How to feed seedlings pepper: schedulefertilizer application. Top dressing of pepper seedlings nationalby means

ATт, 02 май 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

The yield of most crops depends on seedlings, peppers do not
an exception.

If plants have a plump stem, the leaves are succulent and well.
developed, then we can talk about strong seedlings.

To grow quality seedlings, experienced
gardeners resort to feeding, the main role is given to the people

How to feed seedlings of pepper, so that the crop pleased? About it
will be discussed further.


Do you need feedings for pepper seedlings and what

Novices in horticulture believe that the more nutritious
substances introduced into the soil, the better the harvest. But it is not always
justified. If the soil is nutritious, rich in nutrients and
the crops on it bear fruit well, then add something extra
not necessary. Feeding is applied wisely, as an excess of nutrients
substances as harmful as their lack. Healthy plants
gaining extra green mass, which negatively affects

Fertilizers are applied only if the seedlings are sluggish, grows poorly and

Seedlings of pepper are fertilized according to the following scheme:

• when the first true leaves appear;

• after the third pair of leaves;

• 7 days before landing in the ground;

• 10 days after disembarkation;

• during the formation of buds.

The first feeding is aimed at the formation of a good root
system and plant stem. The second time seedlings pepper fed,
to form leaf cover. Before planting, the peppers are fertilized with
to increase plant resistance to the environment.
Subsequent feeding helps female flowers not to crumble,
increase yield.

Important! Feed the seedlings no more than 1 time in 10

Before you apply the feed, it is important to know what and when to make
into the soil. As soon as the plants had their first true leaf,
seedlings are fed phosphate-potassium fertilizers, after which
switch to nitrogen. In the period of budding feed again
potassium plants.

Folk remedies for feeding pepper seedlings

Наиболее эффективными по сравнению с магазинными by means
are home feedings for seedlings, the choice of which is very

• cleaning vegetables and fruits;

• plant residues of herbs;

• compost;

• manure or bird droppings;

• ash;

• iodine, manganese or boric acid.

Each top dressing is applied as necessary, if at all
the reasons.

How to replenish stocks of phosphorus and potassium in plants

Зола — ценное питательное удобрение, которое не
only feeds seedlings, but also strengthens its immunity, increases
survival rate and disease resistance.

Ash dressing is used twice at the cultivation stage.
seedlings, but separate from nitrogen fertilizers. Together such
fertilizing is not carried out, since ash destroys nitrogen.

Ash top-dressing replenishes stocks of potassium and phosphorus in plants,
therefore, it will be applied at the very beginning of growth and during budding.
Moisten the soil under the seedlings, then sprinkle with ashes. Effectively
apply ash infusion as fertilizing.

Ash recipe:

• wood ash – 200 g;

• water – 10 liters.

Dilute ash in a bucket of water, mix well and infuse the mixture.
3-5 days Then the mixture is drained and used for watering.

С этой же целью применяют и банановую кожуру,
which is a good source of potassium.

Recipe banana feeding:

• banana peel – 2-3 pieces;

• water – 3 liters.

For infusion use fresh or dried peel of bananas, which
pre-crushed, filled with water and insist 2-3 days.
The finished solution is filtered and used for fertilizing seedlings

It is important in the early stages of growth of seedlings to feed her infusion
яичной скорлупы. The shell does not contain
only potassium, phosphorus, but calcium, iron, magnesium. These elements
стимулируют рост seedlings.

Recipe for egg plant for pepper seedlings:

• egg shell – 2 pcs;

• water – 3 liters.

Crush eggs from eggshell, pour cold water and
insist 3 days, stirring occasionally. Ready infusion filter.
Top dressing is prepared from 1 glass of infusion and 3 liters of water.

Top dressing with nitrogen for pepper seedlings

A good source of nitrogen is bird droppings. Infusion for
feeding is prepared from fresh or dry litter. Apply top dressing
before planting seedlings in the ground can only be 1 time.

Recipe of bird droppings infusion:

• bird droppings – 1 part;

• water – 2 parts.

Litter placed in any container, except iron, and pour water.
Stir the mixture and insist 3 days in the sun. For feeding
use 1 cup of infusion, diluting it with 10 parts of water.

