How to grow a blackberry? All about blackberries: landing andcare, blackberry trimming, blackberry breeding

Пн, 25 июл 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

Raspberries and blackberries are sisters.

They are very similar. Almost the same for these cultures.
rules of planting and care, breeding and pruning.

The underground part of both plants is perennial, aboveground lives two
years, and then dies.

Therefore, the one and the other for the winter are removed from the seed-bearing

The fruits of these crops are “one berry field”. There is something in common in
the structure of leaves and bushes. These two cultures intersect.

In agrotechnology you can find similar features. But by yield and
the complexity of the difference between black and red berries is huge.

Blackberry berries

Raspberry capricious. She is plagued by pests and diseases. A lot of trouble
delivers shoots. With blackberries, everything is much simpler: it is unpretentious,
easy to care and much more viable raspberries.


Blackberry planting and care

Blackberries are drought resistant and sun-loving. Its roots lie on
a depth of one and a half meters, that is, deeper than that of raspberry. But
you still need to water it, especially at the time of ripening berries. Watering
produce once a week 20-30 liters under a bush.

Blackberries are a more thermophilic plant than raspberries, so in
she needs shelter in central Russia.

Blackberry planting and post-planting care

Blackberry planting, followed by post-landing care
carried out in the spring and autumn. Not winter-hardy varieties are determined by
permanent place only in the spring. Landing more winter-hardy blackberries
spend in the fall, covering with humus or peat, filling a layer of mulch
up to twenty centimeters.

Blackberry before shelter

Dimensions pits for planting blackberries 40 x 40 x 50 cm. In it

• 1/2 compost or humus buckets

• Superphosphate 40 g;

• Ash -40 g.

• When planting blackberries in the ground with an acidic reaction is added
about a hundred grams of lime.

Cumanic (bush erect blackberry) is placed in the row
after one meter, leaving the aisle about two meters.

Blackberries with long flexible branches called dewberry. Her put
in two to three meters with an inter-row width of two to two with
half meters.

After planting, the blackberry is watered by spending a bucket of water on a bush,
and mulch.

Blackberry Care

Top dressing

For a separate bush per year you need:

• Humus – up to 7 kg;

• 60 g of ammonium nitrate in the spring;

• 100 g 100 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium sulfate
in the fall.

Experts recommend watering blackberry mullein or chicken
litters – in a dilution of 1: 4-6 and 1: 10-12 to the water.


The plant gratefully responds to regular watering.
The best option is drip irrigation. The greatest “thirst” blackberry
experiences during ripening berries. Watering обязателен и во время
growth shoots and ovaries. Without water, the berries are shallow and dry. In the autumn
spend podzimny moisture irrigation.

Blackberry Formation and Trimming

Blackberry bush is very powerful and takes 3.5-4.5 meters. For
facilitating the care of blackberry plants and picking berries need a trellis
or another prop. Tallets put on the second year. Between the supports
stretch in three rows of wire, which is subsequently attached
blackberry whip.

Blackberry, like raspberry, has a two-year development cycle. In the first year
it only grows and lays buds. Fruiting begins on
second year. Having lost the crop, the shoots die off.

Formation of cumanic (upright blackberry) and rosyaniki (with
long lashes) is different.

Trimming Blackberry Cumanic

In Cumaník, branches are shortened in the spring to 1.6-1.8 m., Removed
frozen tops.

In late spring – early summer, young sprout shoots
normalized. On one bush they leave from six to eight.

Важный момент в формировании кустов — прищипка или
pinching the tops of the shoots. This procedure causes branching.
shoots. After it, the lateral buds wake up, increasing the area

Regrown lateral twigs are pruned to 40–50 cm.

Blackberry pruning

There are no problems with the formation of a bush – usually there are 2-3 powerful ones in a bush.
fructifying escape lengths of up to 4 meters or more, which, as
grapes tied to the trellis. Despite the power of the shoots
working with them is easy and pleasant. They are quite flexible and not
prick. Now there are many varieties without thorns.

For них обязательна шпалера. To facilitate care, shoots of different
ages “bred” on the trellis in different directions.

After hibernation, the whips that will yield this year are fixed in
one side of the trellis. They can simply be “wound” on the wire.
The newly growing shoots are directed in the other direction.

Winding shoots on the trellis

After harvesting the old side of the bush is cut. Shoots
the next harvest is taken to the ground, covered for the winter and sprinkled
with snow.

Обрезка ежевики после сбора урожая — это удаление
spawning whips. They are cut down or cut from the very
grounds, trying not to leave hemp.

The normalization of the ovaries is also obligatory. First berries
beginning to ripen on the apical inflorescence, you need to pick. Then
blackberry matures well and amicably and it can be removed for a few

It is very convenient to grow blackberries in tires, and in
If necessary, the plant can be easily watered and fed, and
herself the tire serves as a support for berry clusters.

The newly formed blackberry sprouts are pulling away in all directions. They
very fragile and easily broken. They need to be tied up regularly.
to the trellis, pulling up to the wire, forming a bush in advance,
giving the right direction. By September shoots ripen,
become more flexible and easy to use.

Blackberry breeding

Varieties of blackberry culture differ in appearance and
breeding methods. Bred it root suckers,
rooting cuttings and dividing the bush.

Blackberry breeding-куманики

Cumanica looks like raspberry and also forms the root
sprout, through which breeds.

The advantage of blackberry-rosyaniki is that it almost does not give
basal shoots. And it multiplies differently. Rossianiki
разводят укоренением верхушек shoots.

The intermediate variety is semi-inhabiting, it multiplies and
and in other ways.

Blackberry breeding-росяники

Completely simple procedure. Very comfortable rooting apical
почки ее стелющихся shoots. Near uterine plants need to dig
half a shovel spade hole, bend into it the tip of the young escape,
fall asleep and seal it. As soon as the height of ingrained
the shoot will reach 25 cm, the young plant can be separated from
maternal bush and transplant to the right place.

Reproduction of individual varieties of blackberry cuttings is possible.
For example, Thornfrey besides rooting the tops of the shoots can be bred
in this manner.

Blackberries from cuttings

With good care after planting, blackberry fruits every year and
abundantly. Harvest is a pleasure. Black berries with
purple tint, large (up to 6 grams or more), brush
ripens gradually, ripe berries appear in about a day –
two, giving the grower a breather. Moreover, the more regular the collection, the
larger following berries. The dignity of the blackberry is that it matures
after other berries (strawberries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries),
allowing time to disperse the labor costs of collecting and
processing berries.

Blackberry berries не просто полезны, но и целебны, во многом
surpassing even raspberries. They are used as an anti-cold
diaphoretic, tonic and sedative. Interesting,
that overripe berries are laxative, and unripe berries
fixing property. And yet the blackberry is not a medicine, but
delicacy, delicacy. From its berries you can make jam and
compote, grind them with sugar. They make beautiful

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