How to get rid of the smell in shoes? What’s gettingcause unpleasant smell of shoes and how to prevent itappearance?

Пт, 22 апр 2016 Автор: Алексей Нептунов

An unpleasant smell emanating from the shoes brings huge problems
its owner.

The smell of the feet makes a person feel discomfort, avoid
communication and appearance in crowded places.

The causes of this problem may be different, but most often
they are rooted in humans.


How to get rid of the smell of shoes: the causes of unpleasant
the smell

Некоторые люди полагают, что источником неприятного the smell в
the shoe is the shoe itself, others consider such a smell
the norm, however, modern medicine has long proven close
the relationship between foot odor and increased sweating.

Human sweat is 99% water and only 1 percent is from
соли, кислот и аммиака, фактически не имеет the smell. But if in
the body, there are certain violations, the composition and structure
sweat are starting to change, which can lead to a sharp
неприятного the smell. In addition, with increased sweating, he
It does not have time to evaporate and becomes the ideal medium for
the vital activity of bacteria that also exude unpleasant

Для того, чтобы избавиться от the smell в обуви, в большинстве
cases, it is necessary to find the cause of excessive sweating,
which becomes its source.

Of the main non-medical reasons can be identified

1. Wearing shoes, socks and stockings from low-quality materials.
Modern synthetic fabrics prevent evaporation of sweat and not
allow the legs to “breathe.” In addition, sometimes even the fabrics themselves have
специфический неприятный smell. Therefore, for everyday wear
better to buy shoes from high-quality natural materials.

2. Wear tight and uncomfortable shoes. Uncomfortable footwear
causes fatigue and stress that contributes

3. Lack of proper shoe care.

4. Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. Feet need to be washed thoroughly and
regularly, however, too frequent washing can lead to disruption
protective skin layer.

Также причиной неприятного the smell ног и повышенного
sweating can become some diseases:

1. Fungal infection. Если помимо неприятного the smell, появился
itching and irritation in the foot and toes, then with this
problem must be addressed to a dermatologist.

2. Damage to blood vessels and circulatory disorders. Data
foot diseases can cause trophic
disorders and skin defects in which bacteria are rapidly developing.
This problem is typical for older people, and to cope with it
consultation of phlebologist (vascular surgeon) will help.

3. Diseases of the endocrine system. The appearance of a sharp
специфического the smell ног может быть вызвано изменением состава и
the amount of sweat as a result of endocrine disruption.
In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment by an endocrinologist.

4. Hormonal adjustment in women. Cyclic adjustment
often cause excessive sweating, and they also
should be ignored – better consult for advice

Как избавиться от the smell в обуви с помощью специальных

If excessive sweating is not caused by diseases of the body, but
regular footwear care and foot hygiene do not help completely
решить проблему, то избавиться от the smell в обуви помогут аптечные и
магазинные fundsа. In their composition, as a rule, are contained
tannins that reduce sweating and dry the skin, and
also antiseptics that destroy bacteria and microorganisms. By its
структуре и способу применения fundsа от the smell ног можно
divided into the following types:


Это удобное и доступное fundsо хорошо подходит для ежедневного
application. Deodorant must be applied to washed dry skin,
после чего подождать некоторое время, пока fundsо впитается. By
Its effects on the body deodorants are divided into three types:

• Antiperspirants. They completely block the sweat glands,
therefore not suitable for permanent use.

• Normalizing deodorants. Unlike antiperspirants, not
block sweating completely, and support it on
minimum level.

• Medical deodorants. Эти fundsа направлены на борьбу не с
by the sweat itself, and with the bacteria that live in it, which are
причиной the smell.

Ointments and creams

Creams, lotions and ointments that reduce sweating are
эффективным fundsом в борьбе с неприятным запахом ног. In contrast
from deodorants, they do not remain on the surface of the skin, but are absorbed
into it, so their action has a longer lasting effect.
Creams and ointments are well suited for regular use, to
besides their main action, they also have a beneficial effect
on the skin of the feet, softening and moisturizing it.

Аптечные fundsа

Byмимо мазей и дезодорантов существует еще несколько эффективных
funds, снижающих потоотделение в области ног и обладающих
antiseptic effect:

• potassium-aluminum alum;

• Teymurov’s pasta;

• lavender oil;

• boric acid;

• formidon;

• Oak bark;

• trays with sea salt.

Как избавиться от the smell в обуви народными методами

Медикаментозное лечение и специальные fundsа позволяют
effectively deal with the increased sweating that
most cases cause unpleasant
the smell. Однако как избавиться от the smell в обуви, если и сама обувь
also gradually absorbs sweat and, accordingly, can become
bacteria and, in some cases, even fungus and
mold? After all, shoes can not always be washed in a washing machine,
Yes, and dry it completely quite problematic. To combat
The smell of shoes invented a lot of folk methods, and each of them
effective in its own way:

1. Direct sunlight. The sun’s rays are not only good
dry shoes, but also have a detrimental effect on bacteria and
microorganisms that accumulate over time in its internal

2. Freezing. Low temperature, as well as high, is
мощным fundsом в борьбе с бактериями, вызывающими неприятный
smell. To get rid of them, just put shoes
wrapped in a plastic bag in the freezer on
long time.

3. Antiseptics. Для того чтобы избавиться от the smell в обуви,
it must be treated from the inside with a cloth or sponge soaked in
antiseptic substance. Из подручных funds для этих целей
hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, ammonia, vodka or
manganese solution. To achieve the best result procedure
processing can be repeated several times.

4. Adsorbents. To household adsorbents include such
substances like baking soda, flour and activated carbon. They are good
absorb moisture and odors, however, treat them shoes
be careful not to spoil its external

5. Toilet paper and newspapers. Quickly dry drenched in sweat.
shoes can be placed inside the crumpled scraps of newspapers and toilet

Как избавиться от the smell обуви навсегда: секреты ухода за

In the fight against unpleasant smell in shoes are important not only correctly
selected methods, but also prevention. Shoes, as well as leather
feet, needs regular care and hygiene.

The basic rule: shoes should be dry. Shoes removed and
sneakers need to be left open so that they have time
to air out Even if it is a favorite pair of shoes, you should not wear it
every day, and, especially, to leave socks in it. Soaked shoes
must be dried immediately, if necessary using newspapers or
special electric dryers.

It is necessary to wash shoes not only outside, but also inside, regularly
протирая ее влажной тряпкой и изредка антисептическими fundsами.
Защитные и водоотталкивающие fundsа также играют немаловажную
role because it prevents strong getting wet shoes.

Do not forget about the insoles. Better to use removable
insoles of high quality natural materials that can
periodically change, dry and wash. You can also use
special deodorizing insoles that have a pleasant
aroma and processed antibacterial substances.

Cleanliness and dryness should be not only in the shoes, but also in
the place where it is stored. Do not forget to wipe inside and
air cabinets and shelves, and if necessary, put inside
special fragrances with a pleasant aroma and absorbing
unpleasant odors.

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