Nutrient mixture for dressings with a high nitrogen content
можно приготовить из скошенной травы или

Herbal dressing recipe:

• water – 10 liters;

• grass – 1 bucket.

Cut grass or weeds without seeds left over
weeding, pour a bucket of water and insist in a sunny place. Infusion
considered ready when the fermentation process is over. To feed
use 1 cup of infusion, bringing it up to 5 with water

Дрожжевая подкормка для перцев известна уже
long. She doesn’t only stimulates the growth of seedlings, but also saves it from
fungal disease, significantly increases the yield.

Yeast infusion recipe:

• yeast – 100 grams;

• sugar – 150 gr;

• water – 5 l.

For the preparation of infusion using wet alcohol yeast. AT
Capacity fall asleep sugar, add yeast and pour water. «ATарят»
fertilizer in the sun, in an open container until it ends
fermentation. The working solution is prepared from 250 grams of infusion and buckets

This solution seedlings fertilized not only at the root, but also
superficially. Experienced gardeners noticed that such dressing
significantly increases the number of ovaries, which increases

Home dressings of pepper seedlings with ammonia have a number of
benefits, since alcohol is rich in nitrogen.

Recipe alcohol dressing:

• ammonia – 20 mg;

• water – 8-10 liters.

Mix ammonia with water, and feed in one
same day. Such fertilizer helps to cope with the honey-bear. For this
after planting seedlings we water the bed with ready-made solution.

Fertilizing seedlings of pepper, as the prevention of disease

Many dressings are directed not only to the formation of seedlings,
but also on the disinfection of the soil, the prevention of fungal diseases.

One of the most common recipes is dressing.
seedlings with iodine. It is carried out once in order to prevent or in
as a treatment until symptoms disappear.

Recipe for iodine tincture:

• water – 10 liters;

• iodine – 15 drops;

• milk or whey – 1 l.

Milk or whey mixed with iodine and diluted
water The mixture is used immediately after preparation. Spraying
spend the evening or early in the morning. Repeat prophylactic
processing immediately after the rain.

To improve the composition of the soil and feed plants help coffee
гуща, которую вносят в лунки при посадке seedlings. In addition, for
soil disinfection and dressing apply onion infusion.

Onion tincture recipe:

• onion peel – 200 gr;

• water – 3-5 liters.

Husk pour water and insist 5 days, after which the solution
strain and use for feeding seedlings after disembarkation

How to feed pepper seedlings popular
by means

To feed brought maximum benefit, you need to make them
correct and only as needed.

1. • It is better to feed seedlings in the morning in cold summer,
so that by the night the bed is dry. Cold weather and wet soil
contributes to the development of fungal diseases;

2.•ATоду для внекорневых подкормок используют теплую.

3. • Fertilizers are applied only after irrigation, so that the soil is

4. • After dressing the soil needs to be loosened, which will provide access
oxygen to the roots of plants.

How to determine what the plant lacks

ATнешний вид растений подскажет, чего не хватает рассаде, какую
feeding is better to apply.

If there is a shortage of nitrogen, then this is indicated by
нижние листья seedlings. They become faded, lose green
coloring. Plant growth slows down.

If the upper leaves turn pale in the seedlings, the plants lack
gland. And their withering indicates a lack of copper. That
seedlings need phosphorus, they say purple streaks on

ATнимательно следите за растениями, на разных этапах развития
there is a shortage of different elements. Use only those
feedings that are needed.

Ready-made organic mixture for feeding pepper seedlings

No less effective for feeding seedlings are
organic natural blends that are used instead of homemade
fertilizers or with them.

For dressings it is better to choose liquid fertilizers that are better.
absorbed by the roots of plants. The solution for feeding seedlings prepare
not as strong as for adult plants.

Good results are shown by the following fertilizer solutions:

Кемира-Люкс — для рассады и цветов;

Кристалон — для формирования корневой

Гуми — повышает стрессоустойчивость

Идеал — формирует корневую систему.

ATносить удобрение необходимо согласно инструкции, не изменяя
dosage, otherwise the benefits of its use will not.

Now you know how to feed seedlings of pepper during growth and
the formation of the fruit, it remains only to choose a recipe and harvest
keep you waiting. Be sure to consider the plants need
nutrients. Remember the golden rule of the gardener – better
do not feed than to feed seedlings.

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