How to grow pomegranate from the bone at homeconditions: step by step recommendations. Does pomegranate bloom grown frombones at home

Чт, 31 мар 2016 Автор: Ирина Унжакова

Home-grown pomegranate is
exotic culture in the form of a graceful dwarf tree,
ornamental shrubs growing up to a meter tall with violent
flowering and sufficient fruiting.

When the plant blooms, it is impossible to tear off a look from it, and
its impressive bright red inflorescences are a guarantee of future
fruit with a tart sweet and sour taste.

The yield from such a miniature pomegranate is small, fruit
tied on it a little, but they all reach in diameter not
less than 5 centimeters and in addition to taste, they also have
useful properties that are part of the so-called “apple”.


Features of pomegranate growing at home

• First you need to pick a good planting material, and
just a couple of dozen ripe nucleoli burgundy or white in color
grenade. Germination of a pomegranate is large, but better still
make secure by deciding on such an experiment.

• Pomegranate kernels must be solid, red and free from
films of the fruit itself.

• Next, the nucleoli must be rinsed under water and placed in
zircon solution, in the ratio of 2 droplets per teaspoon of water.
The nucleoli should not be completely closed with this solution, only
half. In this state, the planting material should be
about 12 hours.

• Затем нужно подготовить почву для выращивания grenade. It is better
just take a loose primer, consisting of fertile, saturated
soil and sand with peat in equal proportions.

• Also soil for growing pomegranate can be purchased at
specialized stores – this will be the land created for
flower plants.

Grow pomegranate from the stone at home – as far as

Pomegranate – an unpretentious tree and some special care from
a person who wants to grow it will not require. In connection with what
growing pomegranate trees is that for the grower that
for a beginner, it’s quite a valid and real occupation.

The room where the garnet will be located should be light,
flooded with sunlight. But here, too, it is important not to overreact –
direct rays of the sun can harm the leaves of a tree,
so if the room temperature is above normal and it is necessary to heat it
black out with blinds or curtains.

In summer, pomegranate shrubs need to be taken out into the garden and
prikopat, and in the winter to keep in a cool place.

It is also impossible to keep the plant in the shade otherwise it will completely stop
grow and bloom.

How to grow pomegranate at home: where to start?

In a pot or container with soil prepared as described above.
for growing pomegranate, it is necessary to land the nucleoli, deepening them on
1.5 – 2 centimeters. Then the planting material needs to be powdered.
cover the ground and over with a plastic film that will create some
greenhouse effect and excellent temperature conditions of 25-30 degrees
for successful germination of nucleoli.

The first boring will appear depending on the time of year, to
For example, if the nucleoli were planted at the beginning of the spring season,
then the shoots will make themselves felt in just a couple of weeks. If a
the landing occurred at a different time, the emergence of germs can be
wait for a few months, or even half a year.

With the appearance of the first leaves, plants can be spread on
pots that need to be filled with pomegranate
ground. Weak and sick sprouts are removed permanently.

When transplanting the plant must dive in order to
Further, it is not strongly pulled out. When the third appears
a couple of leaves, the following pinch that stimulates the plant
grow two tops. Then these two twigs also
pinch when the third pair of leaves. No picks
pomegranate will grow a thin twig, good, from which there will be

In the summer, the seedlings are put up on the balcony or in the garden, where
they are before the arrival of the first frost. In the fall, the same got stronger
well-developed plants are seated in separate pots. WITH
the arrival of winter young plants clean in a relatively cold
a place where they are at rest and will have to stay until
the arrival of spring.

In principle, taking care of pomegranate trees at home is easy.
and simple. When summer comes, the pomegranate is brought to fresh air, for
for the tree to breathe and feel at ease, but it is selected for
This place is not where direct sunlight falls.

Water the plant as the soil dries, in which
pomegranate grows. Top dressing and fertilizers are applied at least twice
per month. By the beginning of autumn, watering and fertilizing the soil and plants
reduce. In early September, the tree is taken into the house.

In the winter, no pomegranate care is required.
After the grenade drops the leaf in September, the tree will start
prepare for winter rest and rest before spring

Essentially, the way the plant takes a state of rest and
the quality of flowering and the appearance of the ovaries will depend on following

Before the pomegranate goes into hibernation, the land lump dries
and remove the residual leaves. In principle, a grenade can do without
without overwintering, the plant is simply removed to a special room where
make it all the conditions for home recreation. Tree with ease
going through this period, if only the room temperature is
maintained at least 15 degrees and albeit artificial, but
there is acceptable lighting.

