How to get rid of mold on the walls in the apartment:causes. How to remove mold on the walls inan apartment?

Пн, 25 апр 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Today there is not a single modern
separate or building material on which would not start

Everywhere there are microspores, which, after falling into
favorable environment, immediately begin to multiply.

It is fraught with the fact that these dark and green dots are capable
provoke a huge number of diseases as they are
very strong allergens.

The fungus is able to spread over the surface with a large
speed, so get rid of the mold on the walls in the apartment
need as soon as possible.


Mold on the walls in the apartment: the reasons for how to identify it

Before you start dealing with such an unpleasant problem, you need
find out what it is, why it is black and how it is

Mold is a group of microorganisms such as Strachybotrus
Chartarun and Strachybotys Bcmpa, which are capable of causing a person
big health problems. She may appear in every corner
your home, including ceiling tiles, wood (which
soaked with moisture), walls, floor and carpets. If you have
problems with plumbing and there are even minor leaks,
this can lead to the emergence and multiplication of mold, because
best of all she feels in a wet environment. For example,
if your carpet is wet and not completely dry, it can
mold that will then begin to spread throughout

If you touch the mold stain with a gloved hand, you can
feel that she is very slimy. Most often such a mold
sometimes black but sometimes may be greenish or yellow
shades. It happens that she appears in the “dead” for
human sight of places, and you about it do not even suspect. But
if you suddenly find it hard to breathe or allergic
reaction – carefully inspect your apartment, perhaps this
due to mold.

Mold is a toxic fungus that is capable of having the same
success spread on wooden, stone and brick
coating. In the case of wood, this fungus can only be removed by
cutting off the infected part of the surface. Make it as you can
earlier, since one year is enough for a fungus to
completely destroy the wood.

Where does she come from? Let’s define the root causes.
the occurrence of mold in the room.

1. Промерзание наружной стены. If plaster
insufficiently securely attached to the surface of the wall, it begins
freeze and melt. Mold in this case begins to occur on
the joints, in the corners and outwardly very similar to the black patina.

2. Слабая вентиляция. This factor is more
the whole is reflected in the healthy environment of the kitchen and bathroom, i.e.
rooms in which humidity is always elevated. There is no system
air conditioning, insufficient airing, dense
plastic windows, and, as a result, in the corners of the walls begins to arise

3. Грунтовая сырость. If horizontal
the insulation is installed incorrectly, the fungus may appear at the junction of the floors
and walls.

4. Неисправность водопровода. If in your
plumbing appeared malfunction and began to flow pipes, fungus
will begin to spread at high speed. If not solve this
problem at the initial stages, it can cost the owners serious

5. Протекание крыши. If it’s warm outside, but
This factor is not terrible, but the very first serious precipitations can
form extensive drips that after a while
превратятся в черную mold. In winter, such leaks are fraught with
frozen water may remain in the plaster.

6. Недостаточное отопление в помещении. If a
your apartment or private rooms are bad or not at all
отапливаются, она начинает сыреть и проявляется fungus.

Each of the above causes of mold becomes
consequence of high humidity in the room. Let’s see
how to get rid of it.

How to get rid of mold on the walls in the apartment: народные

If a плесень в вашей квартире находится на начальном этапе
development does not necessarily use chemistry, you can get along and
народными facilitiesми.

Масло чайного дерева — одно из самых
effective means to combat mold. He has a rather sharp
the scent, but you don’t have to worry about it, it’s gone very soon. it
oil has excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties,
and, in addition to eliminating absolutely all types of mold, it also
helps to cure pediculosis, dandruff and nail fungus. therefore
A bottle of this oil must be present in your
house. To get rid of mold apply the following recipe: take 1
hl oil and 1 teaspoon of water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle,
Shake and spray on contaminated sites.

It is also quite effective in fighting mold
стенах является обыкновенный уксус. It does not contain
toxins and it can be called a safe alternative
chemistry As shown by recent studies, even 5% vinegar solution
will be enough to kill 99% of bacteria and 80% of viruses.
So, take a spray bottle and pour 5% vinegar into it. At the first
Signs of fungus on the walls immediately sprayed
infected zones. If a вас пугает запах, в состав можно добавить
a few drops of essential oil, or even better – oils

Another exotic, but no less effective means of combating
с плесенью является экстракт семян грейпфрута.
You can buy them online or in a health food store.
To prepare the solution, we need to mix 20 drops of the extract and
2 cups cold water. We mix components in a spray and
sprayed on contaminated sites.

How to get rid of mold on the walls in the apartment: химия

If a же плесень в вашей квартире распространяется очень быстро,
and you can do nothing with it, you can use
химическими facilitiesми. Each of the methods listed below,
is quite toxic, so you need to work with them very
neatly, some of them are not only harmful
cover, but also to the person himself.

1. Отбеливатель. Take 1 cup of bleach
and diluted in 1 liter of water. Bleach perfectly cleans everything
surface with the exception of porous materials. One more
The disadvantage of this method is an aggressive chemical reaction.
bleach, it can ruin the color of your carpet,
leaving toxic fumes in it.

2. Бура. This option perfectly cleans solid
surface, moreover, it does not emit any toxic gases, but
on soft surfaces like carpet, it is completely ineffective.

3. Аммиак. Prepare a solution consisting of
ammonia and water in the ratio of 1 to 1. This solution should not be mixed
with bleach, as this will create toxic fumes. Fill
раствор в пульверизатор и распыляем его на infected zones. After
spraying the solution should be left on the surface for several
hours, then wash off.

4. Перекись водорода. Fill 3% перекись
hydrogen into a spray bottle, spray it on the infected zones and
leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash off. Despite the fact that
this option is considered an alternative
bleach it is also capable of spoiling some

How to get rid of mold on the walls in the apartment, to prevent
her appearance

Do not forget that to prevent the occurrence of mold on the walls
куда проще, чем с ней fight. For this you need to comply with a number
simple rules:

  • Ventilate all rooms as often as possible, including the kitchen and

  • linen should be dried on the balcony or the street, but in no case
    in the bathroom;

  • make sure that the sewers and taps are always in good condition

  • do not forget to open the curtains in all rooms during the day;

  • install ventilation in the bathroom and kitchen;

  • heat all rooms to avoid hypothermia

  • the bathroom door should always be left open;

  • do not grow geraniums and violets, in these colors it loves
    start and multiply fungus;

  • Do not install furniture too close to the walls to air
    could circulate freely;

  • during the repair work, use moisture-proof

Mold is a very dangerous and unpleasant enemy, but to fight it
can and should be, and the sooner you start doing it, the easier it will be for you
will get rid of the fungus on the walls.

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