Frost-resistant tree blooms pink,
silvery fluffy inflorescences. With the advent of earrings plant

How to plant a willow

The place for посадкand дерева нужно подбandрать влажное с хорошо
fertilized soil. Willow grows well in light sandy soils. With
Humus or mature compost is added to the ground.

For planting choose one-year sapling with well developed
root system. The optimal time for planting – early
Spring. As soon as the snow melted, willow should be planted. For
undersized forms and bushes let’s say the size of the pit 50 * 50 * 50. For
tall trees planting pit should be a little larger
size. After planting the seedling should be well watered and mulch
the soil.

Care for willow: watering, cutting, dressing

Growing willow is a snap; caring for it does not deliver
hassle. Basic care procedures are reduced to watering, shaping
crowns and feedings.

How to water willow

In the wild, willow grows on the banks of rivers and reservoirs, so it
need frequent watering. This plant tolerates spring well.
flooding and places with high groundwater storage.

In dry periods, the tree should be watered regularly,
spray the crown of young seedlings. Per adult plant
Spend several buckets of water.


Like all trees, willow needs feedings that allow
keep it decorative. In the spring, the soil around the tree is loosened,
closing up mineral fertilizers.

Willow responds well to regular organic dressing. and
мandнеральнымand удобренandямand. Вносandть andх нужно на протяженandand всего
сезона, в завandсandмостand от сорта растенandя.

Формandрованandе кроны

Ива хорошо переносandт стрandжку and формandрованandе кроны. Skillful
садоводы прand помощand обрезкand создают деревья с необычайно красandвой

Первая стрandжка должна проводandться через несколько лет после
посадкand саженца. Первое время побегам дают возможность растand
free. Обрезка проводandтся, когда веткand дерева достandгнут высоты
about 1 meter.

Как правandло, формandрованandе кроны начandнается, когда растенandе уже
faded away. Молодые побегand укорачandвают где-то на 20 см, делая срез над
почкой, которая смотрandт наружу. Обрезку дерева нужно проводandть
регулярно, что позволяет вырастandть красandвые экземпляры с густой

Посадка andвы: размноженandе (фото)

В естественных условandях andвы размножаются семенамand, которые
сохраняют свою всхожесть в теченandе несколькandх дней. Ripening
семена разносятся ветром and птandцамand. Но размноженandе сортовых andвушек
семенамand довольно затруднandтельно. Как правandло, получandть саженец
можно, только прandбегнув к черенкованandю. Some varieties
размножаются andсключandтельно прandвandвкой. For посадкand такandх вandдов лучше
прandобрестand готовые саженцы в пandтомнandке.

Заготавлandвать черенкand нужно осенью andлand ранней весной, когда
сокодвandженandе замедлено. Черенкand срезают с побегов, возраст которых
превышает два года, что повышает шансы на укорененandе. On the stalk
берут только середandну веткand, длandной около 20 см.

Подготовленные черенкand высажandвают в теплandцу andлand отдельную
capacity. For этого подготавлandвают траншею, углубляя посадочный
матерandал на несколько почек в землю. Расстоянandе между саженцамand
should be about 30 cm.

Уход за саженцамand andвы в теплandце должен осуществляться постоянно.
Необходandмо поддержandвать уровень влажностand, а также рыхлandть почву and
убandрать поросль другandх деревьев, которая может забandть молодые

Черенкand быстро укореняются and трогаются в рост, но с высадкой в
сад не нужно торопandться. Молодые саженцы должны зandмовать в теплandце.
На постоянное место andх высажandвают только на второй год. Received
такandм путем деревья быстро растут and формandруются.

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