How to get rid of bugs in the croup. Effective andsafe insect control methods

Вт, 31 май 2016 Автор: Римма Сергеева

If you find bugs in the kitchen, then we can assume that your
food stocks such as flour and cereals were under
a threat.

It’s not possible to completely remove insects by ordinary sifting.
since the eggs of the bugs are so small that they easily leak into
sieve holes.

Today you will learn how to get rid of bugs in flour and croup
quickly and without the use of harmful chemicals.


How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: types of insects

Types of kitchen pests

In the house, bread grinders, flour-crustaceans,
red mucoids and food moth.

Bread grinder

Grain grinders are small flying bugs
light brown color. In size they reach 3 mm. These
pests attract dried bakery products, as well as coffee,
tea, dried medicinal plants. In the apartment they fall into
bags of food and feed purchased for home

Flour bug

Also often in the kitchen cupboard you can see a flour bug.
Insect length about 4 mm. These красно-коричневых вредителей
brought to the apartment in bags of flour or in bags of starch.
Insects are easy to penetrate into any boxes in which
there are bulk products. They settle not only wheat flour,
but also in rye and rice flour, in rolled oats and semolina. Occasionally
they can be seen in buckwheat, dried fruit and rice. Fast-bugs fast
multiply. They lay eggs in cereals, flour, in the crevices of the tables and
cabinets. After hatching, pests crawl around the house in search of
suitable food.

Red mucoed

Red mucoed — жучок 2,5 мм длиной. In the house falls from a low
quality pet food. Insect prefers
eat cereals, grains, or spoiled flour whose moisture
exceeds 15%. If the pest does not find suitable food,
then he just dies.

Food moth

Food moth — это еще один вредитель муки и круп на the kitchen.
An adult insect has the appearance of a gray butterfly up to 10 mm long. She is
appears in products as a result of their improper processing and
storage. Also, the mole enters the kitchen through open windows or
ventilation. It can often be seen in pasta packages, in tea,
cocoa, in a package with dried fruits. On contaminated products you
find a thin web and small yellow worms.

Many people are looking for the answer to the question of how to get rid of bugs on
the kitchen. The fact is that in insect-damaged products
All sorts of fungi and bacteria are settled, which can become
cause allergies and even poisoning.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: methods of struggle

If you have bugs in your kitchen, you need them immediately.

1. If the degree of damage to food is negligible,
no need to hurry to throw them away. Groats in this case should
weed out with a sieve and heated in an oven at a temperature
110 ° C.

2. Also, pest pests can be destroyed if on the day
put the cereal, in which the insects settled, in the freezer
the camera.

3. If you find bugs and larvae in beans or peas, from
You can get rid of them as follows. Fill beans with salt water
and leave for a few minutes. When the larvae and the insects themselves
float to the surface, water needs to be drained and clean beans
to dry.

4. It is better to discard heavily damaged pest products,
because by eating them you can inflict irreparable
harm to health.

5. To forget about the bugs in the table or kitchen cabinet, first
all you need to get rid of the larvae and eggs of insects. All lockers
should be released from the products and wipe them with a solution of vinegar. On
one liter of water is enough to take one tablespoon of liquid. Slots
drawers need to pour boiling water. Jars in which flour is stored and
grits should be washed thoroughly with soap and then
sprinkle with hot water. If used to store food
tissue bags, then for their treatment suitable saline solution.
Rinse is not necessary, then the bugs will not be put back in them again.
the eggs.

How to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals: folk

Also to combat insect pests in the kitchen can
использовать народные facilities:

1. Rescues pyrethrum powder from flour bugs. This means
can be purchased at the pharmacy. Handle shelves cabinets need one
once a week until the complete disappearance of pests.

2. Kitchen insects do not tolerate sharp odors. To help you
citrus peels, garlic, bay leaf and nutmeg will come.
Spread these products in the corners of the cupboards after cleaning.

3. Get rid of the food moth will help fragrant lavender. Can
use as a small bunch of these fragrant flowers, wrapped
gauze and lavender essential oil applied on cotton wool

4. In places where cereals and flour are stored, place cotton pads.
with aroma oils of any of these plants: rosemary, geranium, carnation,
basil or fir.

5. Sprigs of wormwood placed in kitchen cabinets scare away

6. Onсекомые позабудут о ваших products if the corners
cabinets spread out fresh walnut leaves possessing
specific smell.

How to get rid of bugs in the croup with the help of borax

Borax is a multifunctional tool that is widely
used in everyday life. With it, you can not only perfectly clean
toilet bowl, but also effectively deal with mold, mice and kitchen

1. You can get rid of insects in the house by preparing balls according to
special recipe. According to the proven method, you will need
following ingredients:

• powdered sugar;

• millet;

• borax.

Millet need to grind on a coffee grinder. All components mix in
equal proportions and roll the balls out of them. Lockers pre
should be cleaned and sanitized. Razlagaem in the corners
cooked balls. From time to time we update them.

2. Also from insects helps another mixture. For her
preparations will be needed:

• dry yeast;

• sugar;

• borax.

Components should be finely grind, put on paper and
spread out in those places in the kitchen where the annoying
insects. As experience shows, over time pests
will disappear.

These methods are not only effective, but also
security. So, compositions with brown are harmless to pets.
and people.

How to get rid of bugs in the croup: prevention

1. Keep perfect in kitchen tables and cabinets

2. For storing cereals and flour, use a sealed container.

3. Do not purchase products “in reserve”.

4. Occasionally check food stocks for availability.

5. Also for storing food can be made canvas bags. Their
before use you need to boil for half an hour in a strong
salt solution. Iron them when they dry. In such bags
insects will not start anymore.

6. Since most often pests are brought into the house from the store,
after the purchase of cereals it is recommended to put it on the day
freezer or warm in the oven. Under influence
temperatures the larvae will die and will not be able to populate the kitchen.

7. To avoid the appearance of bugs in nuts and dried fruits,
store them in the fridge.

8. Make sure that the kitchen space is regularly
was aired. Many insects do not tolerate fresh air.

9. If you find in acquired insect grains or
larvae, it is best to throw away such a purchase. By this
the reason do not buy potentially dangerous products for low

10. Ventilation holes in the apartment should be in advance.
close up with fine mesh.

11. In a container with cereals, it is desirable to put a clove of garlic. On
the taste of the product is not affected.

12. Make sure that the surface of the sink and the tables in the kitchen
have always been dry because insects need constant
water sources.

13. Do not leave in the sink for a long time dirty dishes.

14. Hide the rest of the food in the refrigerator.

15. Regularly clean the kitchen.

Onсекомые на кухне — это не приговор. Now you know how
get rid of the annoying pests that encroach
food stocks. Using the simple tips, you
forever forget about such misfortunes as kitchen bugs.

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