In early spring, buds begin to bloom and pomegranate is carried to
warm place and provide him with abundant watering. After plant
begins to be covered with bright green leaves, and at the tips
shoots annuals appear buds.


For the first time, a pomegranate can bloom only for the tenth month
It is considered from the landing of the nucleoli, and that if the grenade will be missed
Sveta. The number and size of pomegranate flowers entirely
will depend on how the florist wooed the tree.

Important! If a растение не растёт и не
drawn out, and young twigs immediately acquire bark
a reddish tinge, leaves appear wide on the tree and
greenish-brown shade means one thing – the grenade is not enough

When the first flower buds appear, it is necessary to leave
tree no more than two budonchikov, and the rest from the plant
neatly need to be removed.

With proper care for your pet pomegranate bloom
will happen in a year, and at home with its beauty and luxurious
With flowers he will be able to please his household.

In the future, for good fruiting, you can do
artificial pollination using ordinary cotton swabs. But
It would be better if the garnet is pollinated with another
trees. But и в том, и в другом случае к окончанию осеннего сезона
you can remove the first fruits from your pet.

Trimming Home Grenade

Pomegranate requires periodic circumcision. Crown need
cut so that the pomegranate looks like a tree or shrub. AT
spring season pruned young twigs, leaving 2-4
sheet. Pruning is done on the outside of the kidney.

If a проводить регулярную обрезку, подгибание с использованием
wire twigs young, pomegranate tree can be given
any necessary form and exotic beauty.

How to grow pomegranate from the bone at home условиях: почва,

The soil

For the cultivation of homemade pomegranate trees must be taken
loosened airtight soil. AT состав такой почвы
must include coarse river sand, sawdust, compost,
ordinary layer of garden land.

Although universal soil is suitable for growing grata,
used for any indoor plants.

You also need to remember about the drainage, consisting of pebbles and expanded clay,
which is so needed pomegranate tree.


Pomegranate – light-loving plant, therefore, have it at home
recommended from the south, not from the north.

AT тоже время – это декоративное деревце необходимо беречь от
hits on it direct rays of the sun. Therefore, in the hot period
garnet recommended shade.

It is also necessary to remember that the grenade needs a hot climate.
Any particularly cold snap can lead to death.

The required temperature for the desired growth and development of pomegranate
20-25 degrees. If a же температура поднимается выше этой отметки,
in this case, the plant must be taken out on the balcony where there is plenty
light and fresh air.

Top dressing

Feed pomegranate 2-3 times a month – it all depends
from plant growth, a variety of fertilizers. AT весенний период
make nitrogenous components, in the period of flowering phosphorus, in the fall
potassium composition.

It is more expedient to apply fertilizer after it was produced.
watering in gloomy and overcast weather.

Also, before feeding it is recommended that the water remaining in the pan
pour out.

But если плоды с дерева необходимо употребить в еду, лучше
do not use the purchased universal fertilizer, as
the nitrates contained in it must fall into the fruit, and then into
human organism.

Pomegranate from the stone at home: why he

The first thing that can kill a grenade is from the wrong
and careless after him care at home, namely:

• From low temperatures, a pomegranate tree can simply

• From excessive moisture, it can rot, as the bulb, and
plant especially during flowering.

• The death of a grenade can bring heat, a direct hit on
plant sun rays that will first cause burn leaves
trees, and then if time does not deal with the situation withering
самого plants.

• Also deaths are carried by a grenade to pests such as – web
tick, because of which a little white cobweb forms on the leaves and
unpleasant lipkovaty raid, as well as aphid and shieldovka.

• Then do not underestimate such diseases of pomegranate
the trees leading to the death of the plant, like gray mold at the beginning,
leaf cancer, root cancer, which reveals itself to be
dark specks on foliage that are getting bigger if not
treat the plant.

• Another life threatening disease
plants, is – cancer of the branches. Bark on the trunk and branches
pomegranate tree cracks, in connection with what appear
deepest wounds, swollen around the edges. If a вовремя не искоренить
affected areas of the plant, pomegranate tree will die.

But против вредителей можно использовать для излечения граната
various chemicals, tinctures of onion and garlic, as well as of
tobacco mixed with laundry soap. WITHамое главное вовремя
Spray and heal the beloved tree from the disease.

ATыращивание граната в домашних условиях подарит любителю всего
beautiful – delicious fruit, gorgeous blooming appearance
trees that diversify the interior of the house, and bring harmony and
the welfare of his household.

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